This, here, is basically a "Cute girls doing cute things" manga, with a genders twist to it. The author is obviously a doujin artist that got recently serialized.
I don't see a whole lot of resemblance to cute-girls-doing-cute-things manga, except maybe in the sense that it's somewhat a slice-of-life story. The main theme in the manga appears to be about understanding and accepting yourself and those different from you. This has been especially apparent in the latest chapter, with Tetsu trying to come to terms with his attraction to Mogu, and what that means about himself and his identity.
This theme has been present throughout the entire story as well. The first story arc, chapters one through four, was driven by Mei's frustration with Mogu who was uncomfortable with the "girlyboy" label. Mei felt that being a "girlyboy" was the only acceptable way to even approach being a girl.
Of course, Mogu went to the cafe in the first place because they were persuaded by Tetsu that they'd be accepted there.
By the end of the arc Mei realized she was happiest just being a girl, with no pretenses, and that it was okay do that. Mogu was, quite possibly for the very first time, completely accepted by her peers. There was actual, real growth. Hopefully that continues!
I would talk about the continuation of these themes in the second arc, but I'm tired. Maybe I'll do it some other time.
I only found out about this manga today and I'm honestly pretty impressed with it. it's not perfect, but I can see the author trying, and I'm happy with that. Hope it doesn't continue on for ages with a love triangle. I have a suspicion Kotone might be gay though, and that maybe she'll hook up with Mei. Hard to say right now. She definitely doesn't have a chance against Tetsu though... a different kind of Plot Armor I suppose.
edit: also
KawaiiSuika posted:
This most recent chapter literally just showed a girl being attracted to another girl but whatever
I'm not sure she's actually a lesbian. She got androphobia, for sure, but both people she's supposedly attracted to are actually somewhat of a fuzzy gender. As of now, she's the only AFAB of the catalog.
Yeah, it's a bit early to put on the yuri goggles. The way she seems to respond favorably to cute, "feminine" appearances and clothing (as shown by her reaction to Mogu's borrowed clothes and... Mei in general) suggests it's a possibility, but I don't see enough clues to say it decisively yet. It's a path the story could take, and there's suggestions, but it's far from certain at this point.
last edited at Jan 11, 2019 11:59PM