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Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

sees title
checks author
What's this? A touhou doujin about eating humans that's not by Zounose?

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Is this published in a magazine? If it is, I wonder if the publisher has to pay more for the extra pink colors

joined Jul 24, 2018

Kinda funny that the this one has the what the f am I reading tag and is actually not as screwed up as their other works

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I guess you can say we wanted more, but the author clammed up

joined Jul 24, 2018

I think I've seen the love makes you lose your powers thing before in another yuri manga, where iirc the protagonist's power was to make sweets? Forgot the title, she had a fortune teller mother if I recall. Anyway, I wonder if there's some cultural history behind the trope

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I'm not sure how I feel about this ending... kinda wish this was how Nanashi no Asterism ended tho

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Been seeing a lot of this author recently. Are they new or was their stuff just not translated?

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Hamburgers are a weak and helpless piece of meat trapped between two pieces of bread

I will never see burgers the same way again

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I actually found this relatively normal considering the other stuff the author's done

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

That ending was glorious

Mistress Trupin
VAMPEERZ discussion 22 Apr 02:34
joined Jul 24, 2018

'Beartrice'...what a great name

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Manga would probably end if she told them.
That aside, this was a cute pairing, wish we got more

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

This is exactly the kind of stories that I hurts me but well, crap stories are everywhere
("If some boy take you..." Bullshit, she HAS a boyfriend and she LiKes mEn, then go with them...crap story)

It is sad that your prejudice blinds you to the extent that you can't read what's actually happening in this manga, and have to make something up instead. This comment hurts me.

That guy appears and shits on like 90% of the mangas here. Ignore it, I'm fairly sure they're a troll

last edited at Mar 16, 2019 4:58AM

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I can't tell if this comment section is sad or funny. The tags were right there, the author is pretty well-known for this stuff, why are you even still here? I'm getting the feeling I'm being trolled here, what with the horrendous grammar. You don't like it, fine, you don't have to read it; no need to blast the author for writing what she likes. I swear, some of you are even more toxic than the characters Kodama Naoko likes to write.

joined Jul 24, 2018

What's with all these het predictions? As someone pointed out above she clearly remembers Lily from the previous world. Furthermore, who says an author can't do both het and yuri? Plenty of those around, like Cool Kyoushinsha and Kuzushiro for example.
...Unless of course y'all are trolling, in which case I just fed you. Admittedly I'm not very good at telling the difference between fake and genuine idiocy.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Hehe why u still reading this story that has a terrible ending huh? They both are lesbians xd but their end is horrible...I'm not reading this story (I preferred pass it and forget) but you're hurting yourself reading this xd...if u like it, go on xd

I don't get people who sprinkle obnoxious text emotes in their writing. The heck is "xd" supposed to convey?

Try and understand, he clearly lacks the linguistic ability to express himself properly and thus needs to use emotes to compensate.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Somehow the setting reminds of this other manga I read where the girls had to make this flower crown in order to graduate, but in that one grduation really meant passing on. Forgot what it was called though.

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

What kinda of SCRUB splurges on a 4TB hard drive only to have a fucking ancient GTX 480?

Wasn't this doujin written like 8 years ago tho

Mistress Trupin
4piece!KISS discussion 24 Dec 08:53
joined Jul 24, 2018

dat SayoHina at the end tho

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Damn, those gods took the headband Kon gave to Chiya, now it's personal, hope Chiya gets it back someday, I don't remember that part being in the anime.

The art of Chiya obtaining her Kurou's divination is so much better in the manga. But why is she asking Kurou about Yami if she could ask someone that can actually answer, like Tokie?

She did try asking Tokie, like around 3 chapters ago. Her crystal ball blew up when she tried to look.

Kurou is also the first clue she's ever gotten about her mom since she came, plus Chiya has that whole interacting with animals thing

Mistress Trupin
Still Sick discussion 10 Dec 12:56
joined Jul 24, 2018

the girls you ship barely talk to each other

So, kind of like NicoMaki?

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

That world of spirits flag owo

Mistress Trupin
Citrus discussion 03 Nov 18:22
joined Jul 24, 2018

And they had lots of hand-holding afterwards

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

Wait, what? Did this just end? I don't think that was even a full volume, did it get axed?

Mistress Trupin
joined Jul 24, 2018

I just love the whole concept of this, manga characters who know there in a story and can actually effect the story as it happens is such a neat idea. I'd love to see more yuri's or any kind of stories like this.

P.S. Anyone else wanna know what happened to the girl who ended up in the war manga?

In a way could be fun, but not like it's depicted here, I mean, knowing that you live in a manga but also knowing that you have but one purpose and if your refuse you're screwed is very cruel... Also changing the events of your world using a magic book like a manga sounds like an ability that you'll see in Bleach

It's more of a Jojo ability actually, Boingo has similar stand in part 3

Also, the protagonist seems super shady

last edited at Oct 21, 2018 2:22AM