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Candy Moon discussion 10 Jun 08:47
joined Dec 13, 2013

i don’t understand how can some ppl like a sex scene with one of the characters screaming “im scared” and “i dont like it” all the time and the other insisting in continuing. its not bc shes a woman that she gets excused...

joined Dec 13, 2013

this scene honestly made me feel so sad for mikarin
the way the artist did the “disgusted face” was rlly painful even though i never experienced it

joined Dec 13, 2013

I’m confused, did Uta kiss Kaoru? Chapter 14 looked like kt but the author didn’t make the scene..........

joined Dec 13, 2013

I AM LIVED SHE MADE A SEQUEL AAAAAAAAAAAAAA elizabeth my love,,,,,, so beautiful,,,, bless this

Citrus discussion 21 May 10:50
joined Dec 13, 2013

“idk what to do anymore”

WELL yuzu
you can idk move on from the girl that doesnt care abt you! youre a teen, there’s plenty fish in the sea cmon you can do it

Touma-kun discussion 17 May 21:07
joined Dec 13, 2013

I think the girls are more attracted to her hair skills than anything else bc they don’t particularly talk abt her looks its more like “touma-kun youre so nice, do my hair too!! make me pretty!”

Touma-kun discussion 17 May 06:55
joined Dec 13, 2013

whats... whats so great abt touma-kun?

joined Dec 13, 2013

idk you guys but i wouldn’t want a kid kissing me without consent (especially if you put the fact that if someone saw it, the blame would fall on the teacher and im p sure madarame would be just silent abt it)...... or anyone really. Madarame needs a lot of character development in this department.

Tapestry discussion 04 May 18:02
joined Dec 13, 2013


ok but now seriously
the supernatural part of this was totally unnecessary..... couldve went with whatever (the maid in her teens when working in da house so we would avoid the eventually angst end with not aging up and seeing your lover die and the liz a lil bit older so the age gap wouldnt be too scandalous) but hehhhh also the sex scenes reminded of THAT ARTIST whom rlly likes wet stuff.

but it doesn’t matter bc elizabeth makes up for everything.......

joined Dec 13, 2013

imagine becoming a weapom whenever you orgasm

joined Dec 13, 2013

this manga is rlly interesting and the characters are pretty cool but... somehow the fact that it’ll probably not end well is so sigh

even though i still hope for a plot twist where it ends well for both couples

joined Dec 13, 2013

new kodama naoko fuck me up

joined Dec 13, 2013

I rlly love this series, but the really slow passing is making me lose a bit of interest, especially bc of the long wait (2 months or more for one chapter that sometimes adds little to nothing). i have a fear this will rlly not end well, which is so sad

joined Dec 13, 2013

these girls are cute and the story too but i cant help but laugh at the fact that they look like theyre pissing themselves when wet HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA

Citrus discussion 18 Apr 19:37
joined Dec 13, 2013

Let's not forget take the responsibility that's supposed to be her fathers so he can live his dream and shit all over his daughter's at the same time!

oh god don’t start me abt this guy.... he’s honestly the worst. if you dont want to do it, at least free your fucking own daughter of this stupid duty....

How is he suppose to free her from her own self imposed prison? She is the one who decided to take care of the school while he was gone and then chose to take his place after he said he was never coming back to that life. This is exactly why Mei is the absolute worst, no one is forcing this on her. She is volunteering to cause Yuzu as much suffering as possible. Its a shame that the two will end up together in the end instead of Yuzu doing the logical thing and move on to find someone else.

If you see your kid doing some kind of “bad decision” that obviously makes them suffer bc of you (indirectly or directly), you should at least speak to them abt it. Say they dont need to, thst they should follow their hearts. In this case, her father should talk to the grandfather bc im p sure Mei takes his opinion very highly thus why she doest dumb shit. But i do agree that no one is straight up blackmailing her to do it. She could choose to not do it and say fuck you to her grandfather, but Mei is too passive and has a weird sense of responsability (probably from her grandfather) where your happiness is below your “family duty” (something that is still common in japan...)

last edited at Apr 18, 2018 7:37PM

joined Dec 13, 2013

i just cried so hard with this
what the fuck

Citrus discussion 18 Apr 18:02
joined Dec 13, 2013

9 volumes in and their relationship are at zero again. What a rollercoaster. I’m pretty sure Saburouta is being obligated to extend the story bc its giving money so they don’t want it to end (?). Seriously Yuzu, just give up on Mei and move on. Find another lover. She honestly doesn’t deserve you. Let her make her grandpa proud and blah, blah with that bullshit. That girl will never be fight any obstacle for you.

If this manga end in yuri, I bet its gonna be Mei’s fiancé that will say something like “i know u dont love me or like this situation so go!!! find ur true love!!” everyone is gonna gasp. her grandfather will die. obama will be there. but Mei will say no and continue the ceremony for obviously drama.

Let's not forget take the responsibility that's supposed to be her fathers so he can live his dream and shit all over his daughter's at the same time!

oh god don’t start me abt this guy.... he’s honestly the worst. if you dont want to do it, at least free your fucking own daughter of this stupid duty....

Citrus discussion 18 Apr 17:26
joined Dec 13, 2013

9 volumes in and their relationship are at zero again. What a rollercoaster. I’m pretty sure Saburouta is being obligated to extend the story bc its giving money so they don’t want it to end (?). Seriously Yuzu, just give up on Mei and move on. Find another lover. She honestly doesn’t deserve you. Let her make her grandpa proud and blah, blah with that bullshit. That girl will never be fight any obstacle for you.

If this manga end in yuri, I bet its gonna be Mei’s fiancé that will say something like “i know u dont love me or like this situation so go!!! find ur true love!!” everyone is gonna gasp. her grandfather will die. obama will be there. but Mei will say no and continue the ceremony for obviously drama.

joined Dec 13, 2013

somehow i remember the yuri bingo from tumblr and the “ordinary friends” always comes to mind and its so funny.....

joined Dec 13, 2013

ritsu is very disrespectful tho
her friend is in a relationship and she basically pretend she isnt? she has no respect for ichika or shun at all despite them being friends.
but also ichika sucks for trying to be in the middle instead of simply not accepting shun as a bf if she didn’t love him. at least she made a decision by the end but i dont think she would ever if ritsu didnt kiss her. well, theyre both trash and deserve each other...

1 x ½ discussion 08 Apr 21:03
joined Dec 13, 2013

Сonsensual sex between adults, including incest, is not a crime in:
USA New Jersey
China (except Hong Kong and Macau)
Italy (Incest is illegal in Italy only if it provokes public scandal, according to Article 564 of the Penal code)
Sweden (Half-siblings can marry, but require special approval by the government.)

It seems like it's legal for the most of the Earth population.
Edit: I stand corrected - all those countries have appr. 3.56 billions of population while world population is 7.6 billions as of now. But it close enough to 50% I guess.

i had no idea brazil was ok with incest.................................... wow noice

1 x ½ discussion 04 Apr 08:26
joined Dec 13, 2013

I know the story is supposed to be Asuka x Ayako, but honestly i rather Ayako x Akira. At first i liked Asuka but then she just got... a little annoying? She was this possessive even when a baby hfiejsksj im not sure what happened to the father (my guess is that an accident happened and akira was somehow indirectly involved) but it seems that the author is “explaining” the romantic love she has for her mom be something related to him?? like she inherited the love or some shit lololo

1 x ½ discussion 22 Mar 03:50
joined Dec 13, 2013

idk why but i rather the mom and the aunt
i just... im weak to the RICH OFFICE LADY ARCHTYPE

joined Dec 13, 2013

Pretty cute but I lowkey enjoyed the corrin x camilla more than I enjoyed the Caminoka


Aria's Egg discussion 13 Jan 12:49
joined Dec 13, 2013

But where does it come out?!

from the butt of course