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WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 09:30
joined Jan 13, 2016

Saying "Hi" to people is even embarrassed to me lol.

I was like that 25 years ago.. XS

wow! hm? how old are you then? O_O

Gotta telling you if my honey comb tells us her age..

Haha my age is a secret. Even if you are my honey bee, i still won't tell you.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 09:22
joined Jan 13, 2016

Haha i am too embarrassed for it. That is why i joked a lot of Rain.

Naaww. That's kinda cute. ^^

sorry >.< I hope it goes well though!!!! ^-^''''

Thanks. I hope so too. ^^

Saying "Hi" to people is even embarrassed to me lol.

aww, you're so shy ahahaha. Don't worry just say hi a lot of times and you will improve ^-^''' At first you might sound dumb and people might think you're weird but don't worry ^-^''''
On a serious note though, I used to really awkward and shy and I would say hi and people would ignore me in secondary school. I did a lot of things that made me dreadful and I'm still a bit shy when I'm around people who are not as close to me but thanks to doing those things I can actually speak in public and to strangers easier than some people who are supposedly less shy ahaha. A friend told me, 'are you shy or not? I don't know' ahahaha :P

My parents used to give my siblings and me lots of lecturing for not greeting our aunts and uncles lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 09:20
joined Jan 13, 2016

btw, very off-topic but when I was a child I thought Santa was a special mail-man that gave free presents to children, do you think that's strange? I don't remember my parents ever saying that to me... I think I might have asked my dad though and he said yes... I don't know ^-^''' My dad also explained me about sex but he left out some (a lot) of things and I totally didn't get it until I was like 10... >.> also I didn't know a penis would get erect until I was 13 >.< but my aunt told me about oral sex when I was 12, and I was like "ew, do most people do that? or is it just some?" ahahahah ^-^'''''' BTW!! My friends from high school still thought it was gross last time we talked about it though! But they said they'd do it some day ahahah, but tbh... doing that to a guy seems kind of choking-ish... >.> ah well! ^-^''' sorry that's too lewd ^///^''''''''

My parents never tell me anything me anything about sex. All my mom said was never to let any guy gets closed; i could get pregnant lol. That is why i was thinking that i could get pregnant like that until i was in college. I wa told by a college classmate that i was too naive about men and women lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 09:16
joined Jan 13, 2016

Honey comb, sign up to image shack, upload the pic, copy the link

Then follow, the dynasty formatting, this works

Thanks Honey Bee. My next problem is my phone. Gotta wait until i get home to use my laptop to do the copying and pasting.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 09:15
joined Jan 13, 2016

Haha i am too embarrassed for it. That is why i joked a lot of Rain.

Naaww. That's kinda cute. ^^

sorry >.< I hope it goes well though!!!! ^-^''''

Thanks. I hope so too. ^^

Saying "Hi" to people is even embarrassed to me lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 09:12
joined Jan 13, 2016

Haha i am too embarrassed for it. That is why i joked a lot of Rain.

Naaww. That's kinda cute. ^^

sorry >.< I hope it goes well though!!!! ^-^''''

Thanks. I hope so too. ^^

Actually now that i think about it, i have never asked anybody for their names, emails, or phone numbers. It has always been others asking me. I have not guts on that area.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 09:05
joined Jan 13, 2016

I still don't know how to embed images either ^-^''' it's so hard right? I didn't really get it in the forum rules... haha maybe Nez-chan is going to appear now and help us :P >.>
I have to use the internet all the time for looking up references and tutorials for my projects and listening to music so sometimes it ends up distracting me >.>
I'm from Greece, btw, in case you didn't know. I live in England though.

I know what you mean Fay. The internet contains too much information.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 08:59
joined Jan 13, 2016

Could we not talk about surgeries please? I got one soon and I'm already shitting my pants. DX

I woke up early yesterday around 10pm and decided to sketch a weird animal with a rabbit ears, a cow's body, a dog's tail, and a human's face with a big red heart to send to KitKat to replace her bad experience with those shitheads but i didn't know how to enmbed images, so i tried browsing thru the site to find the code but couldn't after an hour past. Then i decided to search help on other site and then found the tag to add images but damn i couldn't figure how to copy and paste the link using my phone. I gave up afterward when it past 11pm

Aw man, that sucks. :/ Well, how about asking her for her Email and just send it to her this way? o.o

Haha i am too embarrassed for it. That is why i joked a lot of Rain.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 08:57
joined Jan 13, 2016

oh, you work in a hospital right? have you ever seen a surgery? I'm so afraid of suregeries... >.>

That's Azai, Fay..
Same here, i'm not into disturbing scene...

I don't think i can ever be in a hospital. After i passed out while visiting my sister at the hospital i became scared of it. I would faint if i stay too long visiting the patient.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 08:52
joined Jan 13, 2016

Mvl, whatever you're on, share it. It seems like good stuff. XD

Hey Suzu! Nothing particular. I decided to be bored being at home with 0 access to the Internet but ya know what it is just impossible. I tried to go to sleep early to forget the internet but i ended up staying all night.

How was you day/evening there?

Ah, the good ole internetz. You can get addicted to it so easily. XD But I can relate though. When I'm bored at home with nothing to do and the Internet isn't working, I go out of my mind. o.o

I'm on vacation/sick leave from work cause my body is screwing me over. It's afternoon over here, the house is clean, I have no errands to run and am thus spending the day being bored as fuck. DX Well, at least that way I can finally do what the doc tells me and take it easy for a bit. Not like I have a choice right now. :T

Where are you guys from, btw? o.o

Well, i'm from Minnesota. I have been living in Minnesota for so long. Before that, i used to live somewhere in Thailand with my family before they came here. Minnesota is so boring.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 08:48
joined Jan 13, 2016

Mvl, whatever you're on, share it. It seems like good

I woke up early yesterday around 10pm and decided to sketch a weird animal with a rabbit ears, a cow's body, a dog's tail, and a human's face with a big red heart to send to KitKat to replace her bad experience with those shitheads but i didn't know how to enmbed images, so i tried browsing thru the site to find the code but couldn't after an hour past. Then i decided to search help on other site and then found the tag to add images but damn i couldn't figure how to copy and paste the link using my phone. I gave up afterward when it past 11pm.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 08:35
joined Jan 13, 2016

Mvl, whatever you're on, share it. It seems like good stuff. XD

Hey Suzu! Nothing particular. I decided to be bored being at home with 0 access to the Internet but ya know what it is just impossible. I tried to go to sleep early to forget the internet but i ended up staying all night.

How was you day/evening there?

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 08:30
joined Jan 13, 2016


ah! found a better one
| >:D

Thanks, sweetie..


Because they are my experiences but you are my wisdom. Well my Honey Bee your Honey Comb has to go finish the first wedding with bride 1. Have a good night! Think of your Honey Comb a little when you go to sleep. Remember do not cheat on me.

i recall 0 experience.. and suddenly i'm being number eight and a honey bee...
R u ok there? Am i okay here?

Hehehe... i just decided to spend sometime in rehab to sort some internet addiction. I want my normal life back. The internet is scary i tell ya.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 07:57
joined Jan 13, 2016

I missed you too too much but i decided to go off and get married to 7 pink brides in the pink plant. I'll come back and make you my eighth bride. Adios my bride numero ocho. Don't cheat on me!

Wth, I wish i understand this...

numero ocho means number eight if that's the problem...? also I think she meant planet

Not, the spanish..
But, why should i be the number eighth?

Because they are my experiences but you are my wisdom. Well my Honey Bee your Honey Comb has to go finish the first wedding with bride 1. Have a good night! Think of your Honey Comb a little when you go to sleep. Remember do not cheat on me.

WDTFS fans - off topic 05 Apr 05:03
joined Jan 13, 2016

(ㅎㅅㅎ) had too much caffiene.. cant seem to sleep.

:) I drink coffee occasionally only.. Caffeine is not my stuff

Seriously, mvl89..
You have to show up..

I missed you too too much but i decided to go off and get married to 7 pink brides in the pink plant. I'll come back and make you my eighth bride. Adios my bride numero ocho. Don't cheat on me!

Collectors discussion 05 Apr 00:46
joined Jan 13, 2016

I freaking loved this manga, it's amazing. Is it going to continue? I hope so :<

+1 here. I love it too. I didn't like it at first but have grown to want more and more. I wish their story would go forever.

last edited at Apr 5, 2016 12:47AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 19:41
joined Jan 13, 2016

I am feeling abandoned now. Goodbye you all. It was nice chatting for a bit.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 19:39
joined Jan 13, 2016
WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 19:30
joined Jan 13, 2016

Cool. It looks good.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 19:25
joined Jan 13, 2016

Nyeeeeehhh....I can't fall asleep for some reason. :/
Hey guys.

Hey suzuma! What time is it there? I can totally feel you. I hate when i can't fall asleep too.

last edited at Apr 4, 2016 7:26PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 18:04
joined Jan 13, 2016


WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 16:38
joined Jan 13, 2016

My god i was so bored at work today. Staring at two computer monitors and doing nothing was so bored.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 13:15
joined Jan 13, 2016

I don't think i can do. I will just end up embarrassing myself twice lol. So it is better and more interesting to listen to others romance. Like listening to your love story is fun for me hehehe.

Lol suit yourself. Though I'd cut your supposed age of 37 by at least 15 years just from you saying that haha

oh come on! I like being embarrassed! you know when I had a crush I would just randomly say hello to her when she was walking down the hallways! I looked like an idiot... >.> ^-^''' but it's a fun memory. I also wish I had done more than that but I was always afraid and now I wish I hadn't been because losing chances like that is a waste! though she turned out not to be my type anyway buuuut I'm just saaaaying... I would probably have felt better if I had talked to her more and... told her how I felt. And, Cyprus is very conservative regarding that so...

I can telling someone i like you. The problem is i'm not into doing lovey dovey with anyone. When i was in elementary school i used to be so emarrassed having my friends seen me outside of school. I always hid from them lol. Now i really wish to seem them but i don't get to see them. I could only see them in my dreams.

Lol I was like that, I remember one time I had to go through a neighborhood that I knew some friends from school lived in, I ducked down in the car so they couldn't see me haha however I do wish I could see them now though. It sucks growing up and having everyone move away

Yep. That is why i was so mad at my family for not telling me about some calls from this one friend when i was in college. It took them four years for my sister finally told me about a feiend calling me. Too bad. I learned my lesson.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 13:00
joined Jan 13, 2016

I don't think i can do. I will just end up embarrassing myself twice lol. So it is better and more interesting to listen to others romance. Like listening to your love story is fun for me hehehe.

Lol suit yourself. Though I'd cut your supposed age of 37 by at least 15 years just from you saying that haha

oh come on! I like being embarrassed! you know when I had a crush I would just randomly say hello to her when she was walking down the hallways! I looked like an idiot... >.> ^-^''' but it's a fun memory. I also wish I had done more than that but I was always afraid and now I wish I hadn't been because losing chances like that is a waste! though she turned out not to be my type anyway buuuut I'm just saaaaying... I would probably have felt better if I had talked to her more and... told her how I felt. And, Cyprus is very conservative regarding that so...

I can telling someone i like you. The problem is i'm not into doing lovey dovey with anyone. When i was in elementary school i used to be so emarrassed having my friends seen me outside of school. I always hid from them lol. Now i really wish to seem them but i don't get to see them. I could only see them in my dreams.

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 Apr 12:14
joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey, yr age is 85% below 25. I can tell..

Hahaha maybe. i want to be 25 forever though.

Lol we will just keep a 25 candle for you and continue to reuse it every year for your cake XD

Actually i want to be 30 forever. 25 looks like a kid.

Wishy washy..
I prefer you 25 or 37. 30 is not a choice..

Ok i will be 25 forever. Oh well.