I mean, people have the reactions they have. By the time you get around to discussing it, the reaction ship has already sailed.
I guess. I'm just trying to understand why they can't enjoy it, clumsily, I'll admit.
But are you really trying to understand their viewpoint? The things you've written so far in this thread haven't come across that way to me. They come across more like "Guys guys GUYS, you're all having the TOTALLY WRONG reaction here. Can't you SEE that?"
I read the comic and basically shrugged. I'm not outraged. It clearly exists in that bizarre RomCom universe where shit that would make you a creepy weirdo in the real world is instead coded to make a character endearing and adorable. Those are the overt signals the media gives us about the character, which guides our interpretation of the character. I see it, I recognize it, yadda yadda yadda.
But we are also in the midst of a cultural change, where a lot of our RomCom tropes are being re-examined. John Cusack's character in Say Anything was considered romantic 30 years ago, but he'd probably be considered a pushy, obnoxious jerk with boundary issues now. Same thing with this comic; the tropes themselves are being criticized, not merely Mochi au Lait's specific implementation of the tropes in this comic.
However, I don't agree with saying it's not comedy because it's morally wrong, this is the one thing I'll be stubborn about, thus the thing I won't talk about any more.
I agree that it's a comedy. I just don't think "it's a comedy" is a "Get out of criticism free" card.
I mean, Amos & Andy was a comedy.
That sounds good. I would continue on the subject of separating fiction from reality, but I'll be repeating myself and that doesn't seem to be interesting for many people. Sadly, but as usual, I guess I could conclude with to each their own.
But again, this sounds less like a genuine attempt to engage people and find out what they think, and more of a back-handed way of telling them they're reacting wrong. "*I* don't have any problem separating fiction from reality. Why can't you people do it?"
last edited at Feb 1, 2018 6:55PM