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joined Apr 21, 2020

This art style is outstanding, and I would take almost anything drawn in it. Instead we get this lovely depiction of what seems like sleep deprived college students teasing each other about their crushes.

joined Apr 21, 2020

There's some light BDSM potential in staging bullying scenes without genuine malice and Elsa consenting to it, or in the case of getting doused in water, seemingly enjoying it.

joined Apr 21, 2020

Does anyone know of any mature (and I mean women who are 50+) stories not on Dynasty Scans? I've exhausted what little is here. What I'm aware of so far is Her by Tomoko Yamashita.

joined Apr 21, 2020

I think the brilliance in this series is that it's kept up in the air whether the classmate is an obsessed fan or a real magical girl. Either way, the protagonist's classmate is dangerous, and either way, she has to face how deep her classmate's feelings are for her. But if neither option is confirmed, it's like neither option has really happened, and she can keep hiding from it the same way she hides from the manga update and her classmate's likely emotional reaction to her fumble.

joined Apr 21, 2020

I love it when yuri uses shoujo conventions. This does it perfectly, with blushing, flowery backgrounds, idealization of fictional relationship patterns, slapstick comedy, and most importantly, pink ink. Makes me want to bring out my old copies of Shoujo Beat.

joined Apr 21, 2020

The concept for this manhua is great, but I'm a little disappointed that it's so light-hearted in tone most of the time despite the characters constantly facing mortal danger. I hope their situation ramps up and gets more dramatic eventually.

Your Warmth discussion 13 Nov 19:29
joined Apr 21, 2020

What a lovely story. I really liked the portrayal of how they give and take in their relationship, having boundaries and yet often being supportive and selfless. The panel where a younger Nacchan is in her classroom and looking at a desk with flowers on it is meant to imply that one of her classmates had died. Being back in Tokyo would probably bring up memories of that person.

Image Comments 13 Nov 13:32
joined Apr 21, 2020

This reminds of how much I love Andy/Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada.

Image Comments 12 Nov 20:24
joined Apr 21, 2020

While she's obviously not chubby here, the artist's choice to give her a minimum amount of fat makes it that much hotter to me. It's more like what real people look like.

joined Apr 21, 2020

Wow, this is gorgeous! I looked up the source material and was unsurprised to see all the lesbian fans fawning over the elf, an assassin named Salvia. It seems like in the original game she is a love interest option.

joined Apr 21, 2020

Any good enemies to lovers yuri? Or yuri where someone is not interested at first and then they are

There's quite a few good Korean titles that aren't on Dynasty. My personal favorite is Moonlight Garden, followed by Getting to Know Grace. Both are very complex, character driven titles with strong power imbalances between the love interests. Darker is White Angels Have No Wings, featuring a relationship built on blackmail. Only the full first volume is on Dynasty, but if you haven't heard of it, Netsuzou Trap is a very well written in my opinion but dark and arguably exploitative story that features a lot of conflict between the love interests even if they're not strictly enemies.

For some more benign dislike/disinterest, My Princess Charming has one-sided feelings for most of its run. So do Sasameki Koto and I'm In Love With The Villainess, both Japanese titles on Dynasty, though mind the transphobic subplot in Sasameki Koto. Accept My Fist of Love! is technically enemies to lovers as they were former gang rivals, but is very light in tone. Another great Japanese benign enemies to lovers title not on Dynasty is Yuri Is My Job, which gets much more complicated than its premise implies. My favorite overall though is Still Sick, filled with realistic conflict between two mentally ill people.

joined Apr 21, 2020

Wow, I love this so much. It's the fantasy of being unattractive and yet getting to have someone everyone wants. It's the possessiveness over that person, as if by being the only one who they can be normal around, you get one over them for having so much more attention. Of course, the princeliness may not be an act at all, and the other girl may be trying to hold onto someone that she's afraid is beginning to move past her.

joined Apr 21, 2020

I tried posting a long comment on the Yuri Recommendations thread recommending some enemies to lovers stories, but it was automatically deleted as spam. It might have been because I previewed the post, but I only previewed once. If this isn't the right place to contact you, sorry.

joined Apr 21, 2020

The uncertainty in this feels straight out of my memories. You're reaching out for someone just far enough that they know you're interested, but not enough that it's definite and you can get hurt.

joined Apr 21, 2020

I like how this story sort of depicts crushing on someone that seems a lot more mature than you and far away, but then getting closer to them and seeing they have the same messy desires as you.

joined Apr 21, 2020

There's no good plot here but I'm very happy to read just to see two tomboy characters blushing evocatively at each other.

joined Apr 21, 2020

Given how Akane acts sweet around her parents, I kind of wonder if she isn't keeping up a similar if downplayed act around them as well, and if Ichika could be her opportunity to fully let loose.

joined Apr 21, 2020

Everything about this is so fucking hot. I love the detail of calling Kiri her feminine birth name to embarrass her further.

joined Apr 21, 2020

I love that Zhang Guo seems to be an older woman. There's really not enough of them in yuri.

joined Apr 21, 2020

Honestly, I like that there's no explicit romance in this. Tanaka and Toda already love each other in a platonic sense and have changed each other for the better in a way only great relationships can achieve. I'm a yuri fan as much as anyone on this website, but I'm not sure that they would stay so healthy in a realistic story like this one if they dated, given their very different emotional maturity levels.

Side note: the description of how Toda develops her stories is so relatable and fun to read! I am so in love with this manga.