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joined Jan 21, 2020

Bruh i wish i could think 5.3 euros is alot for a decent sized meal jesus. If its decent quality id expect to pay like 10-15 euros for that

last edited at Oct 31, 2022 5:11PM

joined Jan 21, 2020

I am abit disappointed that we didnt get to see their first time, especially after they teased it once.

joined Jan 21, 2020

At this point my biggest worry is that they wont have Shiho apologize or feel bad at the end of her arc. Like if she gets to reconcile with every1 without rectifying or at least adressing how much of an ass shes been to every1, thatll be severly disappointing (but im afraid thats what we might get).

joined Jan 21, 2020

Yea the way i read this was that the issue wasnt that she was just "tanned" or "dark-skinned" (although im sure an upper class traditionalist family would see that as an issue) but rather that she has an unhealthy obsession with tanning and is ruining her skin and endangering her health for it (what with her being uninterested in skin care to alleviate some of those issues).

last edited at Oct 16, 2022 4:44AM

joined Jan 21, 2020

Ive been in an angsty mood recently. Any1 got some recommendations for some oneshots or short series with drama/angst but a happy ending ?(and i dont mean like bittersweet, i mean a proper happy ending)

joined Jan 21, 2020

Yea if they pull some nonsense again after doing it in the previous chapter imma get abit annoyed.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Imma be real, what shima did this chapter is literally enough to give someone (especially in as vulnurable a state as adachi is in rn) long term problems. Like thats the type of stuff you reference to your therapist 5 years later in regards to why you have deep-rooted trust issues and cant open up to any1. And especially with the added context that most of what she said wasnt even very intelligibel, it makes shima look even worse because, as others have pointed out, she could be upset about something different aswell. So yea, even tho shima has been thus far displayed as a somewhat callous and reserved person, i dont think giving her friend borderline trauma is in character for her.

joined Jan 21, 2020

This chapter blindsided me with how wholesome it was, feels like the first time the series focused mostly on discussing love over sex. It's kinda weird since at this point Nanao's feelings for Asumi seem more deeply explored than Asumi's feelings for Mai.

Yea, honestly this chapter felt pretty feelsy and i surprisingly got a lil bit emotional during the "lets save that for her" part. Overall amazing chapter

joined Jan 21, 2020

Could any LN readers spoil me on how this story goes on ? Havent really read this version after the first one got axed but this chapter was quite something and im curious on how it continues.

joined Jan 21, 2020

I'd imagine her to be more the type to avoid participating in pe.

I thought the exact same with this part. as Mitsuki clearly doesn't like people and seems to try and be by herself and not noticed why are they now making her a sporty type person as well. Her persona is just all over the place. Not that I'm complaining as it just makes her hotter but it wasn't needed and kinda out of left field.

Idk i dont get this take, people arent just story tropes, theres plenty of people out there that are not very social but still sporty lol.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Also, if this fight is meant to look like Manaria is just giving rei a push in the right direction, its way to brutal for that. Causing someone severe internal bleeding for the lulz seems very excessive and the audiences reactions confirm this. If this level of injury was standard for magic duels, this wouldnt not be cause for much concern. So basically weve had this really op character walk in, challange rei to a duel she can be confident in winning, proceed to fuck rei up considerably, and this is supposed to be for the sake of the relationship ? It feels really rather poorly done. (Unless rei coughing up blood is some kinda asspull and not actually a serious injury in which case that harms the writing quality even more)

joined Jan 21, 2020

Well, I for one, hope they get together before, goddamn timeskips, but I doubt we'll even get a kiss before a timeskip!!!

Yeah i honestly really dislike timeskips in age gap stories. Its like ordering a flavourful and exotic drink and then pouring half a litre of water into it. But considering how common it is, i wont hold too high hopes.

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Jul 14:00
joined Jan 21, 2020

I will go with "Something bad is going to happen to ichika, Aria turns her to save her life and they live happily forever after" route,

I agree. Hopefully we see a cool upcoming battle soon

Tbh this feels like the ending most vampire/immortality stories take but id much rather they find a way to "cure" her immortality. Not holding my breath for that tho cuz i dont think ive seen that happen in a single story ever (feel free to lmk if u know some)

School Zone discussion 14 Jul 17:54
joined Jan 21, 2020

Ngl, going back and reading chapter 49 and some of the angstier moments in general, i do hope this series goes more in that direction soon (though tbf im not that big on some of the humour so thats probably part of it).
Also, i actually considerably prefere the character designs in 49 over current.

last edited at Jul 14, 2022 5:55PM

joined Jan 21, 2020

but because they have no other avenue to express their pain and suffering.

What. The. Fuck? You're telling me those who making life of other students sufferable, making them depressed and suicidal, scare to go to school, traumatized, is a sign of expressing pain and suffering? How did you even manage to be this far off

Yea honestly at this point there reall isnt any point in arguing with you cuz you seem pretty deranged. Btw you can literally go look up studies on the psychological state and motivation of teenage bullies and youll find a scientific version of what several people have been trying to explain to you lmao. How you got the idea that both Satsuki and Prez are extremes is honestly baffling to me seeing how prez thing is "im gonna kill people i dont like" and Satsukis is literall just "I dont think people should die". Either way, from your posts so far i honestly suggest you look into therapy cuz you seem extremely troubled to say the least

last edited at Jul 1, 2022 5:24AM

joined Jan 21, 2020

Ngl, the idea that prez is actually right in all of this has gotta be the most unhinged take ive seen on dynasty and thats saying alot lmao.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Satsuki going full chad mode this chapter, busting up that door like its nothing and capturing 2 people at once. You love to see it, hope she manages to save her

School Zone discussion 04 May 11:24
joined Jan 21, 2020

Honestly Tsubaki deserves a better sister, you can fight me on that!

->Tsubaki being the "bad" one in the chapter
-> Still blaming on Hiiragi

man,they're both at fault in this whole mess.

Nah tbh even tho Tsubaki has obvious issues she needs to work on, its nothing compared to Hiiragi. Like shes been a pretty awful person for the entire manga so far, at least/especially when it comes to Tsubaki. I wonder if shes ever gonna realize that a large portion of the very issues of Tsubaki she dislikes so much are caused/worsened by her shitty behaviour but i honestly doubt it. Them making up will probably be shown as equal from both sides which will irk me abit but oh well.

Didn't this has been discused already ? People are too much into the Hiiragi blaming to have a clear view on the problem as a whole and rather put all the blame on Hiiragi.

No idea as to the past discussions since i havent been following the comments actively. I certainly dont think Tsubaki is "blameless" for the whole mess but its far far from 50/50 imo

School Zone discussion 04 May 11:02
joined Jan 21, 2020

Honestly Tsubaki deserves a better sister, you can fight me on that!

->Tsubaki being the "bad" one in the chapter
-> Still blaming on Hiiragi

man,they're both at fault in this whole mess.

Nah tbh even tho Tsubaki has obvious issues she needs to work on, its nothing compared to Hiiragi. Like shes been a pretty awful person for the entire manga so far, at least/especially when it comes to Tsubaki. I wonder if shes ever gonna realize that a large portion of the very issues of Tsubaki she dislikes so much are caused/worsened by her shitty behaviour but i honestly doubt it. Them making up will probably be shown as equal from both sides which will irk me abit but oh well.

joined Jan 21, 2020

Kinda hope this gets adressed abit more next chapter but i doubt it

joined Jan 21, 2020

hi! looking for this one shot with lots of sex in it. girl with black long hair and girl with blonde long hair i think. girl with black hair gets home and they fuck all day, then eat pizza. both are covered in hickeys. they fuck some more.

someone plz help
This maybe ?


Glad to have helped ^^

joined Jan 21, 2020

Tbh if we dont get to see them get it on ill be pissed. In general i hope this is one of those series that keeps going into the relationship rather than ending soon after it starts.

joined Jan 21, 2020

hi! looking for this one shot with lots of sex in it. girl with black long hair and girl with blonde long hair i think. girl with black hair gets home and they fuck all day, then eat pizza. both are covered in hickeys. they fuck some more.

someone plz help
This maybe ?

joined Jan 21, 2020

Looking for a oneshot, maybe part of a collection, about a girl who who has a crush on another girl in an archery club. She watches as her crush is broken up with by her older boyfriend because she is not womanly enough. The crush then loses her confidence in archery, and does not get it back until the other girl confesses.

That would be this one

joined Jan 21, 2020

This is a long shot, but I only remember one page. Two women living together, one was in bed, and the other tried to wake her up. The one in bed raised her arms and said "cuddles?", and her girlfriend/wife said if she gets up and gets ready she can have all the cuddles she wants. So the girl in bed just went back to sleep and said "ah, no cuddles then". Her GF/Wife then flipped the bed over, and it cuts to the girl dressed and ready to work

This is actually from the epilogue of Still Sick

last edited at Jan 20, 2022 5:15AM