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joined Jul 6, 2020

Glad the mom is on her side, but something tells me she’s going to come up with a whacky and unpredictable plan that will cause more harm than good

Well if the previews are any indication Tongtong is gonna try to buy Lin Xiao Lu with money

Image Comments 31 Jul 12:37
joined Jul 6, 2020

Relaire, Mei, and Alea are the cutest and coolest characters ever. I would love to see an anime of this series, and honestly I can't wait to see them in the manga too. The cooking arc was a blast.

Image Comments 30 Jul 20:22
joined Jul 6, 2020


joined Jul 6, 2020

You know, I was really not sure what to make of this twist about her age, but I think they handled it pretty well overall.

School Zone discussion 30 Jul 18:21
joined Jul 6, 2020

Awww look at these two idiots

joined Jul 6, 2020

like, the furthest they've done is hugging and kissing but it feels like a hentai

My gf reads this with me and she says the same thing every time lol.

You know shit gets serious when the pink colored page shows up lol. I do agree though, this author’s art style definitely feels very hentai like at times, with the blushing, all the sfx of hearts beating, and the suspiciously detailed tongue in that last image…

joined Jul 6, 2020

Every single one of you is overthinking this. He just likes the blonde girl.


Nice try jesus, but you gotta up your level kiddo.

joined Jul 6, 2020

So the kid was just trans, phew.

Gotta say “you have a girlfriend so you must be a guy” is one of the weirder logic jumps I’ve encountered and very much smacks of being so caught up in your own issues that you forget about everything else. I feel bad for both of them in that situation lol.

Whatever happens during this arc just please please please treat this person better than Akemi. It’s been a long time since sasameki koto came out so lets hope there’s some growth from there.

joined Jul 6, 2020

This is a fun one, a lot of chaotic gay energy from the peanut gallery this time

joined Jul 6, 2020

who know’s what the future holds for us?

Marriage. It’s marriage.

joined Jul 6, 2020

The lady being tattood is hot

last edited at Jul 30, 2021 2:25AM

joined Jul 6, 2020

The 2020’s so far have been the decade for lesbian sex worker manga. I don’t know what the hell is happening to cause this, but we have had sooooooo many new series and one shots centered on sex work in the last year and a half.

This is starting to get really niche, I don’t think I ever could have predicted that this manga would be about photoshopping sex workers profile pictures to look more attractive…

One thing that did irk me is how she just accepted the job without asking about the pay, benefits, or hours, which were all things she was stressing about before. Hopefully they don’t just forget about that lmao. First chapter didn’t really grab me but I’m definitely willing to give the series a shot based on the premise alone.

joined Jul 6, 2020

They were really laying it on thick this chapter with the bubbly lovey dovey panels, although the creepy guy at the end of the chapter put a big damper on that…

#LOST discussion 29 Jul 21:47
joined Jul 6, 2020

The human woman is very attractive

joined Jul 6, 2020

I love a good tree spirit yuri. For all the complaining, in real life bananas falling to the ground would probably help enrich the soil near the other tree and ultimately benefit it.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I would die for more thai ghost stories turned into yuri tbh, this was really funny and well made

joined Jul 6, 2020

I hate how well this fits

joined Jul 6, 2020

I’m very curious about Kiku’s motivations here

joined Jul 6, 2020

Once a sucker for looks always a sucker for looks

joined Jul 6, 2020

She picked up "the guy" on impulse, seeing "him" with a cat. She probably wanted to go to the bar, but she changed her mind, seeing "the sign" (if guy was gentle with a cat, and cat liked his touch, she simply knew he will be greater choice than someone from the bar). It was not an "accidental" pick up, even if it seems to be. Later, in hotel, she was telling it...

I also read this as her taking Iwana Ai to a bar in the hotel lobby, and then they just did a small time skip to them going to the room afterwords. I figured they still chatted for a little bit but maybe not

joined Jul 6, 2020

Whoa, now THAT was a chapter. It’s kinda refreshing that Shima was so upfront about her sexuality, even if she was being really self degrading about it. Now Ise won’t have to think “but we’re both girlssssss” when she realizes her own latent feelings.

So anyone wanna start taking bets on how many more chapters until we get one of them pining for the other in an explicit overt romantic way? My guess is within the next 5 chapters.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Ah, the ol classic “robot shark malfunctions and goes rogue at the school culture festival” trope

joined Jul 6, 2020

Hikari and Reiko bonding over trying to help their dumbass friend not get scolded in class/being disappointed with said friend

joined Jul 6, 2020

Oh boy the classic “replicate a traumatic scene your ex put your partner through on accident”

joined Jul 6, 2020

Holy shit I am so so ready for this to absolutely emotionally destroy me.

I hope that the way this story goes is the granddaughter slowly goes through grandma’s books and discovers whatever history Itou and Mitsu have together, and her thoughts and perspectives mixed in with the main narrative of Itou retelling her story. What would be even cooler is if granddaughter’s “friend” she was moving in with was a girlfriend and snippets of their lives together in modern Japan raising children were juxtaposed against grandma’s story. (And it would be nice to have some lighter happy domestic interludes).

I just can’t get enough of queer historical dramas, and stories focusing on older queer people. It’s so refreshing to have a protagonist who isn’t a moe high schooler or a 25 year old office worker.

I’m so excited for the potential of this series.

last edited at Jul 28, 2021 2:01AM