Forum › Posts by BugDevil

joined Aug 26, 2018

Risako really looks like a two-faced bitch. Good at lying, probably was having sex with Reiichi but called Kaoru to know her exact whereabouts. And talked about a future baby as if is wasn't concerning her, and even expected them to have one.

Meaning, she doesn't really care about keeping Reiichi.

Even if Kaoru has a baby, she will keep on having casual sex with Reiichi. If their relationship is found out, she will or will not stop it. It's up to Reiichi to take responsibility. She doesn't really care either way. She's in total control. And I don't think she actually sees Kaoru as a real friend. She never did. She kept contact with her partly because of Reiichi and partly to keep the facade of a good relationship with her former classmates.

Typical of a sociopath.

Wowzers. You might have uh... put a little much headcanon into that one. I can roughly see where you are coming from, but dang, that's one hell of an escalation with miniscule evidence.

I mean we kinda jumped from "Kaoru saw them together when Reiichi was supposed to be at work and Risako lied about not having met him" to "Risako is a sociopath who constantly cheats with Reiichi and cares about neither of them."
I feel we are missing a few dozen steps somewhere between those two.

joined Aug 26, 2018

They're not engaged, they just have matching rings (the one's that Yuu was eyeing in chapter 42). Same sex marriage isn't even legal in Japan yet (if we assume that the series took place in 2015 when it first started, then this time skip would bring us to 2018 or 2019), so how could they be engaged?

Kinda depends where they live. Maybe it's that one district in Tokyo... did YagaKimi ever reveal where it takes place actually?

Image Comments 30 Sep 03:23
joined Aug 26, 2018

^"Rod sisters" may very well be the worst term I have ever been forced to witness.

joined Aug 26, 2018

To quote myself from the last chapter:

They somehow act like this is a necessary step when it is clearly not. Nobody's burden is taken away, because the burden never existed.

It's probably a good way to make Koguma more aware of how exclusive she wants their relationship to be, but the method is questionable at best. If we had at least seen Hino doing it and not enjoying it, then it would have worked better imo.

It's good to see that my thoughts were addressed. It's like Tarou and me are on the same wavelength. Pff.

joined Aug 26, 2018

While people criticize the writing aswell as pacing, I am pretty certain that are Rei-Kun is secretly some eldritch abomination, because the art style is often really “meh” when it comes down to human proportions (even now I see rei-kuns fcked up back from chapter 12 when he picks up the laundry Cthulhu afghjyeten)

I think that's just how she draws men. There is pretty much no issue with the girls or women.
Heck I sometimes feel like the high-school characters are from a different manga than Reiichi altogether.

These kinds of shitty proportions for men are usually reserved for Yaoi. lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

You have some fun hobbies.

That's what forum is for, isn't it?

I do the same with WDTFS, its probably more common than one would think.

My condolences. I don't know what's worse, that manhwa or its comments section.

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 4:48PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Nah. I just sometimes randomly check comments, especially if it's series I used to read or I'm interested in reading. New chapter dropped so I checked comments out of curiosity, to see if people still complain about the same stuff. They do, which make me feel like dropping it was the right call.

You have some fun hobbies.

joined Aug 26, 2018

BugDevil posted:

and knows what they are doing.


As was argued before. There's difference between slow burn and being incompetent. Also I dropped it ages ago, because of poor story telling and wasted opportunities. I'm not angry. I'm disappointed.

Well believe what you want, but the writing has actually never been incompetent. The only serious complaint anyone here can make is that too much information is hidden and things barely move forward. Those are not at all proof for incompetence. Whenever a plot point gets delivered it's done quite effectively, which speaks more of rough talent than lucky shot to me.

Also if you dropped it, what are you doing here? Enjoying the show? lol

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 4:11PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

After reading so many comments here i decide, that i dont follow this series anymore. Nobody is hoping anything good from this Manga like me. 99% of u are angry like me. So i dont follow this series anymore.

Well if it gives you any peace, I'm not angry. I actually find it quite hilarious.
And pacing aside, I think there is a lot of good here. The side-pairing, the build up in the early chapters, the genuine heartwrenching moments (for example when Uta finally confessed).
Although I have little faith in a good ending (read believable), I still wanna see where it goes. The author clearly has a plan and knows what they are doing. They are just doing way too slow haha

joined Aug 26, 2018

The sad part is this strategy is actually used by many straight women in real life. With different degrees of success. So the story is actually realistic, just in a very frustrating way.

Oh I'm completely aware, that's why I called it a classic.

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 11:41AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

"Kaoru is inevitably thrust further into her 'marriage'." I don't know why, I can't explain it, but that line on the cover just had me laughing for several minutes straight. It's too much! It's so flagrant! I can't even.... hahahahha.

Oh jeez. Okay. I think I recoverted now. Where to begin? Kaoru is still a coward who can't address her issues. Now that Uta is gone she can't distract herself from the "cheating" anymore. Risako lying about it is not necessarily confirmation either though, because both of them know what that would sound like. It might be a white lie (not that I really believe that).

So what is Kaoru's solution? BIND THAT GAMERLORD TO HER WITH A CHILD. Classic. Always works. Much more reasonable than talking things out. If he put one into the oven he can't escape and the kid will be such a huge distraction that she can hardly even remember the threat of cheating anymore! Brilliant.

1 x ½ discussion 29 Sep 09:49
joined Aug 26, 2018

To be fair, that's seem more probable in senpai's case. Mom's suicide and little sister hospitalized.

This is Japan, which has ghastly suicide rates even IRL due to a disturbing cultural tendency to treat it as an acceptable solution to an alarmingly vast range of life's problems, and moreover fictional Japan where you get pneumonia from being exposed to light rain, especially if you're female.
Just sayin'.

And have the authorities even tried to address the "both parents dying in a random car accident" epidemic?

They are too busy keeping the economy together by the seams because 70% of their population works overseas apparently.

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 9:49AM

Anime season 29 Sep 09:16
joined Aug 26, 2018

"I want to be more than best friends who hang out most of the time."
"Like... best friends forever who hang out all of the time?"
"Exactly like that."

Image Comments 29 Sep 06:57
joined Aug 26, 2018

^The majority of people don't enjoy their stories that way and for anyone who wants to follow his example, you should never take an exception as a guide. It's great that you think you enjoyed it just as much as if you had read it all, but most don't.

joined Aug 26, 2018

No, it's not. There was no basis for a poly ending. Taru and Amane have zero romantic chemistry. It was just a love triangle, and a shitty triangle formed from one character having mental issues. The poly ending was the author saying "fuck it" after their shit got cancelled.

You do understand though that for polyamory to work... only one person in the trio needs to be in a relationship with the others, right? Polyamory does not mean that every involved person has to love everyone else.
In this case, If both Kou and Amane loved Nene and Nene reciprocates those feelings and they all agree to share, it is already polyamory. And if the ending implies anything, it is that they all got married somehow, so it's polygamy with one girl having two wives probably.

There was considerable build-up for Nene and Kou developing feelings for each other (even if I didn't initially feel the chemistry was any good) and of course Amane and Nene never lost their feelings for each other. Amane is also pretty open minded and just happy to have Nene with her at all. So yes, all the conditions for polyamory were more or less fulfilled. We all know the rushed ending made the jump way too jarring, but saying that it is not legitimate at all is just not true.

I positively despise your insinuation that somehow being in the West or East makes any difference in this topic. (...) What a joke. (...) This is pure mudslinging. (...) You should be ashamed. (...) Is it not typical that you resort to insulting me?

No, it's not typical. Cryssoberyl never insulted anyone. You're the one who got slapped with a month-long ban for insulting other commenters and disrespecting the moderators.

Judging from your recent comments (some quoted above), it looks like you haven't learned your lesson.

Your misinterpretation and double standards have been noted.

last edited at Sep 30, 2019 5:44PM

Animal ears discussion 29 Sep 02:47
joined Aug 26, 2018

Catgirls are justice. Neko girls are truth.

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 2:47AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I've said it before and I'll say it again, You is my favorite type of MC. I can't believe this will never go beyond subtext, they are made for each other.

Yeah, I've read the raws and it's really just friendship in the end.
Man, i wish author went full lillies.

The complete thing is already out in some languages and I was told the ending like ages ago somewhere.
It's a shame indeed. Sometimes friendship is the only ship that can cross the sea.

joined Aug 26, 2018

End was rushed and author try to make a wave by throwing the poly ending and it work.

I actually really don't think that's true. Of course I can't prove it and you might be right, but there was enough groundwork to at least give the poly ending some legitimacy. Or rather I really think it was the intended ending from the beginning.
I'm not saying it was necessary or well done, but saying she threw it in for a little more of a splash is a bit harsh.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I apologize for making assumptions. You're right, for all I know you're a leading expert in cultural studies of Japan and what you said is the distillation of years of research, which goes way beyond my head. I guess I've just seen lots of people making baseless generalizations about Japanese culture from what they see in manga.

W-whoa... I'm not used to that kinda response.
I'm certainly no expert, it's just one of those things you pick up sometimes(particularily because of how much that "ideal" annoyed me). And yeah, I definitely know what you mean. Weeb culture is a living stereotype...

joined Aug 26, 2018

Also, some uploaders may not be staff, but all moderators are staff, and all moderators dislike it when someone is a jerk to uploaders. Just another heads-up.

That would be a valid point... if the uploader in question wasn't a jerk first of course. it really is hard to ignore this hypocirsy, what can I say?

joined Aug 26, 2018

I don't think you should make the leap from "this thing is common in anime and manga" to "this thing is an inherent aspect of Japanese culture" without some very strong evidence. One should be careful in making inferences about an entire culture's outlook based solely on the pornography they produce.

It's more likely that it's just one of those weird things common to manga, like characters getting nosebleeds from sexual arousal and girls getting flustered and loudly proclaiming "kanchigai shinaide!" after doing something nice for the person they have a crush on. However it got started, it continues because that's what turns the authors on.

Aren't you the one making assumptions on my knowledge here though...?
I would suggest you google "Ideal Japanese woman". It's not just a trope in fiction it is a cultural phenomenon older than electricity.

Certainly the trait is entirely exaggerated to a comical degree in porn, but it's nontheless a cultural oddity. I'd equate it to Western dime novels with women of fatih/nuns in them. All the talk about being pure and not sinning and the like that turns on men who like to defile things etc. All based on the actual perception of what these women should be like.
Every culture has thiese messed up interests.

joined Aug 26, 2018

When uploaders, or moderators, give you a gentle reminder that you're doing something wrong and recommend that, in the future, you show at least a tiny bit of self-awareness and adjust your attitude, the correct answer is to thank them and mend your ways. Definitely not to hit them in the face with a brick of text made of pure undiluted condescension and sarcasm.
Keep in mind that the next reminder might not be as gentle.

Uploaders have no greater degree of influence than anyone else and have no jurisdiction over what people may say or post.
Keep in mind that this particular uploader lacks self-awareness themselves and might not necessarily have the correct judgement. Especially when they are condescending themselves.
The amount of words I write has no relevance to anything.
Your opinion on who or what I should be thankful for is a non-factor.

This is my last response to this tedious topic.

last edited at Sep 28, 2019 3:19PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

They sure beat that strawman. Good to see that you people are easily impressed.

Image Comments 28 Sep 09:23
joined Aug 26, 2018

Every single empire in history was bad. There is no good empire. Imperialism is going to create horrible consequences no matter the nationality. Treating Germans like they are automatically nazis is bad and it's even stupider if someone is fine if any other nation does the same things.
Youjo Senki has many flaws, but it's not portraying Nazis.

last edited at Sep 28, 2019 10:47AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I've said it before and I'll say it again, You is my favorite type of MC. I can't believe this will never go beyond subtext, they are made for each other.