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joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh boy, such a delight to find this doujin finally translated. Other than a het one involving Manpukumaru, we have all the doujins for the series that have been scanned. Mind you, there is a ton were never scanlated and we only have the samples their authors uploaded here and there.

Don't forget to check the upcoming sub of the series!

joined Dec 18, 2013

This was perfect. I can't wait to see what happens in chapter 2

Love Ribbon 12 Feb 13:48
joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm playing the game and I swear to god is like playing a Citrus VN

joined Dec 18, 2013

Remember the set of VD avatars?

They were finally added to the American PSN but not all of them

Viola Manpukumaru, The Director and the ones with the Paradise Swimsuits were seemingly too spicy for America

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was so freaking adorable. Renko and Merry need to ge more doujins like this.

Gamma discussion 02 Feb 16:54
joined Dec 18, 2013

Ogino set a poll where the options are Miyuki × hikari and Yuri × Marina. Who knows what it is but I can see a Gamma R-18 on the tweet.

Currently, Miyuki x Hikari are winning

joined Dec 18, 2013

Touko is a fucking psycho.

Run Yuu! Run into Sayaka's arms and never look back!

joined Dec 18, 2013

Morinaga to me has gotten better at things like composition and backgrounds. Her characters have gotten a little bit more personality, but they're still pretty flat considering she has multiple chapters to show them to the viewers. I know every story has already been told (that's why tvtropes exists!), but I get the same feeling with her as I do with Joss Whedon nowadays.

Joss Whedon was praised years back for many out of the box choices he made in his shows, but nowadays he's been getting more and more criticism for not growing and changing with the times. What he was praised for with Buffy 20 years ago no longer gets praise, and he seems completely baffled that what worked for him before no longer gets him the praise he used to.

Morinaga is similar. When A Sigh a Kiss and Cherry Blossom Pink came out, it was super popular. It was angsty, and it had a ~*YURI*~ misunderstanding, and it ended cute and fluffy. It came out in the early/mid 2000s and back then angst was THE THING. It came out just before the My HiME and Kannazuki no Miko animes. But as an author, Morinaga hasn't grown when it comes to the stories themselves. Her stories still follow the same tired tropes, and she hasn't branched out and shown us she's capable of anything different in her multiple chapter works. It's like we the viewers are stuck in a loop, and Morinaga can't change with the times and make a story that doesn't rely on the exact tropes she used in her previous famous works. I absolutely LOVED Girlfriends and think with a bit of tweaking story-wise it would have made a decent 12 episode anime around 2007, but now if they made it it would be too late because it's no longer innovative. Everything she's made since Girlfriends has really fallen flat because it's just the same story with different characters.


Morinaga's writing isn't what I'd call terrible but is very by the numbers and safe. Either she hasn't realized that sensibilities have changed and Yuri has matured enough as genre to allow new and different approaches to it, or she is trying to make lighting strike twice and repeat the success that she found with Girlfriends. In way, she has become the mangaka equivalent of a one hit wonder.

Ironically, I think shown the most creativity and willingness to try new things when she made the wonderful mindfuck that is Mare

I'm not saying she should stop writing. But if she doesn't start branching out and exploring other yuri plot possibilities, she's never going to stand out from the vast swaths of yuri managaka competitors coming out today. Sure there will always be newbies to yuri who find her writing style cute, new, and relatable, but she's going to be relying on newbies her entire career at this rate and that's not a very sustainable fanbase to rely on. I'll glance at her new stuff that comes out, but I'm not going to get my hopes up anymore. I'm tired of waiting for something new.

The way Hina and Hana was cancelled midways while her other recent stories have been short lived is proof enough she can't rely on her reputation much longer. She needs to shake things up, and to explore the possibilities current Yuri offers if she wants to remain active on the yuri scene.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well, count me in as well.

Hopefully this time my character will be less, er, peculiar than my previous ones.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That special was really cute. Good to see the gay is being increased over time.

joined Dec 18, 2013

And Morinaga strikes again, shocking.

That said, is kind of interesting how she remains holding up to what used to be standards of the genre more than 20 years ago. I mean, her characters would probably have a stroke if they were to watch Valkyrie Drive or one of Ogino's recent works.

Citrus discussion 19 Jan 11:19
joined Dec 18, 2013
joined Dec 18, 2013

Gotcha. Well I am counting on you remaining plugged-in and up-to-date on these things on my behalf. ^_^

You can count on me. As soon news are released I'll be posting them here for the benefit of everyone on the forums.

Yeah, I dig the characters, but they're only on the screen for, what, 90 seconds? They're basically blank slates. I'm just making shit up as I go.

Still, I'm having fun with 'em, and I'm glad you are too.

Ah don't sell yourself short, it takes skill to be able to make minor characters like them interesting. But yeah, ultimately what it matters is that you are enjoying yourself writing about them.

What does the edition involve actually? How is it uh, different?

Not much. Just a fancy new package, codes to get all the DLC for free and two new costumes. Aside of that is the exact same game than the previous release.

joined Dec 18, 2013

The Bikini Party Edition sold a respectable 7.5k units and around 60~80% of its stock this week. Not bad if you ask me

joined Dec 18, 2013

Hey DT, do you know of any future plans to make more Valkyrie Drive anime? Maybe based on the Bikkhunin (or however you spell that) game? I don't have a PS Vita, so my ability to interact with Valkyrie Drive is limited to the anime.

Nothing concrete yet, but as I posted before in the thread, the anime's director tweeted awhile back that the series wasn't over yet. So, I'm hoping we'll see a second season eventually. Fingers crossed!

Oh, and the newest Saejima & Ichiha story was real cute. You really love them aren't you? There's a lot of effort and care put on your stories. Great work!

joined Dec 18, 2013

That's Ogino's choice. If you ever checked their pixiv, you'd realize that they love their hentai very much and there's a good chance that if Gamma wasn't all that nsfw, it was because their editor said nope to it.

A lot of manga authors make a good amount (or a lot) of hentai even while working on perfectly cute and sfw mangas. Dynasty, much like many other readers, use tags to give people an overall idea as to the content of a doujin or series. Best policy is to avoid tags you're not comfortable with, no matter who's the author.

This is definitely true. If anything, Ogino's recent work output is just him indulging on the stuff they've always want to draw since the start. You can actually see how Gamma got progressive lewder as it went on.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Updated listing and better look at the release

joined Dec 18, 2013

Pretty interesting work to say the least. Good to see Ogino is able to work on different genres with the same skill he showed up back on Gamma. And speaking of, this newfound knack of his for lesbian lolicon was somewhat foreshadowed with Marina and Yuri's pin ups he made after Gamma's ending.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That was really great! Simple but effective, and the art was pretty pleasing to the eye. Great work!

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'd love to see it. Got a link?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Should be the uncensored version

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh yeah

last edited at Jan 16, 2017 4:53PM

Citrus discussion 16 Jan 14:38
Citrus discussion 16 Jan 10:56
joined Dec 18, 2013


Is not Mei's evil twin sister