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joined Mar 21, 2017

Ryouji had already appeared in ch4. Only now I noticed.

I don't know why people are being so aggressive towards him. I have read the 6th chapter though.

joined Mar 21, 2017

"It is mostly my fault though."

Oh honey. Why are you gaslighting yourself.

Seriously what is it with this trend in manga, victimized women blaming the themselves?

It's especially jarring in this situation since the actual guilty party is clearly aware that it's her who was in the wrong and immediately declares it to be her fault and apologizes for acting like a scumbag.

And then the victim just, ignores all of that and immediately starts blaming herself? Which doesn't say great things about her mental wellbeing.

I sometimes imagine manga as a really cutthroat movie production with a shitty director. It doesnt matter that you cant get along with your co-star and the script is shitty. We dont have much time before this thing gets axed. We gotta get this romance rolling. Whether you like it or not.

Isn't self guilt common in these kinds of situation in real life though?

Usually not on the first date. And depends on what you are "guilty" of. Insensitive jokes, maybe. Prying questions, maybe.This situation, definitely not. At least not without a severe lack of judgement.

I was more meaning that people in real life feel guilty even if it they are not to blame at all. Even though we as the reader know they're not at fault, its realistic for them to feel self guilt.

joined Mar 21, 2017

"It is mostly my fault though."

Oh honey. Why are you gaslighting yourself.

Seriously what is it with this trend in manga, victimized women blaming the themselves?

It's especially jarring in this situation since the actual guilty party is clearly aware that it's her who was in the wrong and immediately declares it to be her fault and apologizes for acting like a scumbag.

And then the victim just, ignores all of that and immediately starts blaming herself? Which doesn't say great things about her mental wellbeing.

I sometimes imagine manga as a really cutthroat movie production with a shitty director. It doesnt matter that you cant get along with your co-star and the script is shitty. We dont have much time before this thing gets axed. We gotta get this romance rolling. Whether you like it or not.

Isn't self guilt common in these kinds of situation in real life though?

joined Mar 21, 2017

It's a gag manga in which some tropes are flipped.

joined Mar 21, 2017

The popsicle was a metaphor for cock, no cocks on my lesbian manga

Yeah, I had thought that joke was a bit misplaced too, glad they changed it to be honest

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar and a popsicle just a popsicle.

Tsukushi was just embarrassed because, gasp, shock, "Indirect kiss with Hinoka!" In this kind of pure and wholesome manga, that's enough to make a girl fluster and flutter.

You're not wrong, and it very well could have been completely unintentional, but it still brought that to my mind, and I found it a bit awkward/uncomfortable to read in a yuri story. And seeing as I wasn't the only one who had taken it as such, I think it's quite likely they changed it precisely because it brought that image to mind, even supposing it wasn't intentional on the author's part.

Also, I never meant that Tsukushi had thought anything of the sort regarding the popsicle, only that it was a (distasteful) joke directed to the reader.

I have to agree that Hinoka literally shoving the popsicle into her mouth was funnier than only bringing the ice cream cone to her face though.

Imagine if she still did it with the ice cream, would be even funnier and messier. Man I just really wish they at least adapted her flustered face because that was cute. Maybe even the indirect kiss by making actually taste the ice cream, but from the shape of the ice cream I guess that would be a bit hard to do.

Wow all of this bc someone automatically correlated a popsicle and a Dong... What a dirty mind...

no actualy I saw this part in quite a few dumb ero straight manga! it’s like an troup of straight manga to make it looks like the girl is giving an BJ because the popsicle is also white in color and you know how icecreem melts……so glad the joke ain’t in cuz it truly is an D joke given I ALWAYS see that joke as an methaphore of BJ :/ (also the one holding the popsicle ends up being an man most of the time)

Dr Freud would like to have a word with you.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Is this a school for delinquents? Nail polish, piercings, and makeup ok, the boy walks around with his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, they can play with their phones and listen to music in class... Pretty funny how different the depiction of school is here from what pretty much every other manga shows.

(Except for Torako. Gone too soon, but not forgotten.)

Mitsuki conceals her tattoo and removes her nail polish before school, but your comment made me laugh because there is some truth to the lax classroom environment. Like, where is the teacher, and why do the students appear like they have so much free time?

That might be more to do with her not wanting to draw attention to herself.

last edited at Jul 11, 2022 1:03AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I wear pants at least, even in the summer. Some people just feel uncomfortable sleeping naked, there is no wrong or right way to sleep. At least the oc knows now that it's not just an anime/japanese thing.

last edited at Jul 4, 2022 4:14PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I'm kinda late since we're playing a guessing game of what bands are going to show up, so here's mine.

Sleater-Kinney (underground act before being well known in later years, so less likely)
The Flys (obscure late 90's band)
Local H (obscure and underrated)
Helmet (less likely)
Bad Religion
The Offspring
Fugazi (underground punk band so less likely)
Black Flag
Mudhoney (less likely)
The Toadies (not sure if someone pointed them out already)
Beastie Boys
Dinosaur Jr.
White Zombie/Rob Zombie (not sure but less likely)
Meatloaf (classic rock band but possible)
Stone Temple Pilots
Jane's Addiction
Filter (underrated but less likely)

That' a good list.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Okay is it a manga thing to sleep in clothes or is it a Japanese thing?

neither really. like my dad sleeps in a sleeveless shirt and pants all year round, and I sleep in the same attire for much of the year (pajamas in the coldest weeks of winter and pants only for the hottest months of summer being the exceptions). idk if your question is like a "why don't they sleep in pajamas or nightgowns?" kinda thing or a "why aren't they sleeping naked?" kinda thing. Like, common sense implies the former, but semanticological technicalities imply the latter.

I mean, common sense also implies the latter. How do you not overheat whilst sleeping in clothes? Especially during summer during intense heat waves which is the whole reason they're sleeping in the living room in the first place.

People take what is asked literally. If the question was "Okay is it a manga thing to sleep in clothes during the summer" then the answers might have been different.

I mean, I was speaking in general. Not just summers. It's worse during summer but I don't understand how people can sleep clothed during any part of the year

Each to their own i'd say. It's not a anime thing or a japanese things. Freezing cold here in NZ, i aint sleeping naked.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Okay is it a manga thing to sleep in clothes or is it a Japanese thing?

neither really. like my dad sleeps in a sleeveless shirt and pants all year round, and I sleep in the same attire for much of the year (pajamas in the coldest weeks of winter and pants only for the hottest months of summer being the exceptions). idk if your question is like a "why don't they sleep in pajamas or nightgowns?" kinda thing or a "why aren't they sleeping naked?" kinda thing. Like, common sense implies the former, but semanticological technicalities imply the latter.

I mean, common sense also implies the latter. How do you not overheat whilst sleeping in clothes? Especially during summer during intense heat waves which is the whole reason they're sleeping in the living room in the first place.

People take what is asked literally. If the question was "Okay is it a manga thing to sleep in clothes during the summer" then the answers might have been different.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Okay is it a manga thing to sleep in clothes or is it a Japanese thing?

As opposed to naked?

last edited at Jul 3, 2022 7:07PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

Music is like fashion, it's pretty circular.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Pearl Jam, Bon Jovi, Beck, they will never be on my wedding play list Certainly not "Loser", maybe in a funeral.

What about the superior version?

I recently read that Beck actually regrets not letting Weird Al do a full parody of loser.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I'd hesitate to call her music industrial, I'd say her music would have more in common with Yello than with Throbbing Gristle.

What she's doing is what i'd call a modern version of Musique Concrete.

last edited at Jul 2, 2022 4:56AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I suppose Hüsker Dü is going too far back? ;p

Are you going to bring up The Stooges next :p

Though there was a Pink Floyd record so..

last edited at Jun 29, 2022 5:07PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

As much as i like Boris it feels a bit out of place with what's been shown so far, though i can imagine the uncle liking them. Everything shown so far in the manga has pretty much been radio friendly rock.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I dunno, old Green Day was pretty big in the alt scene when i grew up.

so far there wasn’t anything remotely punk to make me believe the chances are high, but exactly because it was big in the alt scene i decided to add it there. Least likely, but not zero chance.

A bit of a stretch to call Green Day punk haha. They were ultimately a rock band heavily influenced by punk, just like Nirvana pre Teen Spirit. Bleach leaned heavily into punk.

last edited at Jun 29, 2022 8:00AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

Maybe some Melvins too.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I think L7 could fit in there, definitely a good representative of the riotgrrl scene.

Personally I'd like to see some of the subjectively better grunge/alt bands represented, Alice in Chains and Soundgarden for example.

last edited at Jun 29, 2022 4:36AM

joined Mar 21, 2017

I dunno, old Green Day was pretty big in the alt scene when i grew up.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Yeah, either way this is a good thing.

Just a pity that things like that happen in the first place. Makes me glad for my countries policies.

last edited at Jun 28, 2022 10:43PM

joined Mar 21, 2017

Ended up buying this on renta just so i could finish the series.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Apparently Seven Seas themselves recognised the errors of their ways.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Someone could just make the playlists eventually, probably enough bands mentioned to make one.

joined Mar 21, 2017

This got worse the further it got.