As for the blame game, why hasn't anyone noted the power dynamic of the situation? Not only did Sumire continue to sexually assault a drunk woman after being told to stop, but she is also paying sponsorship money to that woman, putting her in a position of power over her. Liz's manager failed to be there to protect her client for the day, which put Sumire in the position to be the person in charge of everything, from the make-over to where they went to eat, and the sexual harassment started during the makeover.
Yes, Liz fucked up, big time! She should have asked to be taken home right after the shoot, regardless of how impolite that is and how against standard practices in the industry it is. But if she didn't already know that Sumire was trying to get her in bed, she's an idiot. The fact that Liz was drunk, and knew she was too drunk, believe it or not, actually DOES (scientifically) make a difference. A person who is drunk is not able to give consent and decision making is impacted in ways that can lead people to do things they never would do sober. People who say that being drunk makes you your more honest self are just wrong. The fact that she said no and they somehow ended up in bed anyway and she was drunk, and Sumire is in a power position over her, places this in the rape category in my opinion. I doubt that Liz will feel that way after the fact, and, actually, that is accurate for the situation as well. Many women in a similar situation would feel guilt as opposed to feeling victimized. When you consider that Liz clearly didn't figured out that Sumire is a manipulator back when they were in school, it's not surprising that she's slow to figure it out now.
Already during the makeover when Sumire "warmed" her up she didn't even push her away and her reaction afterwards was to say she was supercool...
Moreover, living is quick, Sumire seems to have drunk the same thing and we could say that she was also drunk too...
This naive side of Liz should not hide a deep desire to find her sensei, if Liz hated this one as she should, she would have already pushed her away in the morning... and screamed when Sumire started to kiss her, no she didn't.
And then getting undressed and putting on a mask and getting into bed, all of which wasn't done in five minutes... Several times Sumire asks her "you like it, don't you?" and never once does Liz contradict her and even takes a lot of pleasure in doing so!
And to say "how come there's no one left" is so ridiculous...
She knows very well what sumire had in mind, because liz herself was doing the same thing with maki...
The only positive thing is that normally she realizes that her senpai only thought of one thing: to take advantage of her sexually, to consider her only as a doll...
Quite the opposite of maki, who motivates and supports her above all, hence her remorse afterwards.
I know it's disappointing, but Liz really behaved like a fan girl towards Sumire!
last edited at Feb 13, 2020 8:17PM