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joined Aug 10, 2015

If this were a more serious story (not that it doesn't have quite serious moments) I would be more critical of Iori's behaviour but as it happens I just like this story and I'm just trying to say I get Iori's reaction. Maybe the methods a bit too much and I can totally understand if you find it inexcusable but at the end of the day it is a fictional story with some realistic element, at least to me.

Personally, although I've liked this story pretty well all along, the casual domestic violence part isn't working for me anymore, and my reaction does come from the contradictory genre/tonal signals the series has been sending.

If the genre of this were pure slapstick comedy all along, that would be one thing, but in a story that's spent considerable time exploring themes of pretty extreme interpersonal violence in a serious way, the idea that a person's expression of self-doubt about the relationship results in a bandaged wound is just too dissonant to be enjoyable.ead

This is exactly what really has turned me off. The author brought in a toxic, violent relationship to highlight (supposedly) this new one being better.

And even in this latest chapter, that moment she grabs her was really off-putting.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Yeah this is uncomfortable, what the heck

Semelparous discussion 23 Apr 22:50
joined Aug 10, 2015

Dang... yeah after giving it a full read now, I’m not a fan of this at all. The idea is kinda interesting? But then the breast sizes... I thought maybe I was being a prude or something, but seeing it’s a problem for more people, I feel a bit better about my issue with it lol.

It’s super distracting when trying to set up something that’s supposed to be somewhat serious.
It’s weird too, I didn’t really have a problem with the art in previous works, and the one shot was pretty tame overall having re-read it... but the sizes here are insane. That, and I really really just liked the setup of the one-shot far better.

Anyhow, won’t stank up the discussion with my thoughts after this. Might revisit later to see if my opinion changes, but overall just not my cup of tea.

I really wonder why Ogino made that change. I really liked where the one-shot left off, and the setup in general. This feels kinda... Expected? Usual? Not to down it per say, I'm going to follow it... But it seemed like an unnecessary change.

But, I'm going to trust the author on this one since I've liked their work. Just really super curious about that as a writer myself, I guess.

I think it is for the purpose of plot line content and character development, I guess the childhood friends route would have simplified the series and made a very monotonous theme if we were going to be reading several chapters of this story. I'm just guessing though.

I think that’s a fair point, but Iono’, seemed like there was potential to just tell more of that story between them rather than erase that angle. It wasn’t just flat-out doomed to be monotonous. But, to be fair, might’ve just wanted to do a “what if” version , or maybe this is the story they would have told with more space than a one-shot.

It’s interesting to think about, and even if I prefer the one shot, this isn’t without it’s merits.

I do fully admit that I much preferred the relationship between two equals as well. I definitely have a “childhood friends” bias, heh.

last edited at Apr 23, 2020 11:01PM

Semelparous discussion 21 Apr 20:53
joined Aug 10, 2015

I really wonder why Ogino made that change. I really liked where the one-shot left off, and the setup in general. This feels kinda... Expected? Usual? Not to down it per say, I'm going to follow it... But it seemed like an unnecessary change.

But, I'm going to trust the author on this one since I've liked their work. Just really super curious about that as a writer myself, I guess.

joined Aug 10, 2015

God I fear for them right now. Please author don't break my heart =(

joined Aug 10, 2015

"They were damn cute."

These two. Thee two get it.

last edited at Apr 18, 2020 10:00PM

The Bridge discussion 01 Apr 20:42
joined Aug 10, 2015

Ffffffff my soul

SHY discussion 19 Mar 23:40
joined Aug 10, 2015

Shy has to be like, the most wholsesome superhero I've ever seen.

Well, maybe not "ever," but she's up there on the Wholesome Rankings" lol.

joined Aug 10, 2015

This is more cute than it has any right to be, but this chapter by far.... my gawd, the sweetness

SHY discussion 27 Feb 21:03
joined Aug 10, 2015

I’m sitting here all misty-eyed and I’m not ashamed at all.


@Lilliwyt - indeed, his plan has a child’s level of logic to it, which makes sense. Likely, he hasn’t thought of anything outside of “adults bad, children good.” I’m willing to place a bet that his past has something to do with either being a hero or related to a hero that f’d his whole world up somehow.

joined Aug 10, 2015

He's been abusive from the start, so this doesn't surprise me much tbh. My only personal gripe, really, is that it's taking that to set up the next step. I preferred when the asshat was less overt, and was hoping Midori would change without the help of him being an absolute monster. i really do hope she gets far, far the hell away from him.

But that said... I also don't think it's wrong of me to hope that incel POS gets hit by a fiery garbage truck.

Liberty discussion 10 Feb 01:03
joined Aug 10, 2015

I think it's really interesting how people can hate this series so much yet still come here to complain about it at every new chapter.

I loved this chapter. Yes, Liz did screw up, but I can see this being an important part of her character development. I mean, she was treating Maki a bit like trash, but after this chapter Liz probably realized that she loved her. And also that she's not a good person herself.

Anyway, great stuff :3

For the record, I don’t hate it, not at all. I like certain aspects of it, and I’m just hoping Maki proves to not be a doormat in the end.

I’m really just waiting for the two mc’s to reach that point of change. This chapter might be that for Liz, we’ll have to see I suppose. It’s one of the few stories I’ve read where I’m not 100% rooting for or against the main pair.

Liberty discussion 09 Feb 21:21
joined Aug 10, 2015

I feel like I never seen main characters breaking up as their ending chapter, I always see the main characters changing and becoming better and then they live happily ever after, but this one I really wish they break up for good and Maki can meet someone better, and Liz should just stay with her senpai so she can get her ears licked everyday and get wet, I never hated a character so much like I want Maki to tie Liz and make her watch as she have sex with someone else, I wanna see her in pain

...okay that’s a bit too much.

I honestly don’t know where I fall on this one, though Liz definitely gets some blame since she knows what kind of person her senpai is. However, her senpai knew she was clearly with someone else and pushed on her, so I place more of that at her door than anything.

Still, I was already not a fan of Maki and Liz getting together from the start, but Maki also feels like one of the most spineless characters I’ve read in a while. This whole story honestly comes across “everyone is a hot mess,” and I don’t know if anyone really should get a “happy ending” from it.

At most, I hope Liz truly moves on from this manipulative woman completely, and tbh unless Maki gets more confidence and respect for herself, I don’t think being with Liz would be any healthier for either of them.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Taking bets now.

10 to 1 Nikaidou faints
7 to 1 Nikaidou drools uncontrollably
5 to 1 Nikaidou drools uncontrollably and then faints
2 to 1 Nikaidou jizzes in her pants

She's gonna do all three somehow.

I'm honestly kinda worried for Nikaidou at this point lol

joined Aug 10, 2015

Dammit, I was hoping I was wrong, but nope

Love triangle


Still enjoying this just... but... sigh

joined Aug 10, 2015

Huh... I really didn't think the first chapter was bad. It wasn't great, and I do agree the pacing was way too fast, but once it got to the end I was honestly intrigued, since we rarely get to see stories past that point.

The chapters since have been good. Again, not life-changing amazing or anything, but I'm enjoying it... and these two dorks are growing on me. :-p

joined Aug 10, 2015

Beautiful, rewarding read from start to finish.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Yah I have to agree, that was pretty darn good.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Iono', I liked this. This felt more about Shizuoa realizing what she has and officially admitting it, rather than the point being Mio's response. There was always this slight feeling of "one sided" to me, and these two chapters feel like it puts them on equal footing.

That said, it'll also depend on where things go after this, too, though considering the tone of this series overall I don't foresee Shizuka f'ing this up lol.

I do get the frustration though, as Mio honestly had every right to be far more unforgiving and break things up.

SHY discussion 15 Sep 06:15
joined Aug 10, 2015

Please don't let her become just one of the person she will save in the story. Like that one that seems important but the she saves her and we never see her again... I wish badly for yuri or at least for her to stay around so we can have subtext.

My read on this might be wrong, but since she knows Shy's identity at least for the moment, and Shy could absolutely use someone to help encourage her that isn't a powerful hero already... she's likely going to end up being the hero's confidant, that one friend who know who she really is and helps keep her head on straight.

I kinda hope that's the case, at least.

keep her head on straight, or... keep her head on gay

...they should totally date, officially, is what I'm saying

You know what, keeping her head on "gay" is much better and I can't believe I missed the opportunity to say it lol.

And yah, I certainly would be okay with that outcome.

SHY discussion 09 Sep 03:40
joined Aug 10, 2015

Please don't let her become just one of the person she will save in the story. Like that one that seems important but the she saves her and we never see her again... I wish badly for yuri or at least for her to stay around so we can have subtext.

My read on this might be wrong, but since she knows Shy's identity at least for the moment, and Shy could absolutely use someone to help encourage her that isn't a powerful hero already... she's likely going to end up being the hero's confidant, that one friend who know who she really is and helps keep her head on straight.

I kinda hope that's the case, at least.

Yay, I made the easiest prediction ever =p

In all seriousness, I'm glad she is sticking around, and I like their dynamic already.

joined Aug 10, 2015

The growth in these two, their relationship... Aw man, I'm all misty-eyed. So happy for them getting to this point.

SHY discussion 01 Sep 18:38
joined Aug 10, 2015

That was better than I expected, and I already liked it a lot. Fav'd.

SHY discussion 26 Aug 02:11
joined Aug 10, 2015

Please don't let her become just one of the person she will save in the story. Like that one that seems important but the she saves her and we never see her again... I wish badly for yuri or at least for her to stay around so we can have subtext.

My read on this might be wrong, but since she knows Shy's identity at least for the moment, and Shy could absolutely use someone to help encourage her that isn't a powerful hero already... she's likely going to end up being the hero's confidant, that one friend who know who she really is and helps keep her head on straight.

I kinda hope that's the case, at least.

joined Aug 10, 2015

I don’t care if this story is cliched and predictable, I'll always love these kinds of stories to death!! >.<

Same, I want more and I'm not ashamed to say that