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joined Dec 18, 2013
joined Dec 18, 2013

I'd say Mirei's attraction is clearly stated by the way she blushes after realizing she's groping Mamori in the first episode. Her protectiveness on the other hand is alluded to in the brief appearance of Momoka during the opening scene of episode 2.

Besides the reveal that Mirei has a thing for braided girls of course.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That is true, a lot of the vitriol Mamori gets is because she didn't fell head over heels for Mirei as soon as they met. Personally I enjoyed the way their relationship was slowly developed through the whole series.

Opapagoto discussion 01 Dec 16:11
joined Dec 18, 2013

That nota at the end of the chapter was really, really helpful.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Ranka ain't the sharpest tool in the shed ain't she?

joined Dec 18, 2013

No, it only serves to unlock special romance novels with the girls.

The novels themselves are very, very gay though.

joined Dec 18, 2013

It comes down to cultural differences. Japan loves strong independent women as long they remain ultimately subservient to men, women fully independent aren't that appealing to them.

Yumi is not a bad character per se but she's not really Main character material, even less now that they've going full pandering with her.

As for Bhikkhuni, Mana fits to a T the "character is a jerk because is misunderstood" trope that Japan seems to love (see Naruto's Sasuke). Momo is on the same boat.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't think she loathes Mamori but she did mention the doujin would go the MireMamoMomo route. And Hibiki was also pushing for a threesome end with Charlotte, so yeah.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This doujin is hilarious and the art is really, really good (helps the author is actually an animator by trade) Shame Akira is only name dropped and doesn't actually shows up.

As for the odd characterizations, there are two reasons for that: rule of funny and the author preferences. She admitted to not being really fond of neither Hibiki or Mamori.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Mana is actually the second most popular girl. Momo is the first.

And Japan doesn't really likes outgoing, forceful personalities on their girls. Even less on blondes. Viola was downright ignored on the retailer bonus for the Bikini Party Edition

joined Dec 18, 2013

Sadly, Viola is the least popular of the cast in Japan.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The authors were on some amazing drugs.

joined Dec 18, 2013

And now, edited thanks to awesome anons at /u/


This blog will kill me with cuteness

last edited at Nov 26, 2016 1:00AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Translation courtesy of /u/

Mamori: My name is Tokonome Mamori. I'm 16 years old.
Everyone: It's nice to meet you!"

Ranka: Heh~ Tokonome, huh? That's an unusual name.

Ranka: How do you write it down?

Mamori: Um...
Mamori: Vir...
Mamori: gin...

Mamori: I never expected it to be this damaging...
Mirei: ....!!
Mirei: Grrr
Ranka: Huh!?
Ranka: Did I say something bad...
Ranka: That's a scary look!!

Rinka: You're pretty good at wielding a sword, Mirei-chan.
Mirei: Your swordsmanship is pretty hard to read, Rinka. That was a close match.
Rinka: Really!? If you'd like, maybe we can battle another time?
Mirei: Yeah, of course.

Ranka: Hey, Kuzuryu. Whaddaya think of that?
Momo: ...Hmm

Ranka: Hey, Mirei!! Don't cling onto my sister!!
Mirei: I'm not really clinging onto her...
Mamori & Koharu: Woof woof woof woof

joined Dec 18, 2013

You could try posting at the Valkyrie Drive thread on /u/ the artist is a regular there.

joined Dec 18, 2013

As I've said earlier. Hana to Hina while enjoyable, is pretty generic and simplistic. Akin to a fast food meal, it does its job and keeps you satisfied but is ultimately shallow and forgettable.

Citrus discussion 22 Nov 17:39
joined Dec 18, 2013

Those two are so cute together.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Wow! All of that seems pretty neat, I look forward to your next commission and hopefully you can make that doujin a reality in the near future.

Valkyrie Drive really has the best fans.

joined Dec 18, 2013

As amusing and adorable as it is, I have to admit I got teared up at Chewbacca and Nitori's sidestory.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That looks pretty good!

Gotta say, I'm pretty impressed for you to have become such a fan of these two.

Que Rico! discussion 20 Nov 02:42
joined Dec 18, 2013

To add on this, the format is also a poor choice to present small scenes between couples since it fails to generate investment on the characters, is like coming midway through a movie and then being swapped by another one after five minutes.

Of course, this isn't an issue if the characters are the same through the different stories but at that point you might as well go to read Collectors instead.

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 7:51AM

Que Rico! discussion 20 Nov 02:27
joined Dec 18, 2013

The manga's title is in spanish but no cute/hot latina lesbians in sight.

I'm very disappointed.

On a side note, an author should be ready for little criticism for his/her work. I wrote fanfiction too and i got good comments and some bad too. So yeah enduring criticism is what author must have.

You're absolutely correct. Criticism is necessary for improvement whether you're doing something just for fun or professionally.

joined Dec 18, 2013

This pretty awesome artist is working on a really funny and cute doujin about the aftermath of the anime's ending. This is just a small taste of it

And she was kind enough to compile all of her work in a handy zip for everyone to enjoy

last edited at Nov 20, 2016 2:19AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

So, is the game dead or simply in a hiatus?