I had no idea we had a thread about fanfcition. I've got plenty of recommendations though, ranging from "kinda trashy but still fun" to "better than the source material".
The first fic I'll start with is a little bit of both. Monster Yurisume is an M rated yuri story leaning more towards the ecchi side of things than the smutty side.
In case you're not familiar with the source material, Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou, it takes place in a world that recently discovered the presence of monster-people (harpies, lamia, gargoyles, kobolds, etc.) and there's an on-going effort to help the monster-people integrate into human society, including a home-stay program. Of course that's just the premise to set up why there's a bunch of hot monster girls living in one person's house... but you probably already figured that out. Mind you, this fanfiction might be moderately more enjoyable if you've read some of the source material, as there's some references to it, but you'd be able to read this as a stand-alone story if you like.
Now, as for the fic itself, It's honestly much better than the source material, and I actually enjoy Monster Musume a lot (because I'm a garbage-person and it's the only harem manga I've read that manages to actually be fun trash instead of just cringey trash.)
The author makes occasional use of images and characters from the now-defunct browser game, as well as some images they commissioned to use in the story.
It starts out a bit rough but if you don't go into it expecting too much, which I didn't considering it's a fanfic for a harem manga, it might very well surprise you. It's complete at 156 chapters, and they're not little chapters. There is quite a lot to read here. Unlike its source material it isn't a harem story. There's lots of characters but they get together with different people.
It's mostly yuri, as all the main characters' relationships are with another girl. There's a lot of characters outside of the main cast though, and they have various kinds of relationships, including but not limited to het. If you're not cool with that then you'll have to either deal with it coming up sometimes or give this fic a pass.
Surprisingly, characters go through actual, meaningful growth as time goes on, and I found myself becoming quite fond of them all. It's organized in arcs like you'd find in a manga or anime, and at its core it's a rom-com with a pinch of drama on the side.
All-in-all I highly recommend it if you're in the mood for some light-hearted fun.
... Now then, if you're in the mood for something a lot less light-hearted and a lot more dramatic, I'd point you in the direction of Deluge, a fanfiction of Castelvania: Order of Ecclesia. I'm going to give this fanfic a trigger warning, because there's a lot of violence, including abuse. I mean it when I say this is a lot less light-hearted.
For this one you're almost certainly going to want to know the source, as it takes place immediately after the game's story ends and references characters and events from the game that would mean very little to someone unfamiliar with the Castlevania series, and especially Order of Ecclesia. For what it's worth, I would recommend playing the game regardless of whether you want to read this story or not as it's my second favorite Castlevania after Symphony of the Night. It's a DS title, and I'm sure you'd probably be able to find a copy somewhere online. There's probably a zillion of them between amazon and ebay.
Mind you, this story is incomplete, and has been for.... many years. It's still being worked on, the author wants to re-write some of it, but it's not gonna be done for a while. Real life stuff has a way of making that sort of thing difficult, I suppose. I don't expect this one to finish any time soon. Still, I loved it back when I first read it like... 10 years ago or something, and was pleasantly surprised to see it again when I started browsing AO3 instead of FF.net.
For our next story, I've got something I learned about here on dynasty and has probably already been mentioned in this thread. breathe it in and we can fly is a Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight fanfic. It's a one-shot coffee shop AU, and there's a short comic about it made by Ticcy. There's not much more to say about it.
And now for our final fanfic (for now)... Fairysitting is a Touhou one-shot. TL;DR Junko takes care of Clownpiece for a day. It's not particularly fluffy.
There isn't enough HecaJun in this world. There needs to be more. Lots and lots more.
last edited at Jun 11, 2019 8:43PM