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La Aoi Beau Chico
Two Spirals discussion 04 Mar 23:32
joined Oct 9, 2016

I need your body! Wot wooot

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

Interesting title... and those chapters though... already looks promising

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

At first I wasn't clear on whether the girl died or not... and I'll have to say...she did. Quite a thrown around story...but it eventually gives you the clear plot towards the end.

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

I cracked df up when the mom fell down and was still down until the next day. And that dad though... lmfao

La Aoi Beau Chico
MahoPre discussion 15 Feb 20:44
joined Oct 9, 2016

Why Rape...Why...if anyone says they like this story... is none other than a sadist...this is ridiculous. Whether comically or realistically...

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

Haha the author's notes is a real classic. "A mysterious dilemma came over me"

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

I didn't think I could reach that high...

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

Well it's not that "Creepy"...but it's definitely a little dramatic. A fetish of getting "injured" is quite the revelation.

La Aoi Beau Chico
Image Comments 10 Jan 00:47
joined Oct 9, 2016

why wont they allow an interracial couple to be born! This is unjustice! Give me pharmercy! I need my daily medications!

joined Oct 9, 2016

I truly like this series. It's a different flavor and pace. Not to fast, but also steady. Characters are really well drawn. Looking forward to more

La Aoi Beau Chico
Murcielago discussion 01 Jan 01:59
joined Oct 9, 2016

They all die

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

can you like give me some more kotooka x tsukasa moments...

like i can foretell the future for thy young boys already... but the future needs to be clear for thy kotooka x tsuakasa.

La Aoi Beau Chico
Image Comments 31 Dec 01:06
joined Oct 9, 2016

To ensure ssama gets recovered longer, she needs to take some w33d! Why!? Because chemo kills! Every1 let her know... well idk if w33d is avaliable in korea... huh... have to think this thru more thoroughly... see you in 2k17!! jajaja

La Aoi Beau Chico
Image Comments 31 Dec 01:03
joined Oct 9, 2016

jesus christ i was gonna cry a river.. you people and your misinterpretations :_: . It's telephone all over again.... bless ssamaba

La Aoi Beau Chico
Heart Gifts discussion 31 Dec 00:57
joined Oct 9, 2016

too fast for pat

Yes yes. Gonna catch these crab hands... ravioli ravioli give me your feelingsoli

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

Tbh... i understand this scenario completely. Once I changed highschools (still in hs) I tried to at least keep a minimal connection with them. Of course it ultimately faded away and yes, i've met new people and whatnot. TBH sometimes I put it on myself that the communication failed, but then I realized, I can't be the only one fighting to at least hold it up. So yea... every now and then i'll be like "yo", "how you doing" or whatever that cliche intro you do when you haven't talked to people in a long time.

La Aoi Beau Chico
Heart Gifts discussion 29 Dec 03:44
joined Oct 9, 2016

like this

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

This... cute? Lol you

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

aahhhh.... cream on vajayjay's.....

worst nightmare shivers

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

Definitely a good one..

La Aoi Beau Chico
Mama Yuu discussion 05 Dec 23:37
joined Oct 9, 2016

This my friends...Is how you realize bisexuality.

Bi can either be your friend or enemy... the choice is yoooseeee

It's ok to be a Bi-Nomial person (binomial is one word ik...) ;)

Like that?

nono thats to technical. Binomial as in "consisting of two terms"..

look, it was meant to be a pun >:(

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

Ok heres my theory:

This is related to demons. Everyone has those thoughts in their head that tell them things they don't want to hear. Lies (maybe even truth in them), self-hat, jealousy, and misconceptions. After pondering on it with how she kills her clones (demons), I truly believe its like this quote I seen

"We all have demons. We try to drown them but they'll swim back up. You'll have to learn to tame them or they'll them tame you"

But instead of her drowning them, she is constantly murdering them... but obviously they keep coming back.

It does have a deep meaning, but there is also a simple cover to the meaning. That we all have those voices in our heads that make us more miserable and unsure then what we should be.... I'll come back with more when I contemplate some more ha. Let me know your thoughts. ^.^

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

am i the only one who finds this disturbing... like the girl is a elementary loli...while the other girl is in high school... or was it middle school.

Either way i'll continue to read to see where it goes... but if it gets to unrealistic...calling it off...

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

loving the character art

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

How dare you stop at the CLIMAX!

Well it's ok... ill just ask my gf to come over and do this to me...