I felt insulted, I responded accordingly, that was more verbal jousting than anything else. I guess I shouldn't have.
Might as well say "I get offended at literally everything and I just cannot stand when people don't see things the way I see them" then. Ignore what you know you can't tolerate rather than making yourself look desperate 24/7. I have noticed this pattern in your posting, hence my aggressiveness. Nonetheless, I apologize for my language, I can't seem to think twice most times before posting.
Completely cutting off Yuzu is a dick move, but that doesn't make the story bad, just a melodrama. I'm glad we had an explanation from Mei though.
The entire manga was like this, though? There were maybe 4-5 chapters where they were dating where I could almost see Mei try to step out of her comfort bubble and open up to Yuzu, easing the pain she has put her through. Which was then officially undone by the outcome of the following chapters, of course. I am no stranger to broken characters with past traumas and irrational behaviors, but my tolerance has been wiped out throughout the course of almost 40 chapters with no closure for Yuzu. Isn't it sad, becoming aware that Yuzu's happy moments were her being blissfully ignorant and borderline delusional, because Mei claims she loves her but then contradicts herself by stating she is doing all of this for her own sake?