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joined May 6, 2018

I am SO sold on this one holy shit keep going

Image Comments 17 Apr 05:13
joined May 6, 2018

Eh, could work. Lovely pic, anyway.

joined May 6, 2018

Honestly, this was the one manga where I thought I'd be fine without any explicit romance because the early part did such a good job of showing how valuable their relationship was to them either way. But the more clearly I could see that, the more all their meandering annoyed me.

Image Comments 20 Mar 06:27
joined May 6, 2018

^ I think we've got about 10 seconds to leave her alone with Alice.

joined May 6, 2018

I actually visited this town when I was in Japan 2 years ago and man, is it a load of nothing. Not even quaint nothing, just nothing. I could maybe understand choosing it over Tokyo if there was a really cute senpai around, otherwise nah.

Image Comments 27 Feb 05:39
joined May 6, 2018

Hmm, i went into the show expecting to ship all the girls but since Momoe's episode I feel like I'm just pidgeonholing a cast that deserves better. At the same time if any of them really are into each other, I'd love to see how this show handles it. It's just been so fucking good so far.

joined May 6, 2018

I think I'm done with this one. I could deal with such an utterly adorable manga getting formulaic if the formula didn't specifically undercut the cute part.
The formula of "Girl gets adorably insecure, but everything's actually great" can make for a really nice and fluffy short story, but it doesn't bear to repeat. When no amount of reassurance that a relationship is working out is ever enough, then it probably isn't.

last edited at Feb 17, 2021 2:03PM

joined May 6, 2018

There's gotta be a galge out there where you just ship the heroines. Anyone?

joined May 6, 2018

I wonder if this was just a transitional thing, or if Suika's permanently associated with shadows now. Cause if so, maybe ~Shadow Mistress Yuuko~ can do something about her. I mean, her full title seems completely irrelevant and you know that means around here.

This 4-koma plotline seriously has no business being this interesting.

joined May 6, 2018

Kurumi-san sure seems ~friendly~. I'd honestly be more interested in a manga about genuinely just a pair of friends trying out marriage rather than one of them already being serious from the start.
Oh well. Usui Shio's always great. I'll take anything.

last edited at Nov 23, 2020 7:05AM

joined May 6, 2018

Whatever your take on tomboys, at least you can tell her apart from the others.
I mean, this is 100% just Rara in a maid outfit. Her or that one coworker that looks basically the same. Plus maid girl also has a classmate on page 1 that you can only distinguish by hair color, in an otherwise monochrome manga.
This is getting absurd.

joined May 6, 2018

Yoooo, this just delivered way harder than I thought it ever would.
I feel kinda dense for not seeing any kind of foreshadowing in their sky TREE date plans, but it was worth being maximally unprepared for this chapter.

joined May 6, 2018

Speaking of color, the manga duo have pink and blue hair? Whaaa

joined May 6, 2018

Wouldn't an unrequited twin sister mean you're her twin, but she isn't yours? And it's mutual so they're both only twins one way. Heck of a family situation.

Image Comments 01 Jun 13:30
joined May 6, 2018

I can't believe I waited 5 seasons for this, never got it and feel totally satisfied by the finale anyway. Holy shit does Hibiki deliver when her wife is on the line.

joined May 6, 2018

You know how sometimes an author will write the afterword using their own characters as stand-ins? It took me most of chapter 28 and 29 to figure out that
a) Those aren't Mikanuji and their editor
b) Those aren't Iori and Minami either
And then just as I started telling Iori and Rara apart, the author introduced Rara's identical looking coworker.

Well, as long as they're all cute, really.

Image Comments 25 May 15:44
joined May 6, 2018

Honestly, going out of your way to take the touhous out of a cool place like gensokyo and drop them into boring old highschool almost offends me.
I mean, it's still a nice comic, but

Yurigurashi discussion 18 May 09:08
joined May 6, 2018

I wish this didn't insist on a single page format. Individually the strips are heartwarming, but reading them in a row it just gets all mechanical.
Though I wonder why this doesn't bother me so much in comedy manga.

Image Comments 28 Apr 11:48
joined May 6, 2018

Seems to me like Marisa's about to get them into trouble and Alice doesn't even mind.

joined May 6, 2018

I've just been staring at "So kawaii. I can fun it for myseft." for the last 5 minutes.

Confession discussion 12 Mar 03:45
joined May 6, 2018

Yeah, I mean catgirls are famously hideous monsters. Makes sense she'd be self-conscious about it, yeah.

joined May 6, 2018

I can't help but be a little bit disappointed in how easily she fell in love. I actually really enjoyed the uncertainty over whether she even swung that way or was just desperate. A somewhat unhealthy romance between genuinely caring friends sounds really interesting, like a Kodama Naoko manga but with decent people. I'd go for that.

Instead, all I'm getting is this cute vanilla yuri. How dreadful.

Image Comments 31 Jan 17:10
joined May 6, 2018

Now this is a designer pairing. The colors just look wonderful together.

PTSD discussion 26 Jan 15:03
joined May 6, 2018

I keep coming back to this one. It just fascinates me how the repetition basically turns the joke into a vehicle for tragedy. Start with black comedy and then wear out the comedy and all that's left is black.
It feels like actual grief or regret to me, too. Just circling around to the same conclusions cause there's nothing you can do now. Real shit.

joined May 6, 2018

I feel like this "innocent, but kinda creepy" look should actually be worse than full creepy, but the pastel colors bring it all together somehow. Cool.
Writing is super normal, though. That's the weird thing.