I think you've just encountered the most boring German person on this planet! (ʃƪˆ▿ˆ)
And we don't even have the reputation to be especially fun in the first place... ^^
So I think Utoptia is pretty much exaggerating when talking about me... Don't know why he's so nice to me (╯•ω•╰) The really fun people hardly show up anymore...
Well no, you aren't that much fun ( Germans I mean ), shopping at the store was funny though, in Germany I mean, cashiers are quiet...very quiet haha, which is good cos my German is eh not really good.
Aww so I will miss al the really fun people? You two are super OK though, I guess I'll live.
I've been hanging around here for years to check for updates. But I only started visiting the forum last year. I usually don't do forum stuff. But then I realized that there are a lot of fun people around and saw the potential! d (^‿^✿)
Ahh, well I shall join the forum stuff, most likely will stick to this one thread though, I can't seem to properly express my opinions yet
So... you got your heart broken recently...? (ó﹏ò。) Sorry to hear that...(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Ah no, none of that, it happened enough months ago and it wasn't a heartbreak, I believe those happen only once in a lifetime, the first time ( and only ) then it's just a smashing or something, but it's way way less horrible, it's all good :3
So ahm, I think i'll be a regular here, do you also enjoy anime or just manga?