My Favorite Stories Are Pretty Much Like This
The poor thing was just feeling ignored. I'm glad Koguma got in on the teasing too.
This gives me some nice vibes similar to Raubritter, with the two smooth(ish) experienced women introducing a fresh young thing to their world. I hope there's much more!
Yeah, it's been translated for a while. Dunno why it hasn't been posted more places, unless there's some kind of issue with the translator.
Imizu <3
Yay! Time for the coma and amnesia arcs!
I don't like her hat.
Bad touch! Bad touch!!
I was hoping this would show up here! It's some nice smaller-than-average + larger-than-average size gap rareness.
Are we finally getting out of the angsty tarpit?
Berniebear really needed more romance options..
Why am I picturing that old cartoon gag of two cats fighting in a cloud of dust...
Here's some (spoilery) fanart to go with the latest translated chapter:
I don't really like tattoos, but her back tattoo is freaking SEXY.
At the very least I hope she helps Mask out of her creative slump.
I read them last night and had to muffle a bit of squealing. Bou-chan <3
Oh dear, page 16. That's some 90s style hotness there (*°∀°)=3
Headpats this adorable require immediate uploading.
I hope we get to see more of the sister and her delinquent soon.
This latest chapter was very nice too. Pretty much "I'd let you top, but I like the way you squirm".
Just needs the big "DOKI~" sound effect.
Saliva traaaail~
Getting Michiru vibes from Yuuka. Lovely <3
Super sweet! If you're interested in something slightly more H with these two, there's Dayfly :
Oh my~