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joined Nov 20, 2014

Am I gonna have to start cleaning up "I wish this was a different ship" stuff again? Love Live seems to really attract that nonsense.

i think if this doesnt turn in to a 5 pages of discution or if is not really a hate/shit post is not really a bad thing to coment your favorite ship of course you gotta make a point about it not just spam it

I'd disagree personally. I don't really care how you word it, saying what basically comes down to "I wish this was something else!" is rude no matter the context. Then again I know I've made this error a couple of times myself so...

joined Nov 20, 2014

How adorably silly! Tamamusi, you've done it again!

Kase-san discussion 15 Aug 17:28
joined Nov 20, 2014

Speaking of this wonderful Manga, are there any good ways to support Takashima until the English releases arrive? I seem to remember there being talks of an English releases of Kase-san, but am I just completely off my rockers here maybe?

Henai Girl discussion 13 Aug 15:38
joined Nov 20, 2014


joined Nov 20, 2014

Really, is nobody gonna comment on the talking crotch?

Kase-san discussion 11 Aug 12:35
joined Nov 20, 2014

Great to see more!
But i also smell a love triangle or something..

I dunno, I'm leaning more towards "Yamada makes a big thing out of something Kase doesn't really think is one."

Though it could be a good thing. I mean, imagine Yamada thinking she actually stands a chance to really lose Kase, and not just losing her but to an old sempai she still apparently has contact with. It could be what pushes her to seek out a horticulture college in Tokyo (or wherever it was Kase was going) instead of just going with her mother's dreams. Making real effort and decisions to keep in touch with her and stay with her.

But I digress. It was a cute three chapters, and it keeps confirming why I really love the series and why Takashima Hiromi deserves a spot amongst the great yuri masters.

Melty Kiss discussion 06 Aug 16:39
joined Nov 20, 2014

Gotta love Lots of kissing

Best tag, no doubt!

joined Nov 20, 2014

So I've seen one clip from the anime, and personally I usually regard the Lolicon + Age Gap tag-combo with suspicion, even more so when the Ecchi tag is there. Do I have anything to fear if I decide to read it, or are they surprisingly underplayed?

Hanagui discussion 06 Aug 11:38
joined Nov 20, 2014

That might just be the most realistic pair of zongers I've seen in a manga.

All in all a very cute one! I like it!

joined Nov 20, 2014

Not realizing that there was a character named 'You' my first thought was this was somehow a first-person manga and you're on a date with Rika or something.

tell me I'm not the only one that thought this...

You're not alone, there's literally two of us!

joined Nov 20, 2014

The flute is in the guy's pants, and it's magical cause it ain't seen! As it should be in a Yuri manga!

joined Nov 20, 2014

Doki Doki Dragon!

joined Nov 20, 2014

I dunno, I thought it was kinda good. Y'know, for shameless pseudo-futa smut manga. I giggle at it more than I get off to it, but I'm not even sure if the latter was ever an intention.

All in all it gets an upvote and a favour, well played.

joined Nov 20, 2014

Demaar posted:

what... seriously...??
I wonder how high we will take this in the end.
Also, now that I think about it, shouldn't there be something like a "low/minimal amounts of sex" tag?

that can generally be found under the Ecchi tag

Or just NSFW without any of the sex-tags.

last edited at Apr 28, 2016 8:05PM

joined Nov 20, 2014

At this rate I might just need to invent a category beyond "Golden Star".

Furumapura discussion 19 Apr 14:13
joined Nov 20, 2014

I hope the nonverbal girl never talks. She's fine just how she is cuz the girl she loves understands her. I actually go nonverbal a lot cuz I'm either overwhelmed or just cuz i don't feel like talking. Like, I just don't wanna. So a girl who communicates nonverbally is something I can identify with a lot, even if her way of communicating is different from mine.

Then on the other hand, what if she feels comfortable enough to whisper to her those special words, and that being just about it. Such a special moment!

Image Comments 11 Apr 14:37
joined Nov 20, 2014

The future is now!

joined Nov 20, 2014

Tickle-play you say? Intriguing.

joined Nov 20, 2014

You had me at Blind Love Interest, though the art and story is pretty swell too! Have an upvote!

Furumapura discussion 06 Apr 18:00
joined Nov 20, 2014

I want to like Shiori, but... at times it feels like "Big Boobs" is her only characteristic, and I'm not sure if that's what I'm after even in a gag-manga. Then again Kyoushinsha tends to have that in the three of their Mangas I've read so far, so I don't know what I expected really.

joined Nov 20, 2014

How peculiar.

joined Nov 20, 2014

My word, is that what I think it is? It is!

Semi-realistic boob-physics!

Lily Love discussion 26 Mar 19:07
joined Nov 20, 2014

Misunderstand me correctly, I still like this story. It just turned out to be much more silly than I had expected. Now that I know what to expect of it I can view it in a more favourable light.

Please keep up the good work, Ratana! I'm looking forward to it!

joined Nov 20, 2014

This was as delicious as I had hoped it would be.

Lily Love discussion 22 Mar 17:55
joined Nov 20, 2014

I really, really don't know where you put this anymore. At first it seemed like it would be "Kase-san with some more drama" as it was generally a slice-of-life story with hints of things going on and being resolved.

Then I thought it was going to be "Citrus but with limits" when the horrible ex was introduced, and that we'd get some growth for and between the characters.

But now... who knows?