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Citrus discussion 19 Jun 20:05
joined Jul 17, 2016

what is this now?
did the artist just give up on writing (shitty) drama?

Well, the last volume had an arc about some creepy stalker girl in love and obsessed with Mei and at the end of the arc as always everything was fine and Mei and Yuzu became closer , does that count as shitty drama?

joined Jul 17, 2016

with no interest in attaching any labels on them

I dunno, Sayaka seems pretty obviously gay.

Yeah, Sayaka fell in love with her ex and then Touko because they're girls, while Touko and Yuu are the ones who seem to follow the "no labels " thing. Still, I don't see Touko and Yuu ever falling for someone else, be either a boy or girl.

The manga never calls her a lesbian either. My point is that the manga isn't really interested in exploring sexuality. Readers are free to identify the characters however they want, but at the end of the day, that's not really the focus of the story.

I don't think it's necessary for Sayaka to say explicitly that she's gay since it's pretty obvious she is and has accepted that fact after she fell for Touko, like she explained to coffee lady. I do agree that sexuality is not the focus of the manga, but saying readers can identify the characters the way they want is a bit wrong because someone could say they see Yuu as asexual and that's obviously not the case. Thing is labels aren't very important here though.

last edited at Jun 6, 2017 11:50PM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Girlfriends is licensed in spanish too. Only that and Citrus. The editorial who's doing Girlfriends is pretty nice, they seem very open to the idea of translating more yuri, so I could ask them to do yagakimi too.

joined Jul 17, 2016

^ I understand how you feel though. I also love this series A LOT, so I seriously don't want it to end. Trust me. I do want to see Touko and Yuu's life as a couple. I was just saying that it's kinda unlikely because of the type of story this is. (Although, idk, maybe short special chapters? I can see Nakatani doing shorts showing glimpses of their relationship as a couple)

meeting each other's parents

Ok, I do really want to see that, especially hoping to see Rei teasing the heck out of Touko & Yuu. Yuu's family's reactions would be gold since they once joked around about Yuu getting a gf after all lol

sex obviously 7u7

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) I highly doubt there'll be one, but I once said that YagaKimi would be my ideal yuri series if it ends with an intimate, happy sex scene between Touko & Yuu.

I just want to see Yuu being very happy after finally falling in love like she always wanted

You & me both. I'm so glad to see so many ppl here wishing for Yuu's happiness unlike on /u/

I do think there could be sex but not shown very explicitly, maybe discretion shot or something similar (?) I mean Nakatani drew a sex scene in a Touhou doujin , and that scene in chapter 16 was hot 7u7 plus chapter 20 showed some nudity, so I don't think Nakatani is shy about making a sex scene. But how much we'll see there depends on editor-san.

joined Jul 17, 2016

@Saizon The thing about this manga is that it has rather focused themes about identity & relationship that are integrated into an actual centralized plot. It's not exactly an SOL where it can write in any situations it wants to continue on forever. The moment Touko is able to resolve her identity and relationship problems, it not only wraps up the plot, but the themes as well. Because of that, showing Touko's & Yuu's complete life as a couple, while can be cute, doesn't add anything to the overall themes & plot. Also, Nakatani is not exactly the type who does feel-good SOL or one who spells out everything that will happen to her characters & their relationship. Most of her stories have some sort of relationship complications that the characters have to come to term with & a lot of them are left rather open-ended. That's why I think YagaKimi will most likely end on Touko & Yuu getting together. If we're lucky enough, Nakatani might show us some glimpses of their adult life, but I don't think she'll dedicate several chapters or volumes for that.

Well, there are some things that one can look forward to after Touko and Yuu get together that aren't exactly sol, like seeing how their relationship works after Touko changed, meeting each other's parents, sex obviously 7u7 ,what they'll do after highschool and other similar stuff. Well that's more my wishful thinking than anything but I do hope to see at least the things I mentioned, a timeskip would work fine too. I just want to see Yuu being very happy after finally falling in love like she always wanted, and if the story ends right after Touko and Yuu end up dating we'll just see best girl finally smiling happily like about the last chapter and nope, also Iike saizon said I just like this story too much to see it end after the Touko issue is resolved. But I'm not having my hopes too up, like you said there's a probability it'll end after the central plot is finished.

last edited at May 28, 2017 10:48PM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Oh yeaah, the rain. Nakatani plays with uh the light exposure sometimes, to portray the characters' state of mind. Like in the first chapter, when Yuu's friends would ask her what was wrong, and she'd just feel this emotional distance between them; we'd see Yuu drawn in the dark/shadows.

& in ch 16 parallel, there was no distance between her & her friends & they were all in the light., symbolizing that Yuu has started to know or feel what love is~

She's stuck lol, she can't get any closer than this. They're close yet very far apart, they're not on the same page at all. If this is as far as they'd ever get, it makes sense that Yuu convinces herself that it's fine, if the alternative is to lose what they have. That's pretty much Sayaka's mindset, isn't it? Though in the end of volume 4, Yuu very much knows it's bullshit, heh, and unlike Sayaka, wants to do something about it.

Yup, they are two sides of the same coin, but one's love prompts them to act, the other is okay with the status quo.

I wonder if the changes she'll propose to her friend will only involve Touko's character's decision, or maybe will we see Yuu's nurse get a bigger part.

I was thinking more of the former, but the latter could be very likely as well. Will be interesting to find out. Next volume should be the start of the play. Then we get like maybe 1 or 2 vols after that to get resolutions for Touko & all her relationships. YagaKimi would probably end then... I don't want it to end, but this is not a story that you can drag on forever & I also want to see how it ends, so lol

Yeah they're pretty relevant, not just a half assed hook thrown in there, it's a shame that the obi is lost, given the format of English manga.

I really think they could've added them to the back's summary instead of coming up with their own cheesy hooks like "Only time can tell..." >_>

Lol, the previous covers were pretty Yuu/Touko centric, while the 4th one is just "all eyes on Touko". Everyone is focused and just thinking about her, even Touko is thinking about Touko lmao. The relationship Touko shares with both Sayaka and Yuu, it's so unbalanced lol, it's all tipped in her favour

Touko is looking at the sparkler like "I just started a fire. Shits will now go down b/c of me" lol
I just love how Nakatani uses perspective to convey characters' feelings & relationships to one another. She's so great. I love her. This series will adapt so well into an anime, I rlly hope Dengeki won't miss the opportunity to do so. Since Yuu is side by side along the big names (most already have their own animu) in the promotional image for Dengeki 25th anniversary campaign, can I dream that they're planning something big for YagaKimi?

Nnn I don't want it to end after Touko and Yuu get together, I want to see them as a couple and growing old together :/ even if it's just one more volume that features their lives as a couple and then the manga ends. Btw the special 4 mentioned at the end that summer holiday will continue so I guess the culture festival and play thing will start in volume 6. Sayaka is actually an important character too, I don't think a resolution for her crush on Touko will be easy so I'm expecting an arc focused on her after Touko and Yuu resolve her issues.

joined Jul 17, 2016

Colored version of the cover:

Vol 2 cover is still best cover, aesthetically-speaking, but this is a night scene by Nakatani so I do like it a lot. I also like that she started using particular scene from the vol itself as the cover rather than just drawing random illustrations like with vol 1 & 2, cuz man this scene, how it's composed here, along w/ the obi phrase summarize some of the major points in the vol rlly well.

actually volume 2 cover seems to be the end scene of chapter 10 :0
edit: yeah I really checked the details and it is from ch 10. And maybe you could argue that volume 1 has that last scene from chapter 1, since both of them show Touko and Yuu staring at each other while next to the student council's window

last edited at May 27, 2017 10:45PM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Raw 4 this month's special chap is up:

Also, here's a preview for vol 4's cover:

Rough TL of possibly the obi's phrase: "We're selfish. Both you & me." (Rlly love the line breaks in the original Jap which leaves a break in between "you" & "& me")

I guess the both you and me means Touko and Yuu? although I don't see how Yuu is selfish in any way. Maybe it refers to Yuu and Sayaka ? lol

joined Jul 17, 2016

The story should have been only about the love triangle and the 3 girls. I don't dislike guys in yuri stories but these two were main characters and at some point the story really seemed to be more about them than about the yuri love triangle. Plus I found them very boring, I couldn't give a fuck about Subaru's crossdressing , his somewhat incestuous feelings towards Tsukasa and the whole thing with Tsukasa/Asakura/Subaru. I really liked the first chapters, it had great potencial but then the characters became annoying af, the no ending and the implied het with Tsukasa just made this much worse.

last edited at May 25, 2017 9:18PM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Geez, at the end a huge part of the story ended up being about the yaoi guys. If I wanted to read yaoi then I would read a yaoi manga. Fck this

last edited at May 12, 2017 8:05PM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Exactly, and I think this is why Yuu is the better match for Touko. Yes, Sayaka does understand how Touko works and what her motivations are and gives her privacy, but this is ultimately not very healthy for Touko because it just perpetuates her cycle of self-loathing and her self-esteem issues. And it doesn't help that Sayaka is so caught up in her own jealousy and "I've known Touko longer than Yuu has" attitude that it prevents her from really doing anything to help Touko.

Yuu, on the other hand, eventually understands just how unhealthy Touko's motivations and self-esteem issues are and is doing something about it. Sure, it may not be something that Touko wants and she's doing it without really talking to Touko first, but she's doing it because she loves Touko (whether she realizes it or not) enough to do that. She doesn't want Touko to continue hating and punishing herself, and she'll be the "bad guy" if it means Touko has a chance for a happier life. Sayaka cares about Touko, but she's ultimately a little more selfish than Yuu.

Sayaka & Yuu are almost two sides of the same coin. They both know about Touko's situation and both have to hide their feelings & remain at a certain distance from her in order to stay by her side. But unlike Yuu, Sayaka is comfortable with the distance. It's good to compare last chapter with this latest one. While Sayaka initiated the conversation and even got Touko to talk about her worry with her, that confrontation just ended without ever going anywhere far, unlike Yuu's confrontation this chapter, which was really up close and personal. "I'm fine with you knowing," & that's good enough for Sayaka. She's fine with just knowing, unlike Yuu who decided that Touko shouldn't remain in her self-destructive behavior. Always the first one to learn, never the first to take action.

My thoughts exactly. I'm starting to think that Sayaka doesn't love Touko for real and only cares about being the closest person to her bc of selfish reasons.

joined Jul 17, 2016

is there a fb group? I read that on 4chan but I haven't seen one anywhere

joined Jul 17, 2016

Feeling bad for Yuu. I wish she had someone to confide in too as it seems she's all alone in this. What Touko is saying is "She's so sweet, but I really can't trust her".

It's actually the opposite. Yuu is the only person Touko trusts, she did want to talk to her about her sister problems but is afraid of Yuu thinking Touko is taking advantage of her kindness.
I think Touko is going to use Sayaka for comfort instead, now that both of them know that Sayaka is aware of Touko's issues and Touko is fine with that. This will get interesting...

joined Jul 17, 2016

I'm glad I kept reading because this last chapter has been really good. Certain chapters such as the one in the river were disappointing for me (I felt that they didn't make complete sense), but from now on I think I will really enjoy the story and character development. And, obviously, reading your thoughtful comments helps a lot to enjoy it ^^

Which one in the river? 10 ? I actually think all the chapters move forward either the plot or the character development '-'

joined Jul 17, 2016

I really like how Yuu went from teasing Touko by calling her by her first name like it's nothing to not be able to do it anymore. Of course it's sad because she's locking her feelings, but at the same time it shows how much she's changed. It's brilliant.

I really like this manga. It's not the typical "cute girls doing cute things" yuri, nor the typical cliche drama. It has a story deeper than that, and I can't wait to see what's next.
Anyway, it's clear the new guy is someone who was close to Touko's sister, maybe a friend or her boyfriend. Like mentioned above, I don't think he'll cause stupid drama, this isn't that type of manga. Maybe he'll end up helping Touko somehow

joined Jul 17, 2016

Aw now I feel bad for Yuu :(

joined Jul 17, 2016

I'm kind of irrationally disappointed to learn that Nakatani Nio is male, but, oh well...

How did you come to that conclusion?

Hmm, I probably jumped to conclusions a bit. Randomly searching something on Google then reading one sentence of the first thing that comes up is never a good idea! Anyhow, it's quite nice to know that she isn't male.

aw but Prism was great while it lasted and Shou is a male

joined Jul 17, 2016

The main problem with the stories from this anthology is that they are too damn short! 16 pages don't give space for development in some stories like this one or the one from Canno.

But yeah, I was kinda creeped by this '-' that girl seemed like a yandere D: I wished I could see more of the love part

joined Jul 17, 2016

i swear the art style of the cover looks like Nakatani Nio's (author of 'Bloom Into You')

She did the cover lol

joined Jul 17, 2016

oww uvu

joined Jul 17, 2016
Check out those links... All the extras are worth reading imo :D

Lily Love discussion 13 Dec 01:06
joined Jul 17, 2016

I know very few yuri series whose writing stand out , but that's because most yuri are cute and fluffy, nothing wrong with that. I enjoy some cuteness on yuri but I agree that something different would be the ideal thing

Lily Love discussion 13 Dec 00:55
joined Jul 17, 2016

I'm not even a fan of this series but I don't understand why many people call it generic. Aren't most romance stories full of cliches and predictable? This is no exception...

joined Jul 17, 2016

I for one appreciate Bloom Into You's strong anti-girls-getting-hit-by-trains stance

But Touko's sister was japanese trucked :P

joined Jul 17, 2016

I certainly hope we're not in the last arc of the series, but it does feel like we're near the end of the story.

From the look of it, it's from this!
Got an eye for them yuris.

You certainly do. Thanks and sorry for the late reply.

I don't think Touko's situation will be resolved easily, it would feel too rushed. Plus Yuu hasn't realised her feelings yet , so I'm sure these things are gonna take some time. Anyway, I really do hope that if they become a couple, we'll see what happens after that, I mean dating and stuff. I don't want this manga to end soon because I like it a lot :(

Edit: I forgot about Sayaka, I don't think the series will end without some resolution for her as well.

last edited at Dec 3, 2016 4:14PM