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joined Aug 16, 2014

I need want this.

joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] What is the actual harm of those manga?

I guess mostly this:

[...] I get it makes some people uncomfortable, just as other people are uncomfortable with gory violence.

I.e.: "This makes me feel unconfortable, so I want it to disappear."

Image Comments 19 May 12:37
joined Aug 16, 2014

It was warm.

Image Comments 17 May 06:03
joined Aug 16, 2014

Don't stop now, princess. Good things'll happen. Also, the world needs more Samus yuri.

joined Aug 16, 2014

you'll probably get really into makoda magica anyway- that the bluray and movies won't seem like enough by the time you're done with them.

And then there're the manga. I suggest staying clear from the mediocre LN tho.

joined Aug 16, 2014

EDIT: Let's just agree that we have very different opinions on what is enough info for a non-close person to get themselves involved into another's business and let this thread keep going.

last edited at May 16, 2016 2:13PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

something we, as readers, have the benefit of knowing, unlike glasses-girl.

Before Glasses started to act Meiko straight up said to her face that Reo's her slave and she witnessed Reo having to skip studying more than once because of her, i'd say Glasses had enough evidence
The only thing Glasses is on the dark about is the... ehrm... "rape"

Sure, so skipping some studying is clear evidence abuse is going on and you need to nose into other person's business. She said Reo-san was her slave, still, glasses-girl admiteddly ignored what MC meant by that or what Reo-san herself thought about it. Which, as you mentioned...

Also, she had even less evidence when she started nosing around.

last edited at May 16, 2016 1:19PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

I don't like being so serious over a story, but I hate people like Glasses Girl. Mind your own damn business. >.<

She couldn't mind her own business because it was about a girl she liked.

So? She just needs to move on, pretty simple. :p

... Move on? Are you suggesting that in order to refrain from wanting to interfere she.. get over it?
"It was about a girl she liked." "So?"
It means that person matters?
"She just needs to move on, pretty simple."
... So make them not matter anymore? Is that how things work? How you think they should work?

Don't people generally feel compelled to get involved when it concerns someone they care for?
"Minding her own business" would have been to turn a blind eye, while being very much aware that shit's going on. You're making it sound like she was in the wrong from having done so

Agree on everything you said. Bravo. Its not simple when you know ..some shits is going on . something not right. Try to let go esp. when that person is the one you like.its not so simple as that person said.

Liking Reo-san doesn't change the fact that glasses-girl is a virtual stranger who's nosing into other people's personal lives nor gives her any more legitimacy to do so. And no, I suppose it's not simple, but life isn't simple in general, so you just have to endure when you can't/shouldn't do something.

"Personal lives" is one way of seeing it, another way of seeing it is that one person is obviously abusing the crap out of the other person, just like one may have the desire to help someone who's getting mobbed on the streets, Glasses has the desire of saving Reo from that succubus who's obviously fucking Reo's life, if it really isn't her business and she shouldn't butt in then Reo is the only one who can tell her to piss off (Which, to be fair, Reo kinda did, but she pretty much backs off on it just a few pages later)

Yes, she's abusing the crap out of Reo-san (MC isn't the bitch on wheels I wanted/expected tho) , something we, as readers, have the benefit of knowing, unlike glasses-girl. This is not the same kind of situation like a lynching or something, where you have basically all the info you could want to know before acting.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I don't like being so serious over a story, but I hate people like Glasses Girl. Mind your own damn business. >.<

She couldn't mind her own business because it was about a girl she liked.

So? She just needs to move on, pretty simple. :p

... Move on? Are you suggesting that in order to refrain from wanting to interfere she.. get over it?
"It was about a girl she liked." "So?"
It means that person matters?
"She just needs to move on, pretty simple."
... So make them not matter anymore? Is that how things work? How you think they should work?

Don't people generally feel compelled to get involved when it concerns someone they care for?
"Minding her own business" would have been to turn a blind eye, while being very much aware that shit's going on. You're making it sound like she was in the wrong from having done so

Agree on everything you said. Bravo. Its not simple when you know ..some shits is going on . something not right. Try to let go esp. when that person is the one you like.its not so simple as that person said.

Liking Reo-san doesn't change the fact that glasses-girl is a virtual stranger who's nosing into other people's personal lives nor gives her any more legitimacy to do so. And no, I suppose it's not simple, but life isn't simple in general, so you just have to endure when you can't/shouldn't do something.

last edited at May 16, 2016 12:14PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

Too much sugar my butt! As someone said, sugar saves the world.
And yet again, when Tooru has doubts, or fears, all it takes is for Kobyashi to gently rub her head, and it's all right. If that's the case, I wonder what a kiss does?

Leads to loving lesbian sex, of course.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Chantelune posted:

Yay, it's back ! /o/ thanks :3

Eh, so Ururu is "slightly below" Tooru in term of power but still get defeated with a one-hit KO ? XD

You forgot that Tooru got hit by 30 attacks into vital points and it only annoyed her xD Kyoushinsha seems to suck at balance ;P

The power of love makes Tooru invincible.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Saturday 18:30 GMT is fine by me.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Someone mind explaining what the "OO" in the title means?

I think this was mentioned at some point in either the TL's notes or in this thread; iirc, it's just a filler (something like Hitoribocchi no [redacted] Seikatsu?).

last edited at May 9, 2016 10:05PM

15Y+ discussion 09 May 18:32
joined Aug 16, 2014

Attempted rape of a minor who is passed out with a fever? Okay just making sure.


joined Aug 16, 2014

Lewd hand holding

Are there other kinds? ;p

joined Aug 16, 2014

Let me tell you something about kodama the author of this stories she doesn't seem to support same sex couples to have kids of their own. She always wants to make her Yuri into shoujo. She uses abusive scenarios. If this is not your type of thing stop reading this shit.


joined Aug 16, 2014

NSFW is not optional if there's Hand Holding. Or shouldn't be.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Congratulations, Nev ♥

joined Aug 16, 2014

Same here.

joined Aug 16, 2014

none posted:

I will get my popcorn ready.

2 Pages of controversy already.
You guys don't disappoint :D

My cocktail glasses are ready.

Drinks coke

You should swap to martinis. They're even tastier after mixing with tears. Of which a non-ending supply'll be found here.

joined Aug 16, 2014

I will get my popcorn ready.

2 Pages of controversy already.
You guys don't disappoint :D

My cocktail glasses are ready.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Omg. Mizutani Fuuka don't disappoint, as always. How not to love these two? ♥

last edited at Apr 25, 2016 8:13PM

Age 15 discussion 25 Apr 20:11
joined Aug 16, 2014

So why's this chap nsfw? Because of the cover? Or the panties? Or could it be, the lewd vinger rub?!

It's the simultaneous luminous+hand-holding.

Seriously tho, the series as a whole has nsfw tag, not just this chapter.

last edited at Apr 25, 2016 8:11PM

Oddman 11 discussion 22 Apr 22:14
joined Aug 16, 2014

Anyone has prozac to share?

joined Aug 16, 2014

Science babies tag, but was used with magic.

Clarke's law ;p

last edited at Apr 20, 2016 10:11PM