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April Fool discussion 24 Feb 11:30
joined Nov 7, 2022

The Bullying tag is amusing in many ways. Who's bullying who, exactly?

It's all about that Bullying x Reversal pairing.

last edited at Feb 24, 2024 11:36AM

joined Nov 7, 2022

It wasn't bad. It had a bittersweet "that's life" kind of vibe, but there's a hopefulness to that kind of feeling too because life continues on and there're more adventures to be had. Young loves like that rarely amount to much, but she'll find the feeling again with someone else, maybe even the original friend.

On one hand, I like it. It got that so-called realistic kind of vibe, where not everything is rosy and your crush doesn't reciprocate your feelings, but also without the usual drama, a bit more accepting and relaxing.

On the other hand, when a story is about romance, makes me long for characters in a relationship, but ends up with nothing happening and the MC being single and not talking about romance anymore, it feels kind of empty. Like I was reading the wrong type of story, or maybe reading it with a wrong mindset. Not that I could have known how it would end...

I'll choose to believe that the talk of traveling together at the end is a sign of blooming romance. Just to fill that gap, and because I like an interpretation when a sympathetic MC would have a happy love life at the end.

joined Nov 7, 2022

It might be possible that there was no ghost marriage and it's all a lie by the MC who wants to thoroughly conceal the real reason the ghost can't move on (= the promise they made).

I think there actually was. It was mentioned that the great-uncle could see ghosts and that him holding a ghost marriage was strange because he had no reason to. Also Yongen doesn't talk about actually interacting with him, as if he was actually treating it as symbolic. Sounds like he might have done it so that Yingzi and Yongen could get reunited, since Yingzi couldn't have held the ghost marriage herself.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Wait don't tell me they're actually not going to talk at all and just practice on their own until the day of the event and then dance and talk after all is done just for dramatic effect.

Don't know if it's going to take until after the dance, but right now Kiki isn't ready to talk anyway. Their relationship might just fall apart if she rushes.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Nice to see Faye. She seems to be a nice demon lord, unlike her mother... And has cute little assistants. And, huh, do we know what happens to Olivia in the future ? I don't remember... I hope she gets a happy ending, though. Maybe mend her relationship with Lena. She deserves it.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Goddessdammit. I thought if Momo was as weird as Mizuki and Yanagi, we'd have seen it at the start. So I let my doubts sleep since that was five chapters with anything on the radar. Only for the reveal to blindside me !

Of course, a NTR fetish. I mean, at this point, why not ?

... Huh, if Mizuki starts dating Yanagi, would Momo become interested in her ?

joined Nov 7, 2022

I like Erika's maturity. She had an inferiority complex towards Aya but didn't let it drive her, she realized what Koto was going through and did what was best. And with her lines at the end, I'm sure she feels like a villain, but there's nothing wrong with her watching over Aya and Koto.

It's a bit strange because she's not the usual "helpful friend" that helps a relationship progress in most stories, but it might be because there isn't anything that can be done to help them.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Sometimes, it feels like almost every mom in manga falls between extremes of either in the super kind, helpful, wingwomanning their daughter type, or the traditionalist, arranged marriage antagonistic one.

I loooooove the former. Her reaction to Suuna announcing that she has a sefure was priceless, same with Suuna's reaction as an easily aggravated daughter. I'd be curious to see her meet Ruka.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Sashimi is too good, too cute. Where is her dandelion girl ?

joined Nov 7, 2022

Tsukushi couldn't find the words but still managed to make herself understood. I'd give it a 4/10, but given that she had her kiss, I don't think she cares about scores right now.

Yuu and Sara were extra cute in ch. 33.

last edited at Feb 6, 2024 3:45AM

joined Nov 7, 2022

This chapter at least shows that she cares enough about Makino to help her even after she refuses to come home, so she seems to at least care about her daughters in her own shitty way. She even apologized to Makino after realizing how much her recent actions had hurt her.

She apologized because she thinks the "proper steps" is for her to be an adult and offer an olive branch, and for Makino to graciously accept it and come back home. The fact that said apologies comes with the expectation that Makino will abandon her gay ways and leave Mashiro to come back home makes it entirely worthless, in my opinion.

In the end it doesn't matter that she thinks she's acting out of love. That doesn't excuse treating her children like objects. It just makes her look incompetent (clearly failing to be a caring mother) on top of hateful.

Don't get me wrong, if Toxic Mom stops being such a shitty mother, that's for the best. It's just that so far, none of her actions deserve any pity whatsoever. She could grow depressed from how the situation turned out and it'd still be entirely her own fault.

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children

That's not the resolution I want this story to take. Makino and Reina can have children in whatever way they have available is that's what they want... But there is no legitimacy whatsoever in a pathetic excuse of "bloodline". Can you imagine if this arc ends up with Toxic Mom accepting her daughters' partners, only to start pressuring them to have children instead ? What a way to ruin a redemption arc that would be.

I suspect that this will end with Toxic Mom accepting that her daughters are gay, but without her actions being entirely forgotten, and the gap she created will remain even if they end up on good terms again. Which would be the most "normal" way to happily resolve the current situation.

They're so cute together :3

Makino is nothing if not constant. Being direct in professing her love to Mashiro suits them well. And any chapter that ends with a smile is a good chapter !

joined Nov 7, 2022

Background yuri get !

Also I'm irrationally annoyed that this Konami code is wrong, using AB instead of BA.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Today, in A Love Yet to Bloom : Hirose makes a freaking good wingwoman now that she's reconciled with her own feelings; ever more blushing, now also enhanced with additional handholding and matching accessories; and Hinata is fifth wheeling a double date, but fortunately, she has four caring mothers to take care of her.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Gosh Youyan's happy face is so beautiful...

joined Nov 7, 2022

With a revolution, I can change the country so that love between women is no longer punished by death.


And build a harem of the world's finest women.

NO ! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

joined Nov 7, 2022

My only problem with this is that there isn't more epilogue stuff.

Don't worry, the epilogue will probably have more epilogue stuff. Have faith!

Thanks so much to the scanlators for doing this and keeping the project alive across both groups! Such a great series

I love it when an epilogue does epilogue. Jokes aside, I'd loved to see a grown-up Shizuku as an illustration of how she's going on whilst keeping the memory of Kaori alive. This was a thoroughly beautiful series and I'm absolutely planning to reread it once I'm mentally recovered enough to face the sadness once more.

I hope for the same. The ending was beautiful. We see how they felt in the end, and nothing is left unsaid. But since we see Shizuku taking the first step in her new life, it would be good to have a few pages showing her living happily.

joined Nov 7, 2022

I don't think the "why" is really speculation here. There is no doubt that Aizawa, probably because she's a ghost, is unstable and with violent tendencies when her emotions (such as jealousy) take over. That's been a running theme for a while.

I'm more curious on whether it's just her cheerful personality, or the circumstances of her becoming a ghost, that made her be in control most of the time... And I'm torn between hope and worry for whether she'll find a way to maintain her emotional balance in the long term.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Ha, yes. Comedy slice of life in a fucked up setting. Aaaand once again, I don't know how to feel.

... but it's definitely cute so far, despite the horrific teeth and blood splatter.

joined Nov 7, 2022

There isn't really a good or bad answer to Linda's excuse. Relying on a trustworthy prophecy to get the best outcome for everyone isn't a bad thing, but at the same time, choosing to trust a prophecy that claims a child must bear a burden (which is a literal torture) for the sake of others is never not irresponsible. Guess we just have to accept that she made her decision, anyway.

Looks like we're starting to head towards the end of the time travel part... I wonder if the issue has been resolved ? I assume the curse itself is still to be taken care of, but did Elsa taking on the curse was the solution to mitigate its power and prevent the demon attack ?

That they'd have to be separated was obvious, otherwise the timeline would be messed up. I'm not particularly seeing in a good eye the whole "You pretty much sacrificed your life for my family, but now you're a liability, so take this money and leave". Nobles gonna be nobles, and well, that guy already has a bad ending in store for himself, anyway.

TL;DR Adults suck, Evie's job is done, Elsa still unlucky.

joined Nov 7, 2022

And whatever was going on between them was for Shun to decide if it was ok or not, not for Yua. It's none of her business.

Going for an unexpected kiss with someone who does not consider you a lover or partner, while she's taken by surprise and doesn't know how to react, is not a healthy way to progress a relationship. And Shun's reaction at the end makes it clear that she didn't know what she wanted, even though she wasn't against it.

Besides, it's not like Yua forcibly separated them. If Shun really wanted to kiss, she could have ignored the interruption or continued after Yua left. That they chose not to makes it clear that the circumstances weren't great.

Just because Hinata could do it (as Shun didn't protest), doesn't mean that she should. "Proper steps" doesn't mean sticking to some dumb tradition, it means making each other's feelings clear so that both of them know what they want and expect, rather than rushing ahead without having had to time to figure things out. There is no doubt Shun is interested - but that doesn't mean it was the right time or approach.

Edit : I was going to add a comment that adult with relationship experience might have different circumstances... But actually, even then I don't really see a situation where kissing without having both people express their desire to do so would be a good idea. Not necessarily a disaster (if one is willing but hasn't expressed it), but not a very wise way to enter a relationship.

last edited at Jan 18, 2024 7:38PM

joined Nov 7, 2022

I have absolutely no idea what they talked about throughout the whole chapter. But that conversation seemed to make them happy and comfortable with each other, and the confession was cute. I don't need to understand more for it to put me in a good mood.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Making Seo as the villain would work better if she killed someone who didn't deserve it. Attempted murder isn't much better, but in a story, it feels like a cheap "not too evil" characterization.
Still not happy with how abrupt or lacking justifications it was, either. But I suppose "she planned it from the start and was faking the whole time" is the best we can get (and yes, it was already hinted in ch. 51). Unless we later get something with Komachi and an explanation of how Seo went from bully to attempted mass murderer.

Seo aside, it's a good thing that Michiru was actually redeemable and got killed by Prez. Because otherwise I'd suspect that the author is trying to sell us that he was right, and that wouldn't sit well with me at all.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Huh. That leaves me a vague feeling... As in page 5, "that's such a loss", but without the grief that more dramatic approaches to loss in stories usually.

That's... kinda nice ?

joined Nov 7, 2022

So we finally see what she did to cause them to break up. Yeah, that's pretty heart-rending. When you have a loving GF who wants to go public with you against the odds and you chicken out... oof.

And it's worth noting that she refused not just going public, but rather something that might have started rumors that would make it easier to go public. Given that situation, and Ji Youyan using her public appearances with male actors for publicity, it's easy to understand why Jing Xiu is reluctant to just go back to their old life.

Still... while it seems she's largely responsible for the current situation, I gotta respect Ji Youyan for trying to mend things and make them better. Especially as we saw in the introduction that this mistake, and not trying to fix it cost them dearly in their life for the years to come.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Beautiful confession, and beautiful couple.

Now either they get free from that accursed place or one of them dies... I'll be praying the former, both because I want them to live happy ever after, and for the sake of everyone of those child soldiers.