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Citrus discussion 15 Nov 00:20
joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Dec 18, 2013

Rinka, Manpukumaru, and Koharu started as swell folks and continued to be the pillars of the cast’s and player’s morale. Manpukumaru must be protected.

Ranka has made an olympic tier effort to transform from a sure-fire spark-plug who won’t back down and won’t doubt the people around her into the wishiest washiest wuss around who can’t seem to do anything unless Rinka is with her or agrees with her.

Viola went from arrogance personified with a face you want to make you its bitch as much as you want to punch it…to a brash yet approachable friend who is super fucking gay for Koharu (Koharu being quietly yet obviously gay for her in return).

And topping even Ranka’s upsetting 180 is Mana, who went from Bhikkuni’s resident sweetheart shaped like a friend to power hungry backstabber who spent every night developing a resting bitchface so she could properly let everyone know who will be winning this year’s “Biggest Asshole” award.

Heh, pretty accurate

Image Comments 08 Nov 12:51
joined Dec 18, 2013

The continuation was already translated and typesetted by /u/

joined Dec 18, 2013

To give Sayaka a plot arc independent from Touko and Yuu.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Based Sayaka strikes again.

Although honestly, as sweet as it was to see put her senpai in place, if she is not seen again it will be kind of meaningless in the long run.

Beloved L discussion 03 Nov 13:59
joined Dec 18, 2013

What did I just read?

joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Dec 18, 2013

As you can see, there's no real difference on size between the Girlfriends volume and other mangas that I picked randomly from my collection

Now to be fair, thanks to the current exchange rate mangas in Mexico are actually pretty damn cheap in american dollars. Around 4 bucks a pop but for our usual rates they are kind of pricey. Now, a regular manga runs more or less for $3.5 or $4.00 dollars tops (and the only manga to hit that price is One Punch Man). Girlfriends? $5.00 and is a regular volume with seven chapters.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This was cute and with great art but honestly I didn't understand a damn about the plot.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The story will end in november and close in three volumes. As for the reason why it will end so fast? Coz the manga is boring and is not selling well.

That sucks but I can't say those aren't unearned criticisms.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Got the mexican edition of the first volume. The quality of the volume itself is nothing special making me wonder why is priced higher than other mangas. I mean, it does come with a dust jacket but I doubt that justifies the price.

Now, rereading the story again after a few years since my last read, I have to say Morinaga's pacing and tone was a lot better than in her current works. Plus, the setting is better fleshed out in here.

joined Dec 18, 2013

While I'm glad to see this series again, I'm completely forgot what was about :v

last edited at Oct 30, 2016 4:36PM

joined Dec 18, 2013
joined Dec 18, 2013

If you're uploading from Imgur, you have to copy the "Direct Link" address and then paste it here in the forum with this format:

! [ ] (link)

Without spaces obviously.

last edited at Oct 29, 2016 12:59AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm going to laugh my ass off if Yuzumori beats Mimika's friend somehow.

Rainy Days discussion 26 Oct 00:18
joined Dec 18, 2013

Uh, surprised that this doujin finally made its work here.

Japan loves their tragic backstories isn't it?

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was oddly adorable and the art is improving!

joined Dec 18, 2013

If any user is a fellow mexican like me, the first volume of the series has been finally released

Citrus discussion 24 Oct 02:23
joined Dec 18, 2013

Late reply, and yes it is contradictory of me I will admit that, but it's also just my personal opinion. Nudity can be done tastefully in anime, I enjoyed Yuri Kuma Arashi and there were quite a few times where the characters were naked. it wasn't perfect, but also didn't make me roll my eyes because boobs were jiggling unrealistically just to keep me watching. I didn't watch VDM myself, but did have friends who fought their way through the first episode and said I wouldn't enjoy it, so I took their word for it (and considering one of the new "hooks" in the trailer for the latest valkyrie drive game is that it is "lewder" tells me that is their target and not making an actual interesting story). I think an innovative series should be a interesting concept/story that doesn't need pointless fanservice to inflate its views. Series don't become the greatest or top 10 best for having the most panty shots... unless it's a list specifically pertaining to that. which might exist actually. huh.

But see that is the thing, you can't really make an informed decision if you only watch the first episode of anything. Especially on shows like Valkyrie Drive where hidden depths and plot twists are common. And interestingly, Valkyrie Drive's japanese fanbase is mostly made by women and they have little interest in the fanservice and would rather focus on the characters and their relationships.

The videogame is also very different to the idea you've formed based on a pretty simplistic trailer, SK is lewder by a noticeable margin and once again, its plot take some pretty interesting turns past the middle point, something that people won't know if they drop it after the first hour.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The dressing room is needed not only for the trophies but also to unlock each girl personal hairstyle, hair color and costume. Thankfully, maxing them out takes at most 30 minutes per character.

For combat they do count as one character but you can dress and poke Mamori at your heart's content in the dressing room. And that is roughly the same price they had in Japan. Personally, I think they are worth the price tag.

Gamma discussion 20 Oct 02:19
joined Dec 18, 2013


joined Dec 18, 2013

Retweet and like for the chance to win a free MireMamo code!

Winners will be picked tomorrow!

joined Dec 18, 2013

So I am relatively new to all this stuff. What's a "BD volume"?

Also: Was there any backstory on Saejima and Ichiha in the book?

Blu Ray. And no, only design notes.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Charlotte calls her by name when discussing the course of action with Kasumi. Ichiha's name on the other hand comes from the booklet included in the first BD volume.

joined Dec 18, 2013

No, I'm pretty sure there's a dude who's involved with almost all of these. I'd look for it if I wasn't lazy.
And please tell me you're not referring to the "anime was a mistake"/"otaku disgust me" quotes, which are obviously fake.

Hiraku Kaneko