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joined Mar 19, 2022

This ship has a fun dynamic, the one indifferent to others and the one who loves to be hated

School Zone discussion 01 Oct 15:44
joined Mar 19, 2022

The end was a nice call back to the first chapter, but now it feels like a emotional gut punch. What the hell is Kei doing indeed.

It feels like Kei is insecure that Rei wants to be spending time with her and that fuels her desire for their dynamic to stay the same as it always has been. Kei seems insecure on whether Rei will always spends time with her, and Rei wants nothing but to stay by Kei's side forever. These two are useless and also need help from the romance master Yatsude, maybe Yatsude can have sessions with Kei next.

last edited at Oct 1, 2022 3:51PM

joined Mar 19, 2022

I'm starting to really warm up to this series, I had a hard time understanding what was going on when it first dropped. Thanks to everyone in the thread that took the time to explain it. Thanks to the translators as well.

The emperor is falling quite hard for MC, but MC doesn't even realize her affects lol. I hope the emperor's background gets expounded on, how she came to be in this position and her last love seem really interesting.

joined Mar 19, 2022

That sleeping scene is precious

joined Mar 19, 2022

Sanae wasn't a good girl after all

joined Mar 19, 2022

Thanks for the translation, really great work! Can't wait for the next release

This chapter also confirms what everybody probably guessed already, that Kaori is deliberately trying to "fix" the lives of some people she cares about to make sure that her dying leaves no loose ends. I wonder if Shizuku will find out and how she'll react to this, though it is very in-character for Kaori to do something like this so she might not be all that surprised to find out. Could be a good point to delve into what Kaori feels for Shizuku though.

yeah it also shows a certain level of tragedy where Kaori has just straight up accepted that she's going to die soon to such an extent that she'd rather make sure that everyone in her life will be able to go on without her than giving herself the perfect last couple months. She just cannot ask others to care for her because she's too busy trying to ensure that when she dies she'll leave as little of a hole as she possibly could.

Perfectly put. Shizuku has really started to notice Kaori does this too and while it might be selfish for Shizuku to ask Kaori to lean on her, it's less tragic than what Kaori is doing to herself.

I haven't seen in the credit page the chibi mini scene in that foggy field for a couple of chapters and while I do miss those, I think it would make me cry way more if they were present.

joined Mar 19, 2022

Reimu's luck really is just unbound, it's probably better for everyone that she has no motivation 99% of the time

last edited at Sep 19, 2022 4:07PM

joined Mar 19, 2022

I'm not sure why you'd eat the one becoming a zombie, wouldn't you rather become a zombie first?

Cause it's an error, i checked the french translation and somehow here they change sense for some reason (mistake ?).

In french Saori said she would let Shizuku bite her so they can be zombies together more precisely "so we can stay together" and in page 4, it's "She let me ate her with a smile".

I'm going with Windyfall's translation, if anything because it's funnier (and I can really picture Saori doing it, it's so fitting).

I prefer Windyfall's translation too for the same reason.

I looked up the raws and the original dialogue is:
Shizuku: "もし私がゾンビになったらお前が真っ先に殺してくれそうだな"
If I became a zombie, You'd kill me first.
Saori: "殺すより食べて一緒にゾンビになるもん"
(I)* think (I'd) rather eat (you) so we could become zombies together
Shizuku: "あいつは笑いながら食べた"
She ate (me) while smiling.
* The () are to indicate what was inferred based on context.

I think the discrepancy between the French and English translation is because in Saori's dialogue both the subject and the object is inferred from context (which Japanese tends to do), so I would actually say Windyfall's translation is more accurate to the original dialogue even if that isn't how people normally turn into zombies. Since this is Saori, this is way more her type of cute romance, since she likes to show her overwhelming dominance and all.

joined Mar 19, 2022

Inside you there are two Matsuri. One loves the pigtails. The other is honest. You are gay.

Personally, I'm on "Nonsense! You look wonderful, Miss Sunflower!" Matsuri's side.

joined Mar 19, 2022


joined Mar 19, 2022

I love the commitment to draw just one extra sweat drop for both Karin and Mei on the panels on pages 8-9.

last edited at Jul 18, 2022 3:44PM

joined Mar 19, 2022

My, what slender shoulders she has. My, how talented she is. My, what kissable lips she has. Good lord Evie.

joined Mar 19, 2022

The cover is a fantastic view into the future~

joined Mar 19, 2022

This manga is just simply too good, so I went ahead and got the raw and that means at this stage I have finished chapter 8 (end of volume 2). Obviously I cannot write any spoilers. But I can tell you that what Rinne did in Chapter 6.5, would ended up creating an unexpected but understandable effect in chapter 7. That in turn also started the very first sign of what Ressey, who commented two posts above mine, wrote. indeed. VERY GAY and VERY PLEASED., which is very clear by chapter 8. Anyway, keep reading this manga, you will not be disappointed at all.

This convinced me to get the raws too and chapter 8 is glorious. Very gay and very pleased indeed.

joined Mar 19, 2022

My favorite arc, Manaria is a jerk, but also smooth and hot while Claire starts getting dere.

joined Mar 19, 2022

Instant favorite. The first year magical girl trio is always very good.
This doujin is like the reverse of my favorite line in Magia Record said by Madoka:

I promise to save Homura! So Sayaka, you save me! And then someday, Homura will save you, too!

joined Mar 19, 2022

I've heard when a suicidal person decides to commit suicide sometimes they might seem happy in the short time they have left, is this a myth or is it true? I wonder if this is what happened to Tokiko or if she was lying to herself about being happy. That final bonus chapter is gonna hurt.

I've heard this myth too, that when a suicidal person decides to, they think they will feel relief from the pain they have been experiencing. I don't know how true this myth of seeming happy is, but Tokiko's statements seem similar to this sentiment. Like she doesn't have to deal with not being accepted or understood anymore.

My own take is that Tokiko has always been quick to latch onto acting how the people she respects think she should act, which is maybe why she feels so freed. Her friend from the orphanage tells her to be happy, she tries to be "happy" at all times. Her father tells her to prioritize herself and she decides to let him die so he is no longer her priority. Tokiko's sister tells her not to blame herself and she throws herself into the serial killer case so she feels like she is not at fault. And Natsuki had been the only one successful to get her out of some of those flawed conclusions.

This curse is awful.

joined Mar 19, 2022

Sharing costumes, cuute

joined Mar 19, 2022

I feel like that’s the point though. None of the other deaths have been special so far — it’s used to show that the curse doesn’t differentiate. Tokiko doesn’t get to choose just because it was her friend; that would diminish the power of the curse and not succeed in the manga’s goal of critiquing Tokiko’s outlook on life. Also, the abruptness only makes it more impactful IMO.

That's what I feel after sitting with it for a bit. Since there's been so many deaths you can easily get a bit desensitized to them, but fake out and abruptness helps solidify the dreadfulness of the curse. Previously Tokiko acted disconnected to deaths, but even if she tries act against the curse she is helpless to it in the end. Tokiko doesn't get to choose if its her older sister, she doesn't get to choose if its her best friend...

joined Mar 19, 2022

Tokiko's curse strikes again...

joined Mar 19, 2022

Yuu is able to be honest with herself now and yet the previous Miss Sunflower was not able to be completely honest in the end...

joined Mar 19, 2022

The confidence, Hoshino said she wanted to go kya kya with some girls while stargazing and just went and did it.

Yayoi Oosawa always makes swoon worthy OLs.

joined Mar 19, 2022

I wonder if Aoya killed Tokiko's parents and tried to pull off what he did with Ai on Tokiko, but failed.

joined Mar 19, 2022

My, Natsuki and Tokiko have kinda entered subtext territory I guess.

Dream for the Future: To work as closely with Natsuki as possible.

Definitely in subtext territory now

joined Mar 19, 2022

The only Kurosu that told Tokiko not to apologize, I knew Miyuki's was going to be the hardest :(