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Citrus + discussion 22 Dec 15:12
joined Dec 20, 2018

When the fucking starts lmao

You obviously have to be married first. :P

joined Dec 20, 2018

Small update on the pdf/epub versions. I managed to get Amazon to stop downscaling images, and those have now been updated to use higher resolutions ones. The kindle cover have also been replaced with the novel versions (someone mentioned about that). This will be the practice going forward, but I won't update the old images here on dynasty since that's too much of a hassle.

The rest of this volume should be out in a day or two.

Thanks for the update!

And I see volume 4 now marked as completed on the site as well. Time to download and read, then!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Nanoha broke... But now they've finally talked things through and come out stronger for it. Good.

But here, it's something that can raise suspicions,

The last comment here even more so. But yeah, most of their comments certainly make it clear that they have no idea, even after how these two have been behaving in these last few chapters...

joined Dec 20, 2018

Two pages? Pixiv has been a bad influence on Yukiko...

Image Comments 21 Dec 11:04
joined Dec 20, 2018

Works for me.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Is that cellphone argument even really an argument? Apparently in the West most write about 70 characters per minute per hand. So frankly if you have paper ready the speed difference for such short stuff like what you'd want to order etc. compared to typing in your smartphone is probably negligible; in Japanese that's a few kanji or whatever and you are done. Plus, text size is obviously much larger the way she goes about it ...

School might also have a ban against smartphones (unless they were in a scene somewhere, I didn't check). Either way I wouldn't be surprised if some genuinely preferred this method.

I may be just getting old, but phones are primarily associated with calling people for me, so a mute person having one didn't even come to mind as a possibility. Might be the same for her and/or her parents as well, so even if it actually does have useful features, they'd just dismiss it as a silly idea without even realizing there's more to it.

Of course, tablets might still be a similar good idea with a more readable screen for "talking" with people. Pen and paper would still be quite a bit easier to handle, though, and you would not have to worry about charging them.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Judging by that long rant, she should have no problems with the result anyway. :D

1 x ½ discussion 19 Dec 19:27
joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm still not sure why people are so convinced that the flashback(s) in the opening of ch 15 are about abuse. They might be, but afaics isn't clear at all.

Oh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so, I already thought I was going insane here. Of course, as you say, it could still turn out to be that, but it really isn't as clear as everyone makes it out to be - to the extent that I made no such connection at all when I read it and had to take another look after seeing all the comments here.

Liberta discussion 19 Dec 19:18
joined Dec 20, 2018

Feel like stripping her again? Of course you do.

last edited at Dec 19, 2019 7:18PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

^ Yes, the roommate needs... a princess (Hime) to go with her princely appearance!

This one gets it.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sorry about the numbering; the serialization split chapter 1 into two chapters, and we are using that version, so the numbering is one ahead of the webcomic numbering. You’re not missing a chapter, so please don’t worry.

It's not even just the serialization - the first chapter has a smaller image just with a number 2 on it in the middle of it on pixiv, it's just not included in the translated version.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Shake shake shake shake the room

It's Boom shake shake shake the room ;)

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 5:58PM

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 14:10
joined Dec 20, 2018

^^Well, damn... That pretty much leaves all but the youngest's story unresolved, and that only because she's the one who's been in a relationship since before the manga started...

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 2:10PM

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 08:47
joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, since she's sober, it's time to keep your promise and let her kiss you as much as she wants.

Very important, we can't forget about that!

Chief sadly did...

Yuri Moyou discussion 18 Dec 06:12
joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, since she's sober, it's time to keep your promise and let her kiss you as much as she wants.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 6:13AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

What I've come to realize reading the comments is that this is basically a happy yuri crossover of Koe no Katachi and Kotoura-san.

joined Dec 20, 2018

It looks like I will finally get a better version of "A Room for Two".

I mean, it's easier when they are already married to begin with.

I don't get it. Where's the diffrence?

Fragtime discussion 17 Dec 07:30
joined Dec 20, 2018

I guess this may be a rare time where the production committee system is actually helpful. Since the rights belong to the committee, not to the studio, licensing and proper BD release are still possible even with the studio gone.

I hope the reason for bankruptcy wasn't making Fragtime, because it could send the message that making yuri would make your studio go bankrupt.

According to a comment at the newspost, they apparently had problems paying their staff with their earlier series as well, so likely not really Fragtime's fault.

Fragtime discussion 17 Dec 05:05
joined Dec 20, 2018
joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that was certainly not the way I expected it to go after how her mom looked when she asked to talk with the teacher... Probably should have seen it coming with the mom being pink-haired as well, though. :D

last edited at Dec 17, 2019 4:45AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Ah, they're just too cute. ^_^

joined Dec 20, 2018

^Ah, may you forever keep your innocence and blissful ignorance of how filthy the sea water is in many places...

joined Dec 20, 2018

Whoa is this the first chapter with no "baka"??

Nah, the whole sequence leading to Hino just telling Koguma to rest as her reward for passing the exams had multiple chapters without a "baka".

1 x ½ discussion 16 Dec 05:36
joined Dec 20, 2018

Looks like jealousy finally made mom make a move as well.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Three more chapters up at Yuri Project.

Ah, Mai-chan... How do you only manage to cause trouble between them when you're actually trying to help...?