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joined Aug 6, 2015

I hope that autograph don't lead to drama... even though it most certainly will.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Chihagura's mouku x kaguya is the absolute best and is responsible for that pairing being my OTP of the Touhou universe.

joined Aug 6, 2015

The facial expressions in this chapter were amazing. I love this series so much.

joined Aug 6, 2015

That said, pretty cute chapter even if the start was irritiating with the "Do I like her?" bullshit.

That was the best part of the chapter for me. Introspection is interesting. Fluff pieces where both characters like each other from the start and nothing goes really wrong (aka track team pairing >.<) is nice once in a while, but I want something more most of the time. for that reason, I think this pairing is one of the better ones in the series so far.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I love introspective storytelling like this. Good chapter.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Let's hope the anime doesn't shift the tone too much towards romance.

joined Aug 6, 2015

This series has never made sense. Each chapter I feel like I grasp less of the world than I did before reading it. Does this series not have an editor? I find it hard to believe that it makes so much more sense in Japanese to the point where an editor would give it the OK. It can't just be an issue of it being lost in translation.

joined Aug 6, 2015

At least we're not full on frienemy yet. Sayaka and Yuu are actually interesting interacting together for the moment. Too bad it won't last.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I'm glad the childhood promise between these two characters didn't turn out to be something dumb like "let's get married when we grow up." I really hate how childhood friends are default love interests in a lot of series. The trope is dumb and should die, especially when it's a crutch authors lean on to circumvent character development and decent writing.

These two characters at least revolve around something interesting like a goal to achieve. I generally hate most side pairings in this series, but these two won me over. I'd like to see the model-to-be fail an audition, get comforted by senpai-girl, then get back out there and succeed. ...but that would actually require a character arc that would take time away from Ayaka and Yurine, so.... crap.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I don't think the end of this chapter makes much sense. She got turned off when Tooru took off her maid uniform? But earlier in the chapter she was clearly turned on when Tooru came out of the bath and was only in a towel. That's a fairly obvious contradiction, right?

joined Aug 6, 2015

We futa now, gals. If this series wasn't already in the strike zone of certain demographics, it just reeled in an entirely new one out of nowhere.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Good stuff.

Reminder that this arc started with a school newsletter interview with Ayaka. I wonder exactly how much of this she ended up telling to the information committee? I wonder what she'll let slip and what kind of article is going to come out of it.

Should provide for some entertaining reactions when it gets published for the whole school to see.

joined Aug 6, 2015

"They had wild maid talk afterwards."

Okay. This type of joke works regardless of what's said. I'm glad it's popped up in so many series. Always good for a laugh.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I feel like most romance manga need to take the first two panels on this page to heart. Finally someone says it. I wish we never had this plot point again ever.

joined Aug 6, 2015

The black text boxes make me think we're going into yandere territory.

This was a nice chapter, otherwise. I really like slow burns and character development.

joined Aug 6, 2015

This was hilarious. I almost don't want it to end.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Tricking Kasumi into being her taste tester turned out to be a good way to keep any rivals' feelings from getting through via chocolate. Shame that wasn't done on purpose.

joined Aug 6, 2015

If those are Ds by dragon standards, I'd hate to experience the back pains a dragon with DDs goes through.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Yeah, I thought we all knew ages ago that Ayaka was obsessed with being #1 because she thought that's what her mother's love was based on?

Drew8898 legit forgot and ranted about it.

It's easy to forget something that's mentioned briefly once and never mentioned again for 21 chapters.

Oh well. My bad, I suppose. I stand by my "show us; don't tell us" stance, though. It seems like her mother's attitude is supposed to be core to Ayaka's personality. It probably would have made her character more interesting to the people who don't like the main couple if why her personality is the way it is had been fleshed out more from the start. 5 little flashback panels with only 2 lines of dialogue from her mother shouldn't be good enough. The author could have shown the difference in her mother's attitude towards her when she was perfect instead of leaving it at the criticism. Can't really tell that Ayaka associates her mother's love with her performance based on criticism alone. You need the other side of the coin.

Better late than never, though. At least we're getting something 21 chapters later.

last edited at Jun 10, 2016 2:58AM

joined Aug 6, 2015

Alright. Chapter 22. Back to the "main" couple at last. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I feel like 99% of my posts are cynical bitch-fests, so why stop here?

I'm not a huge fan of the overbearing parent trope. It's not used as often as other tropes, but it's still terribly overused. It's a cheap way to explain why a character is the way they are rather than show us why through their actions or reactions. We knew that Ayaka was obsessed with being #1, but we never knew why. Finding out through a passing phone conversation with her mother that that quirk was imposed upon her wasn't very interesting. I'm not a fan of flashbacks, but if you're going to go the overbearing parent route, you need to show us rather than tell us. A flashback would have helped a bit.

Before the phone call, however, Ayaka got some nice introspective dialogue in where she acknowledged some of her faults. I feel like everyone wanted to see something like this, even if you're not a fan of the "main" pairing. It's super necessary for her to realize these faults if she's ever going to progress. I really enjoyed this part of the chapter, and I wish it hadn't been interrupted by that dumb phonecall.

Finally, Yurine following Ayaka into the train even after she'd "given up" on their contest pretty much solidifies what we already knew for a while now. Yurine has started to prioritize Ayaka over her desire to be bested/be normal.

I hope this arc lasts more than 2 chapters, because we got some solid character development here, even if it felt a bit rushed. It'd be a shame if it all got wrapped up in just 1 more chapter.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I wish I could sleep cook. It'd be nice to have breakfast ready when I become coherent.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I dunno where the guy goes from here. He spent most of the chapter being depressed about the realization, and ended the chapter in the worst state. If he were angry or if he lashed out at her, it'd be easy to tell what direction his character will be taking. The fact that he seemed to have genuine feelings for her and was so devastated throws me for a loop. There's going to be drama for sure, but it's hard to say what kind of drama.

joined Aug 6, 2015

God, Sayaka and Touko are ao much better. When the senpai is with the Yuu, its just so awk haha

It's awkward on purpose. Yuu and Touko's story is about their relationship developing from nothing to something. There's going to be a lot of awkward developments there, especially when Yuu hasn't really given her own sexuality any thought before.

Sayaka and Touko's relationship already started the series out as something. They've already gotten to know each other and interact well with each other. That's established. They're going to seem like the more fluffy pairing because of that.

As someone who holds character development in the highest regard, the idea of Sayaka and Touko actually getting together is just terribly boring. There's very little development to be had there, not to mention that it just wouldn't fit the tone or theme of the series at all.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Whelp. This was the confirmation chapter that I didn't want to happen. At least it was fairly well written and somewhat believable how she'd have such doubts.

My concern is how this revelation is just going to hang over this entire series. No matter how good things might get in the future, there's always going to be this drama filled confrontation just around the corner. We know it's coming, and because we know, I'm just a bit more disinterested than I was previously.

I would have preferred her feelings to be shown to us and not told. Reveal this through her expressions and confusion. Never come right out and say it, but have it be observable to those who look. Devoting an entire chapter to this, no matter how well written or enjoyable, seems unnecessary.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Here's why this manga is so tolerable. Even though this latest chapter is about The Succubus teacher having the hots for our male protagonist, this fact is told entirely through the aspect of world building. Everything about this situation is dedicated to explaining how succubi work in this universe. This is super important because it explains a lot about the Succubus teacher in general. The fact that she's so powerful and that her powers work on touch, then it makes sense that she'd wear a full body track suit all the time. The detective says it's rare that a succubus as powerful as her doesn't cause trouble, and even her character design reinforces the fact that she's making an active effort not to do so (regardless of the fact that she probably doesn't even know how to start that kind of 'trouble').

This is why the light harem elements are tolerable. Every time we're faced with it, the author gives us so much more beyond just that. I expressed concern about this series becoming a slice of life nonsense romcom a while back, but the author has been staying on track for the most part. I'm impressed.

last edited at Jun 1, 2016 3:11PM