Forum › Posts by SrNevik
Ayaka gets her girl! Love that kiss but also Sal's ability to draw angry and intense scenes. That grab and the faces she made were both fierce!
Hiroko is too overprotective to the point of self sabotage. Nice that Ayaka finally made her understand that she doesn't need protecting from the inevitable shit they'll get (whatever that will be). As long as Ayaka is truly prepared for it, they can climb the ladder and together, take on whatever toxic crap gets thrown their way.
last edited at Aug 8, 2023 4:57PM
I mean, Bloom into You was also the subtitle and nobody really bat an eye.
Yes, because in that instance it didn't cause confusion. Still, they didn't need to do that then. It's better to use the actual title (unless it's impossible to translate). The subtitle for Become Yours was at least similar to the title, so they could get away with it.
Just to clarify, the "Eventually, I Will Become Yours" is a mistranslation. The Japanese title is more akin to "Eventually, becoming you", and "Bloom into you" is just a more fanciful/flowery way to say the same thing. It might not be a good example for this discussion.
Yeah, I know but still thanks for the clarification. You're right that it works even better because there's little difference between the two. So they're actually very, very close to each other--as you say, just a more fanciful way of saying the same thing. A lot different from this manga.
last edited at Aug 6, 2023 5:56PM
At this point with the way people are hyper analyzing and focusing on the English title of “Throw Away the Suit Together” and seeing this solely as a run away from the life sucking corporate workforce should know the Japanese title is “君としらない夏になる“ or properly translated “Into a Summer I Never Knew With You”.
It is an interesting point to consider, because while the Japanese title is 君としらない夏になる, it is also "Throw Away the Suit Together". That English title isn't an invention of the scanlators or the localizers, it's literally printed on the cover of the Japanese volumes. And considering how it's not even close to a literal translation, it definitely feels like an intentional choice rather than Engrish gone wrong. It makes me wonder what the mangaka/editor's reasons were for choosing it, because it's not like "Into a Summer I Never Knew With You" is a bad title at all.
"Throw Away the Suit Together" is the subtitle. The English version's turning the subtitle into the title (and dropping the real title) is where the real issue comes from. It's good that Seven Seas will use the full title, though. The reasons for choosing that subtitle might still be interesting to learn, but sometimes the reasons for chosen English phrases are a bit suspect.
I mean, Bloom into You was also the subtitle and nobody really bat an eye.
Yes, because in that instance it didn't cause confusion. Still, they didn't need to do that then. It's better to use the actual title (unless it's impossible to translate). The subtitle for Become Yours was at least similar to the title, so they could get away with it. In this instance they are not at all the same and can create different expectations. I'd actually had this complaint from the beginning. "The Summer You Were There" is another one. But that english subtitle's meaning is close to the original japanese title. So it can pass. "Hana Ni Arashi"/ "Nanoha and Chidori" is another innocuous example.
last edited at Aug 6, 2023 5:40PM
Are they supposed to go through the drudgery of their present jobs in order to save up for the opportunity to try to do again the thing that didn’t work the the first time?
Or do they sit on the couch at the end of a hard week having a beer and wistfully saying, “Remember that one summer we took off and went to the island? That was so great . . . Too bad we can’t do that”?
They could do either of those things. The ending can be viewed pessimistically or optimistically. Like with most open endings, it really depends on the reader's own outlook more than anything. So there'll likely always be those disagreements.
We'll never know how it truly ends up, beyond the fact that they are definitively together at the end, and clearly present themselves as smiling, happy and still determined to succeed. The endings tone is bright. They have confident strides, as Hinoto begins to say something that strongly hints at her future intent. They weren't prepared before but who is to say what'll happen next? Personally, having seen them fight throughout this story, I trust their ability and desire to continue forward; I find enviable strength, perseverance and hope from their depiction. It could have ended with a narrator's "ganbare, girls!" and that would have fit the mood.
Just wish we had more time with them.
last edited at Aug 6, 2023 4:25PM
At this point with the way people are hyper analyzing and focusing on the English title of “Throw Away the Suit Together” and seeing this solely as a run away from the life sucking corporate workforce should know the Japanese title is “君としらない夏になる“ or properly translated “Into a Summer I Never Knew With You”.
It is an interesting point to consider, because while the Japanese title is 君としらない夏になる, it is also "Throw Away the Suit Together". That English title isn't an invention of the scanlators or the localizers, it's literally printed on the cover of the Japanese volumes. And considering how it's not even close to a literal translation, it definitely feels like an intentional choice rather than Engrish gone wrong. It makes me wonder what the mangaka/editor's reasons were for choosing it, because it's not like "Into a Summer I Never Knew With You" is a bad title at all.
"Throw Away the Suit Together" is the subtitle. The English version's turning the subtitle into the title (and dropping the real title) is where the real issue comes from. It's good that Seven Seas will use the full title, though. The reasons for choosing that subtitle might still be interesting to learn, but sometimes the reasons for chosen English phrases are a bit suspect.
last edited at Aug 6, 2023 12:34PM
So many describing this as realistic worries me. As a very ''free spirited'' kind of person I did not manage to meet the expectations society has for us. Everywhere you go there will be opportunities and people willing to help you. Life does not need to be this grey.
Guess it depends on outlook and whether you view them as defeated at the end, or not. I don't view them as defeated or sad. They're happy and continuing to move forward, having had new life experiences and newfound focuses. They did get that help from many people throughout the manga but it didn't workout. Yet, they're still open to new opportunities, they're relationship stronger as a result. That's what they're searching for as they separate for the day. They're still fighting, still dreaming. It just has taken a detour. I don't think the story is saying not to dream or that dreams are always unattainable.
last edited at Aug 6, 2023 10:50AM
At this point with the way people are hyper analyzing and focusing on the English title of “Throw Away the Suit Together” and seeing this solely as a run away from the life sucking corporate workforce should know the Japanese title is “君としらない夏になる“ or properly translated “Into a Summer I Never Knew With You”.
While yes, the story’s catalyst was Haru being over-encumbered with stress by the perpetual work rejections and them running away as a result, it was never solely about it. From the Japanese title, it clearly is less work focused unlike the English one and more about a brand new experiences, the good and bad ones, during the summer they were on the island. Their time on the island also shows how important it is to realize running away from problems isn’t a permanent solution because they will have to face the reality of those problems sooner or later, and that in the end they didn’t let those problems break them apart. I do think when the story releases in English, Seven Seas should rethink the localized title over to not give people a different expectations about the focus of the story.
Good point. Especially the "with you" in the title. Forgot to mention that in my comment about the story's focus. Always a weird English title and an example of the problems that can cause. Maybe helped cause at least some of the different expectations.
"One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
Shockingly good. A very real and emotionally honest story about love in the face of an unkind reality. In the early chapters there was a growing sense of unease, lingering shots of our girls silently stressed out, problems beginning to crop up that get waved off with half formed plans. This was coming the entire time. They were never gonna be able to make a perfect life so easily. They didn't have the means. But they've found a happiness to strive for and a happiness to get them through the worst of times. That's love. That's yuri baybee.
Same. The seeds were there from the start. Stories like these hit closer exactly because they are relatable. You can take the lessons from these and really apply them to your own life in a way that purely escapist fiction does not
always allow.
last edited at Aug 6, 2023 8:57AM
The kettle started boiling, now it's whistling and if Yoroizuka doesn't attend to it, all the waters gonna evaporate. I mean, I don't know how long Kurumi can hold out after she's been building up to this for a bit now (lol) she's about to run dry. Now she's daydreaming about really licking Yoroizuka and I can only take that as an escalation. It'll either be fantastic, embarrassing or maybe a little of both.
last edited at Aug 5, 2023 3:24PM
I do like that this chapter draws the connection to domestic violence with the tv programm on in the background. Gives me some hope that the slap will actually properly be adressed aswell
I feel like she was more worried about her forced drunken kiss.
Some have already talked about this, but I think the message here is not really "dreams don't come true" or "submit to the capitalist machine" or anything like that. I think the message is more "life has ups and downs, and if you're in a relationship with someone, you need to work together and support each other through it all." I like how Haru and Hinoto stayed together even after this awful rough patch. I like how they're still each other's rock. And I like how the ending implies they'll try again in the future once they're more financially and professionally stable (which I headcanon that they do).
Most of all, I like how they don't blame each other for their problems or failures. Even during their own individual breakdowns, their primary concern was the other person's happiness. Haru felt like she failed Hinoto because she wouldn't be able to support their new life on the island, and Hinoto felt marriage put pressure on Haru. At the end of the day, they wanted each other to be happy, and they're happy with each other.
Well put. It would have been "nice" for everything to just fall into place, as is typical, and the author lulled us to sleep with that expectation based on how most manga go. But instead they didn't just magically get new jobs in brand new places. She didn't just magically change careers all before the deadline. They "failed," which happens and wasn't their fault (nor was it made to seem like their fault). I don't see it as bleak. I see them as strong. They weathered the storm.
It's refreshing to see a manga in this genre that even attempts storytelling like this (even considering it's likely axing and rushing to the end). It's not a foreign idea in other genres. The author just needed that extra volume (they likely would have had) to spread the ending out but it felt like this was the heart of the series from early on. Their relationship standing the test of life. Their relationship is so strong and though so many things happened that were beyond their control and not their fault, they stayed true to one another and never let those events truly break them. They struggled and failed but kept the light burning and still have enough fight at the end. The situation they put themselves in was dire and a bit reckless and they've learned from it. Towards the end one of them says something like "after we find work do you want to..." As though she's still got the desire to try for more but having had their experiences, wants to wait just a bit until they're in a stronger place. The desires still seem to be there. One of them then says "I'm going to keep trying..." I think that's a fine place to leave off at.
last edited at Aug 5, 2023 7:46AM
Though there is a certain beauty in how life may have beaten them, but it didn't break them, and they're staying together and doing their best going forward. But still, mega bummer, in part because of how real it feels.
Yeah. I felt this was the ending they were moving towards for a while but it's happening so suddenly, which messes with the pacing. "Throwing away the suit" felt like an unattainable goal for this manga, with the kind of narrative structure and writing style it had, so I kind of expected a more bittersweet ending like this--just a while away. Unfortunate but not terrible given the circumstances.
Still a rare, more down-to-earth story about more than just getting together. They ended up happy and educated by their experiences so their future should be fine. A relationship that can stand the real-world stresses they've been under is stronger than most of the other manga I've read recently (and probably stronger than most real-world relationships as well).
last edited at Aug 4, 2023 8:35PM
Aw shucks, not the "let's insert a random love rival that's way too pushy for no reason to make things go forward" trope ..
Thanks for the chapter!
Honestly, this has been circling for a bit so I'm not even mad at it. A bit disgruntled, a bit ruffled but not mad. At least it shows some intent to move this forward a bit.
It's not even that there is no progress, we don't even know if there is progress or not :P
Agreed. I think that's on purpose. They seem to want us to be in the same position as the MC, with limited knowledge (normal stuff). It's just that the story hasn't done much with it up to now. Kind of spinning it's wheels in fluff and hang out chapters.
last edited at Aug 3, 2023 8:05AM
So I get Hiroko but also why is she going on dates with Ayaka? Lol I found that part really weird
Because she's weak to those puppy dog eyes. They make her want to do "stupid" things and she doesn't understand it.
last edited at Aug 3, 2023 7:14AM
Operating under the assumption that Lapis had a sister who had died due to reasons we are not yet (fully) aware of (which, by the way, is this the consensus? I'm uncertain what the general consensus is at the moment),
not her sister, most likely a cousin.
Yeah Aurora is not her sister. I misspoke before. Not sure if cousin though based on what she said but could be. Could have been a commoner.
Well, she calls her onee-sama (though that's not necessarily indicative of blood relation), but Lapis later states "In the Tenebrae Family...there was a girl just like you." I took that to mean a child from a branch family of the Tenebrae main house that Lapis' parents "adopted" due to her foresight ability. But it's just as possible that she was an adopted commoner.
Yeah. I only wonder about the cousin thing because she also describes the garden as "your family's" or something like that. Creating some distance from herself. That could mean a couple things though so it's up in the air for sure.
last edited at Aug 2, 2023 3:04PM
Operating under the assumption that Lapis had a sister who had died due to reasons we are not yet (fully) aware of (which, by the way, is this the consensus? I'm uncertain what the general consensus is at the moment),
not her sister, most likely a cousin.
Yeah Aurora is not her sister. I misspoke before. Not sure if cousin though based on what she said but could be. Could have been a commoner, even.
last edited at Aug 2, 2023 2:36PM
If Ayaka loves Hiroko that much, I wonder why she never thought of changing jobs for the sake of not having the issue they are having. I mean, like some people said, relationship between boss and subordinate is not really a good option anyway... I admire people that can keep they professional and personal life apart, but it's not their case. Both of them, especially Ayaka are unable to do so.
Probably because she's worked 13 years to rise in this specific company and can't even consider the thought of resetting all that progress. That's the dilemma though. Would you do that for a new work relationship? Should you? The only thing she can likely do is stay here, and get over her ingrained fears.
They're asking if Ayaka could change jobs. She doesn't have nearly as much invested in the company as Hiroko.
Oh right! I get them mixed up in my head sometimes. I'll keep this "short," so I'll miss some details but: from Ayaka's POV, a lot of what has been gumming up the works has not been known until very recently. Even now, because of her generational difference (and her personality) she still isn't fully aware of what is preventing Hiroko from dating her. She's still constantly wondering what the real issue with all of this has been because Hiroko has been purposefully obtuse and reluctant to give honest details. Essentially, she's been in the dark for much of the series and just blindly pushing forward, seemingly suspecting that Hiroko was denying her because of her looks, or her efforts or because she wasn't a good worker etc. Each chapter she's tried to "improve" one of her suspected faults in this game of wack-a-mole. She's gotten glimpses into the issues but never a full picture and so never a clear solution. When she thought maybe she found the key issue, she even outed herself, showing (in her mind) that, that's fine and still Hiroko won't love her!? She's confused, rightfully.
At this point in the narrative, Ayaka is just beginning to better realize (or be informed, like at the bar and likely by Hiroko's friends next chapter) that there is a more deep seeded issue that Hiroko is dealing with. So even once she fully understands, I doubt Ayaka will want to side step the solving of that issue by changing jobs (which itself is not at all easy even for Ayaka's rank). Ayaka's personality is also aggressive, stubborn and in your face. That's not the type to leave jobs. She wants Hiroko to understand that her fears (all of her fears, beyond just being "out") aren't warranted as much anymore and I imagine Ayaka also wants to stay at the same job; especially, since she thinks there's no reason to fear. The series is kind of like a detective story, from Ayaka's perspective. The two of them don't seem to have much issue with the boss/subordinate thing (Hiroko uses that when she's deflecting).
last edited at Aug 2, 2023 10:12AM
If Ayaka loves Hiroko that much, I wonder why she never thought of changing jobs for the sake of not having the issue they are having. I mean, like some people said, relationship between boss and subordinate is not really a good option anyway... I admire people that can keep they professional and personal life apart, but it's not their case. Both of them, especially Ayaka are unable to do so.
Probably because she's worked 13 years to rise in this specific company and can't even consider the thought of resetting all that progress. That's the dilemma though. Would you do that for a new work relationship? Should you? The only thing she can likely do is stay here, and get over her ingrained fears.
last edited at Aug 2, 2023 9:25AM
There certainly seems more to it with the quotes there, yes, but his regret seems very much genuine. May have to do with the glimpses into Lapis' past we've seen so far, but he truly seems to try to make things work while she is seeing their relationship essentially as business only.
True. To me it seems that she dislikes him very, very much. That black screen when she asks if this is his command suggests more than just business like feelings. The business like mask seems like her best attempt to be cordial, for now at least. Whatever happened in their past (if he even is her real father at all) must have strained their relationship beyond repair. It really depends on what he did. If it was something truly terrible (maybe involving the supposed sister?) than her continued distance from him can be more than justified, despite his apparent remorse. So like with Lapis' plans in general, I'm in a "wait and see" mode.
last edited at Aug 2, 2023 7:58AM
We get Lapis' thoughts! Lovely interaction between Natori and Lapis. Lapis again knowing what to say (and do) to greatly affect Natori positively. For whatever reasons Lapis has had to put on a mask around so many other people that she can't parse (or come to terms with) her obviously growing and genuine feelings for Natori. So she's tsunder-ish but as a result of her confusion (and denial) of her clear affections. Then, she's also got this suicide mission she's on and doesn't seem to want feelings getting in the way, but we know how that generally goes. Though I imagine at some point she might want to push Natori away, when their romantic feelings really start to interfere with the mission. She's a ball of complicated feelings +whatever mess her family life has been. She also doesn't realize that Natori already knows she's plotting things and being deceptive to others.
Well, now I feel bad for her father... He simply wishes to spend some time with his daughter, and she only treats it as something she has to do due to her position.
He seems fake, even if slightly well meaning--hard to tell. Why would he say "parent and child" in scare quotes and with that tone? Then after he says that we get a cut to Lapis' sudden disgruntled reaction to those words (hidden behind a smile of course). It's then that she refers to it being "his command." There's likely more behind that and behind him. He almost seems regretful in this scene, with the way he looks down and furrows his brow when she asks if that's "his command," and he doesn't push her on it.
last edited at Aug 2, 2023 7:39AM
Does she risk her career and give in to her increasingly strong feelings for a coworker? Or does she maintain her caution against workplace romance, in order to continue her 13-year corporate climb? This, especially when she's finally gotten the chance at the major promotion she's wanted? It's an interesting dilemma that Ayaka will likely bulldoze through.
last edited at Aug 1, 2023 2:34PM
Probably because of the mention of her mother's being used as a "vessel by those things" (as mentioned in the link above).
I mean, I get wanting to explain the system as something else, especially when - like for most of us - it is your first time meeting this trope, but it makes no sense if you consider the perks it can offer for the points or the way too far-reaching punishment she got for disobeying it.
Not really "wanting." Just explaining where that person was coming from and what provoked their response. I don't necessarily agree with their interpretation and definitely not my first time with this idea. It's just acknowledging that the story is hinting at some new things at play and making sure to catch those hints when they come. The story will want to explain the system at some point and will likely have its own "in universe" spin on it (as they sometimes do).
As for the perks etc., there are ways the story could explain the unique "game-like" presentation of a curse for a person coming from another world (been done before and wouldn't be difficult) but that's all far into the future I'm assuming.
last edited at Aug 1, 2023 9:57AM
If I remember correctly, Evie doesn't get the villainess system until she's older so it seems consistent to me. Or maybe the system is just supressed again because of future Elsa?Little Evie is not holding back on being as flirty as possible with little Elsa and it's adorable <3
Pay attention to what the oldman say and dark aura around her mother. Might have something to ddo with it.
As well as Linda's contact, the time Yvone became a "sucubus".Oh, thanks. "vessel for those things", huh.
Yeah, that seems like key info. There's been little nuggets dropped throughout this time period.
Why jump to such far-fetched theories when the much more likely one is that she didn't have these memories because the time traveling older version of her is in control during this time, leaving behind a gap once she returns to her own time again.
Probably because of the mention of her mother's being used as a "vessel by those things" (as mentioned in the link above).
last edited at Jul 31, 2023 11:23AM
She came. She saw. She teased. She provoked. She had a good time. She had a good night. Now for the awkwardness of a night alone with memories of chocolates, cakes and licking.
last edited at Jul 29, 2023 8:05PM
Yamada has the patience of a saint bc this fukami shit wouldve had me dumping kase by now
I think even a saint would look at Yamada with side eye and wonder what she's waiting for.
last edited at Jul 27, 2023 3:06PM