Forum › Posts by HayaH

joined Dec 23, 2018

This manga shows one reflex-slap example almost at the beginning of the story. It shows how reflex mechanism works connected with our subconsciousness, how the things are triggering us, etc.
Situation here is clearer than between Kurumi and Ruriko in Trying Marriage.

Woman (Ms.Takase) (previously sexually harassed and after it gossiped by coworkers) slapped Rinko's arm when she tried to help Ms. Takase to stand up after falling, and that reflex-slap was based on Takase's bad memory.
It's clearly shown in this manga, and it's correctly presented.
Rinko's words resonated with Ms.Takase's previous experience negatively, and triggered her to reflex-slapping.

It's all about mechanism, how our brain works sorting emotions.
And reflex-reactions are caused by positive or negative resonances to our previous experiences (memorized emotions).

joined Dec 23, 2018

Her strategy was pretty good and did give some results; and while it seems for now that they weren't permanent results, we'll just have to see what happens—because the manga isn't over yet.

True. Even if that strategy of her was morally dubious occasionally (not her sincere intentions to help and comfort Yuni, but ways for it are sometimes morally questionable), it was the only possible way to start something with Yuni and make Yuni to look at her.
Fuuko simply could not act differently even if she wanted, because of situation which required such actions.

Her actions were flawless from stage to stage, conquering Yuni.
She really did not make any mistake or acted wrong (wrong not in moral sense).
It could not give the final result FOR NOW, as you say.
But something is sown and we will see what will really grow from it.

Also, there is a hint about very possible peer pressure on Nanase and Yuni in next chapters (Yuki knows that Yuni cheated, and some girl saw Fuuko kissing Yuni). It will be very interesting to see what will author do about it.
Obviously, Yuni's return to Nanase won't go smoothly.

last edited at Sep 2, 2023 8:23AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

However, who cares what anybody else is thinking?
And it's very amusing to read reactions of people and know the reasons what exactly triggered them to comment the way they commented after something was said.
Don't forget the said rule:
"Our reactions can tell about us more than words, especially our triggered reactions"

Anyway, the addition and "too much talking" was a correction for you guys, not to feel forced to accept something said by someone else "just like that",
but to see clearly 2 true cases and compare it with manga to understand the characters and their reactions better

joined Dec 23, 2018

Something important:
Real life testimonies about reflex-slapping and comparison with manga

Speaking as a person who witnessed two reflex slapping (or even may be a protagonist in some of next events), let's see how it works in reality:

Case 1
Person A and B are riding a bus talking about favorite food.
Person A (to Person B): "Do you like chocolate?"
PB: "No, I like oranges"
PA: "No, no, you like chocolate more!"
PB: "Oranges!"
PA (teasing): "No, nooo, you like chocolate!"
PB suddenly slaps PA roaring: "I SAID I LIKE ORANGES!!!!"
(both of them stare at each other frozen and shocked by reaction of person B...)

This is a great example for better understanding our subconsciousness connected with reflexes.
Obviously, PB was someone who was harshly verbally abused in their past. And forced to "love and like" something they don't like
PA simply not knowing, teased and triggered that something what was suppressed in subconsciousness of PB. It RESONATED negatively with previous similar experiences of PB.
PB's reflex slap was deeply suppressed anger toward a previous attacker who forced verbally something unwanted on them. And by accident PA triggered it and became "a victim" (like Kurumi in manga)

Case 2
Camera is recording kids playing on the street.
Kid A rides a bicycle and is recorded by a cameraman.
Kid B suddenly approaches and pulls the bike under Kid A pushing them away and taking the bike forcefully from them.
Kid A reflexively slaps Kid B while being pushed from the bike and stays on guard like a boxer (all by reflex)...

Here, Kid A is seriously attacked and they felt endangered on many levels.
Someone is forcefully taking something from them. Someone entered forcefully their personal space. Someone is physically attacking them, pushing them.
Slap was reflexive self-defense and in this case reflexive reaction on intentional violence; Kid A answers on violence with violence for a sake of self-defense.
Here is actually not important if Kid A have some possible traumatic experience previously. Or if Kid A and Kid B know each other.
Kid A is acting naturally (like innate reflex for self-defense).

Let's compare this with manga. In a case of Kurumi-Ruriko, we have an unexpected kiss what triggered a slap (as a reflex self-defence)
Here is the question,
WHY Ruriko feels that she is violently attacked with a kiss of someone she knows, and answers on it with violence?
Is she closer to Case 1 or Case 2 example?

last edited at Aug 31, 2023 6:30PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

That's why there is a great possibility that Ruriko was assaulted in her past by someone, her reflexive slap says that something is repressed in her subconsciousness coming out as a reflex in a shape of a slap.

Based on what? What knowledge do you have in this area to suggest that with confidence?

It's based on a lot researching about functions of our brain connected with reflexes, observing through various at first sight not connected fields. Some of those researched fields are biopsychology, acoustic (resonance, sound production, masking effects...), human behavior, etc.
Researching was about misusing subliminal and supraliminal stimuli influencing our brain (for example how to destabilize functions of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) which are:
-our attention,
-our emotions,
-ethics and morality...

and insular cortex functions such as:
-motor control,
-cognitive functioning,
-interpersonal experience,
-awareness of homeostatic emotions such as hunger, pain and fatigue...

All of those functions are very important behavioral cognitive functions which can be influenced (positively or negatively) through free access to our subconsciousness.
And, observing human behavior globally, we can't say there are no problems with mentioned functions above, that lots of people struggle with the lack of attention (focus), lack of compassion and empathy, struggle with inconveniences connected with food, etc.
Key for healing (or malfunction) could be in sound-ultrasound influences on centers of our brain through our subconsciousness.

Practically, it's scientifically proved that is possible to "hack" our brain through sounds connected with supraliminal (ultrasound) and subliminal (infrasound) stimuli and that way is possible to gain free access into our defenseless subconsciousness, simply using our hearing reflexes.
And nobody will notice! But our brain will start to decode those signals beyond the threshold of hearing on subconscious level (it's very complex theme to explain here everything how it functions)
There are scientifically proved healing methods based on brain resonance and reflexes, but same knowledge can be misused and make contra-effects.

So, those researches are based a lot on our reflexive behavior, and things which are triggering us, how and why.
Knowing it, that's why Ruriko's gesture resemble the pattern noticed in that research.

There's some large leaps being made here based on too little, unless there's other evidence from earlier in the manga that you think implies this idea?

It was mentioned before that comment you quoted:

What exactly is the case with Ruriko we don't know, but that slap speaks about her more than words.
Of course, this is just an assumption, talking only about possibility.
Was it "real" intention of the author or not, who knows.
But if you are "reading between lines" about her gesture, that's how you will understand the situation.

As you see, it's not a final conclusion, but " the most possible possibility" based on reality of human behavior.
It depends on author, do they know what exactly they pulled here out, or it was without deeper meaning for the rest of the story.

...or you believe anyone who reflexively slaps a person after having their personal space invaded is doing so as a result of past trauma/assault?

You should not say that, like all kinds of slaps are reflexive. Particularly slaps which are reflexes (not conscious and intentional reactions) are usually triggered by something what is already in our subconsciousness. And it can be trauma/assault, mostly.

Nobody here will say the cause of a slap was some suppressed aggressive tendency of Ruriko or her suppressed hatred toward Kurumi .
So, yes, the most possible cause for her triggered reflex-slapping should be the trauma/assault.
Don't forget, Kurumi is not some stranger who is forcing unwanted kiss on Ruriko. There's no reason to slap her in this situation, except if it was a reflex triggered by that kiss, what indicates something (traumatic) from the past.
And, don't observe just a slap here, the key is in the trigger.
In this case the trigger was an unexpected kiss.

Is it possible to react reflexively just from a surprise? Yes.
But reflexive push fits here better, if surprise was a case.
If reflex comes out as a slap, it indicates some serious form of violence.
An extremely triggered reaction.
So, the most logical explanation here is that Ruriko may have a very traumatic experience in her past, probably being kissed forcefully and unexpectedly by someone.

Also, there are slaps (or pushing) which are not reflexes, happening in same situation like in manga. They are conscious decisions to slap or push someone (usually a stranger) invading forcefully our personal space. And that someone deserved it. But not Kurumi, even when she is drunk.

As people, including me, have been saying, it just seems like such a tonal lapse in comparison to the rest of the series, and a less overtly violent gesture (a shove, pushing away, etc.) most likely would have been just as effective in communicating the hurt feelings and misunderstandings in that situation.

You are right, there's not much previously in the series what can explain a sudden violent gesture.
But it could be somehow logical, they did not have a close physical contact before this unexpected kiss.
So we could not notice anything unusual, Kurumi could not notice it as well. There was no trigger before this, to give us a sign.
It's just a question how author will continue this story. Leaving it as one solved incident, or dig deeper in characters and reveal something hidden about them.

A slap in a situation like that is not an uncommon response to that kind of sudden physical interaction (in real life and literature). It's also not much different than a push, or shove, etc.

It is actually very different, it's written above in this comment explaining how the form (appearance) of reflexes (and WHAT TRIGGERED them) can give us indications what we are keeping suppressed in our subconsciousness.
Our reactions can tell about us more than words, especially our triggered reactions.

last edited at Aug 30, 2023 12:26PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

if you've ever had a drunk person abruptly kiss you without consent (i have), it's extremely confusing and can be incredibly distressing.

Not a drunk person but someone much older and not of preferred gender. It felt like that you are a bomb ready to explode if someone wanted to approach too close. Terrible feelings of unsafety.
As you say it is incredibly distressing, more when younger you are...
Just hope you were not 15 year old or even younger and that it did not leave deep scars on you....

i don't think ruriko intended to hurt kurumi, but just to get away (to safety) as quickly as she could, and personally, i don't really see anything wrong with that.

Definitely it was unintentional.
Here is something very important what you said:

slapping kurumi might have even happened before she could make a conscious decision about it.

It is true, it was not a conscious decision. That kiss triggered her.
And she acted reflexive, slapping Kurumi.
Reflexes belong to our unconscious (subconscious) part of psyche, like breathing etc.
That's why there is a great possibility that Ruriko was assaulted in her past by someone, her reflexive slap says that something is repressed in her subconsciousness coming out as a reflex in a shape of a slap.
It means, there is already something what caused her to be triggered by that unexpected kiss.

Ruriko is not an assaulter in this situation, she simply reacted defending herself, feeling endangered by unexpected situation.
So, you are right again that she wanted to get back to safety as quickly as she could, because that's the first thing what someone feels when attacked that way (and to wash their mouth).

If her slap was not reflexive, it would be that she intentionally wanted to hurt Kurumi slapping her and put her in her place because Kurumi overstepped the boundaries.
But it's not the case here, as you said, and there's nothing wrong with Ruriko's reaction if we understand her reasons for it (subconscious self-defense)

last edited at Aug 29, 2023 11:17PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

But thing here should be simple.
If someone responds on unexpected kiss with a reflexive slap, it can only mean that they were previously physically endangered by someone (growing up in a household where they were exposed to domestic violence, or having unwanted physical experience in their youth?)

What exactly is the case with Ruriko we don't know, but that slap speaks about her more than words.
Of course, this is just an assumption, talking only about possibility.
Was it "real" intention of the author or not, who knows.
But if you are "reading between lines" about her gesture, that's how you will understand the situation.

last edited at Aug 29, 2023 3:40PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

We're talking about a single, very atypical incident under unusual circumstances, one that both people have apologized for and talked out to their satisfaction.

Your words here are exactly describing the other day between us in other thread. Sorry for delayed proper reaction on your apology a few days ago (hope you noticed the edit)
Just did not know how to react at first being aware that fault was not completely yours, and from surprise that someone was so kind to apologize and acknowledge a mistake, it rarely happens here...

Anyway, about the slap, it could be a reflexive reaction, not expected from both sides, and completely unintentional by Ruriko.
A reflex, not because her beloved drunk kissed her without a consent, but because some pent up tension built already in Ruriko.

They are walking usually around each other constantly on tip-toes, always restrained and frightened not to make a wrong move or embarrass themselves (it's a part of their culture).
So, it's somehow logical that drunk kiss can provoke a reflexive slap, like opening a dam of restrained emotional energy, and flood of restrained emotions turned into slap.

Kurumi freed her own tension by drinking, lowered her inhibitions and expressed her restrained emotions through a kiss.
They just were not on same "wavelengths" in same time, and it caused the incident.

last edited at Aug 29, 2023 2:50PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

She confessed!!!

joined Dec 23, 2018

Author is obviously playing some game of absurd here, indirectly sending the message to readers to take this all as a fun.

Look at the goal of little sis, it's MARRIAGE! (with her own sis)
Is it possible? Of course not. But NOBODY in manga says it to her. Childhood friend is seriously considering her request!
(and it was extremely cute that first thing she was worried about is how impossible to her is to be the wingman to her own love interest, not how impossible the marriage between sisters is)

So, it's all fiction here and for fun, it's all about imaginary situations made intentionally by author
And the art is beautiful, so why not to enjoy without care?

last edited at Aug 28, 2023 7:35AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

Now, let's observe Fuuko through this "maturity spectrum":

She is the most mature of those three characters. However f-ed up she is, she is owning it.
And she is better match for immature Yuni, to guide her and give her stability what completely insecure and immature Yuni needs.

But the main problem here is her TENDENCY FOR MANIPULATION.
She is not doing things naturally with Yuni, practically alluring her to love her or become dependent on her (it's same as using a bribe).
It would not be fair to win Yuni over, under such circumstances.
It's not pure, and it's not a good foundation for development of an healthy relationship for which those 2 characters have a chance by making right moves and right choices.

Yuni must come to Fuuko by her own will realizing that she truly cares for her, not because she feels alone, bored, or in need (of any kind), and not because she is bribed....

I love your analyses. They're so insightful!

Thank you very much! There could be a better choice of wording but OK, it's solved now...

I recalled something: Fuuko actually tried to let Yuni come to her on her own, just as you suggest... didn't she?

Yes. Yuni indeed already came to her. But it was because they were seen in Osaka by Yuki, and she complains about Nanase having doubts in her. Her motives to come to Fuuko are not yet for loving her.
Probably her denial of "embarrassing" desires is stopping her to make clear with herself what she truly feels.
She is definitely sexually attracted to Fuuko, but for her it's embarrassing to admit to herself or dig deeper behind sexual attraction.
Anyway, she is coming to Fuuko again and again, but for the mentioned reasons (feeling alone, bored, in need...), it's not yet enough to choose Fuuko.

Now, for Yuni, a popular athlete Nanase in dom mode is more attractive than nerdy weirdo Fuuko with her caterpillar fungi books and starry night sky in the storage.
It's shallow, but she is keeping herself shallow because she does not want to dig deeper for now.
What is going to happen in next chapters should be very interesting to see.

last edited at Aug 27, 2023 7:36PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

Thanks for the explanations. It's all clear now.

And apologies for my misunderstanding—I see that I was reading too quickly, and no doubt was “snark-triggered” by seeing the word “pure” applied to the wonderfully sleazy Fuuko.

No need for apologize, really no hard feelings here (but is accepted since you offered even if it was not whole fault of yours; apologies to you too, for using weak and not so precise wording)
It's understandable what happened, it was about the thread. There were comments above connected with chastity and it pulled you to set your mind on it, and it triggered you to react on "pure" similarly. It happens, please don't worry.
Glad that we solved misunderstanding!

last edited at Aug 27, 2023 2:51PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

I think that there is a great deal of useless and irrelevant moralizing discourse in Dynasty forums which ignores the specific context within stories as well as the context of authorial creation in order to generalize about real-life behavior or to speculate about characters as if they were real-life human beings.

"How can you like/defend her, she is a CHEATER! Just burn the bitch!" or
"People who support a homewrecker like her need a serious therapy!"
etc. We all have seen same scenario so many times...
And then follows a lot of unnecessary attacks on people who are analyzing characters or have sympathies for those who "don't deserve sympathies because they are not morally pure".

We are on same "wavelengths" here. Such useless discourses are really the most boring thing on the forum, repeating over and over...uhhhhh

Again, I take it as a given that all three of the major characters here are making seriously bad choices in their relationships that add up to a example of the “emotional trainwreck” sub-genre of the yuri romance genre.

Great genre, something so refreshing and more "real", if you get the meaning of that real...

The notion of a “healthy relationship” (as opposed to what they’re doing now) is far in the distance in this particular story, and the concept of “purity” seems especially beside the point when applied to these characters.

Obviously we misunderstood each other. It was wrong choice of wording. "Pure" here should mean like, winning over someone should be a crystal clear winning, fair and square, without using a questionable "additional aids" to influence love interest. So, pure not in a sense of morally pure. Maybe there is a better word, but now it's done what is done....
And, phrasing other thing as " an healthy relationship" really sounds so cheap, so yeah, no hard feelings here.
It's understandable why you perceived the whole thing like "moralizing", what was not the intention.
Thanks for the explanations. It's all clear now.

Whether any of the characters will ever learn positive “life-lessons” from the events represented in this story is an open question at this point, the answer to which (if one is ever given) lies with the author’s decisions as to what will happen to the character-constructs they have created rather than being a function of the imaginary psychologies of those characters.

Yes. It's a wonderful mystery of creations, and as you say, inspiration really is not in their imaginary psychologies, it's just the proof that creation is exceptionally good if it fits characterization.
Thanks again for your kind clarifications.

last edited at Aug 27, 2023 1:32PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

I was making a joke about someone coming along with some sort of wellness-living lecture, prattling about “a good foundation for a healthy relationship” to these particular characters.

Actually it's written:

She is not doing things naturally with Yuni, practically alluring her to love her or become dependent on her (it's same as using a bribe).
It would not be fair to win Yuni over, under such circumstances.
It's not pure, and it's not a good foundation for development of an healthy relationship for which those 2 characters have a chance by making right moves and right choices.

So, basically the statement is, when simplified:
"Making someone feel dependable on someone is not good base for an healthy relationship" (or relationship at all)

And it's a life-fact, nothing like "lecture of wellness-being".
And it's a general statement made through the example of manipulative actions of Fuuko, to explain why her intentions failed (for now).

And, your mockery about "those" characters having an healthy relationship (eventually after learning their life-lessons), why not?
What is there about to mock? Do you mean all girls that age, who are similar with characters in this manga, are doomed to fail and never get their happiness with someone?

Your comments on this forum are usually righteous and correct even when you are teasing, and now, are they really?

last edited at Aug 27, 2023 11:52AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

^ “Fuuko is not pure”—ah, right. Got it.

Nobody says Fuuko is not pure, it's your free misinterpretation.
Her wish to be with Yuni is from pure love for Yuni, but she is making wrong moves to get her (and we all saw how unsuccessful it was, it does not matter how breathtaking her caterpillar fungi manipulation was)
Nobody can be "forced" or manipulated to love someone if they really don't feel love for them, there's no money or any kind of bribe to pull it off.

What are your reasons to misinterpret such an obvious statement?
Your remarks here on the forum are usually righteous and correct, even when you are teasing. Did you really keep same level this time?

last edited at Aug 27, 2023 11:01AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

Just a small announcement before telling something about Fuuko.
The "preaching intro" updated (edited and corrected), inspired by current situation in this thread:

We have the whole life ahead for it, to learn about ourselves AND OTHERS, and improve ourselves in everything.

Edit: addition of the words "AND OTHERS" which were missing, to complete the statement.


Now, let's observe Fuuko through this "maturity spectrum":

She is the most mature of those three characters. However f-ed up she is, she is owning it.
And she is better match for immature Yuni, to guide her and give her stability what completely insecure and immature Yuni needs.

But the main problem here is her TENDENCY FOR MANIPULATION.
She is not doing things naturally with Yuni, practically alluring her to love her or become dependent on her (it's same as using a bribe).
It would not be fair to win Yuni over, under such circumstances.
It's not pure, and it's not a good foundation for development of an healthy relationship for which those 2 characters have a chance by making right moves and right choices.

Yuni must come to Fuuko by her own will realizing that she truly cares for her, not because she feels alone, bored, or in need (of any kind), and not because she is bribed....

There's an actual POWER PLAY between Nanase and Fuuko, and Yuni is just like a tool they both are using against each other. But in same time Yuni enjoys the flood of attention and interests she currently receives, it's not that she is an innocent victim here, being objectified.

Is that power play actually some mutual sexual tension between Nanase and Fuuko?
Right now we don't know what author is preparing for us and how exactly the things will go, but anything is possible and the story is amazing!

joined Dec 23, 2018


joined Dec 23, 2018

Speaking about immaturity/becoming mature and feel responsible is not an overnight process like we can say "in EXACTLY that age you are mature"
It's about a spectrum too (a cycle).
It takes years and years of learning and gaining life experiences until you are enough forged to finally act completely mature and responsible.

Thing is, to us is nothing given for granted whatever are norms of society, we are to discover who we are, individually.

There are kids forced by life circumstances to become mature before their age for it comes (but their maturity is still just only one part of the whole process).

Mentioned year of 25 is approximately when someone gained enough life experience to become completely formed person.
It does not mean until that age they completely acted immature in everything and decided "Oh, now I'm 25 and I'm mature now" (or 18, or 21, it's individual)

And the moment when we individually start to feel enough mature and responsible is not stopping us to learn and discover more about ourselves, who we are. We have the whole life ahead for it, to learn about ourselves AND OTHERS, and improve ourselves in everything.

Anyway, this "preaching intro" is very connected with this manga.
Observe Nanase through it:

Nanase is already very mature for her professional life, and ready to take her responsibility for it in age of 16-17!
But she is not yet formed person, and it shows through her emotional immaturity and "readiness" to have the girlfriend.
(She is currently in the process of learning how to find the balance between those two important parts of her which are on different points of her life spectrum, not aligned)

last edited at Aug 27, 2023 7:35AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

Is somewhere mentioned a name of the book from which Aya is reciting to Koto?

That scene seems to be important giving some clue about that secret place where Aya probably disappeared for 7 years of our time, but it's very strange that name of the book is missing if it is a clue.

joined Dec 23, 2018

Well, after the kiss and confessions they should stop this try-out-marriage and start to live it

joined Dec 23, 2018

It's a lot of responsibility for a mature person to start something with someone that age (13-14) even if there is a love between them.
Only a kiss for someone so young is something grand, so imagine what they would feel for more...
And there is a difference in perspective, about ages. To younger person everything looks much older than it looks to older person.

Everything depends on circumstances and from person to person can differentiate, but generally not quite good...

And, if Kousaka already made her move, she should not disappear and leave Maki to fight the demons alone. It's completely irresponsible and the worst outcome of all.

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 9:46AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

does Nanase even know sex is on the table here? Have they done this before previously?

There is only one vague flashback where Nanase is naked on her knees (like she is on top of Yuni), in chapter where Yuni and Fuuko are in hotel room in Osaka, going on it.
Yuni is touching Fuuko and comapres her with Nanase (to her Fuuko is soft to touch, Nanase was toned)
Probably they have done it before the story begins. They are already about 2 or 3 months in relationship (secretly) when the story starts.

If they have done it already it means in 6 months it was just once!

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 12:11PM

joined Dec 23, 2018

It would be great from author to show us more "skin to skin" events between Yuni and Nanase, that we can complete the pic.
There were only vague flashbacks of sexual exchanges between Nanase and Yuni and not so passionate kiss exchanges. Really not much physical contacts between them.

Nanase never initiates anything (she doesn't seem to have a sex drive even though she's at the age of adolescence) and Yuni is the poster girl of passive-reactiveness (a total bottom sub who wants to be sexxed up all the time but doesn't say it because it's embarrassing). They are a very incompatible pairing.

This! This part of the quote about Yuni is VERY IMPORTANT:
"a total bottom sub who wants to be sexxed up all the time but doesn't say it because it's embarrassing"

-it's the key detail about her character and the reason why she is receiving so much hatred. If she is possible poly in denial, we can't judge her for being poly and call her "bad".
And we can't judge her for being submissive. It's continuously a part of her character and consistent part of development of the story.

But there IS something "bad" (as people call it) in Yuni, and it's a part of her great denial.
She is using a few "cleansers of her conscience" to justify her desires in denial:

-Yuni is putting responsibility only on Nanase, which is not quite right because both of them are in this tango (and incompatible as you said). Both of them are pulling wrong moves causing negative passive or active reactions to each other.

-she said to Fuuko: " I will have sex with you FOR THE MONEY"-
it's typical "conscience cleanser" where she denies again her desire as HER OWN, to sleep with Fuuko, and she puts responsibility "on the money" this time.

-The most dangerous "cleanser of conscience" which Yuni is using, is the game of "silent yes" or "reluctant no" (which should not exist at all because no means no and that game brings confusion and puts many women in potential danger. At least, it should never be played with strangers).
That game of "reluctant no" or "silent yes", is usually played by females who don't want to look easy if they say yes clearly, or by cheaters who love to lie to themselves that they were "forced", so their conscience is clear. Their "forbidden" desire is justified and they are not responsible for it.

So, Yuni's submissiveness is kind of her "shield" where she feels comfortable to cover her ("embarrassing") desires and put all responsibility on others.
That's the reason why she could be poly (in denial) and very interested to have sex or relationship with more than one person.
She is definitely in denial. This replacement of responsibilities on others on or circumstances is clearly showing it.
And it clearly is showing immaturity of her age, which is another reason for not feeling responsible for her actions (which are mostly passive reactions in her case, as she is total bottom sub)

last edited at Aug 24, 2023 5:19AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

.....Can’t believe she just didn’t turn into the perfect girlfriend overnight

Calm down, nobody said that your remarks about their age and inexperience are out of place.
It's their first relationship and they all are making mistakes, it's understandable.

There’s a tendency among commenters to regard mistakes and misbehavior due to age and naïveté as not counting as mistakes and misbehavior.

There is a person who knows from personal experience that the age of 25 is the turning point when someone takes complete responsibilities for their actions and behavior.
Everything before that counts as immaturity and is easily forgivable or not so harshly (or fully) judged.

That’s hilarious. 25, huh?—no more, no less. Be sure to notify the professional psychological societies of your astounding research discovery.

It wasn't joke, but mystery. It does not matter who is the person, there is someone who knows it for sure, or many of them. And it's written their experience is personal, so laws and societies are unimportant to it...
But leave it, what do you think about that topic about age, responsibility and maturity, connected to those girls in manga?
Are they "guilty" or not for all reproaching they are receiving from people about their characters?
Which age do you prefer to call "enough mature" for fully taking responsibilities for the actions? (or which standard is professionally determined, if you know?)

joined Dec 23, 2018

.....Can’t believe she just didn’t turn into the perfect girlfriend overnight

Calm down, nobody said that your remarks about their age and inexperience are out of place.
It's their first relationship and they all are making mistakes, it's understandable.

There’s a tendency among commenters to regard mistakes and misbehavior due to age and naïveté as not counting as mistakes and misbehavior.

There is a person who knows from personal experience that the age of 25 is the turning point when someone takes complete responsibilities for their actions and behavior.
Everything before that counts as immaturity and is easily forgivable or not so harshly (or fully) judged.