Rolled 107 rolls in total. 1 daily roll, 1 free 10 roll, 80 10 rolls and 16 tickets. Got Mudrock with free 10 roll after free daily roll, which is nice, but I really don't care for her. Then got a lot of 5 stars, mostly Whisperain (8 copies), Ptilopsis, Reed, Sora, Sesa I didn't have yet in one of the last 10 pulls and then later from 1 ticket. Got spooked by another Skadi with Ifrit in the middle as well as another Mudrock and got Suzuran from tickets (which I'm really happy about, because I was considering picking her with guarantee ticket). Also 17 Jackies. All in all, very happy with my rolls, as I didn't need to spend all my resources in order to get Rosmontis and I did hope to have something left to try getting Dusk (I don't really want her that much, but she looks neat, in general and gameplay wise, and well, she's limited). More copies would of course be nice, but I also don't think they're that necessary. Still got 13 daily pulls, so I'll see.
Congrats on the Suzuran. Do you still plan to buy the 6 star ticket tho?
I'm thinking about picking up the pick your own 6* ticket once I get paid on Tuesday any advice on who might be best for my team? My Current 6* operators are: E2 W, E2 Exusiai, E2 Ifrit, E2 Skadi, Almost E2 Blaze (just need more catalyst chips), E1 Nightingale, E1 Siege, E1 Rosmontis, unleveled SilverAsh, and unleveled Hoshiguma. My Highest 5* operators are E2 Level 80 Lappland, E2 Texas, E2 Amiya, E2 Liskarm, E1 Silence, E1 Red, E1 Nearl, and E1 Ceylon. Notable 4*s are E2 Jessica, E2 Cuora, and E2 Perfumer.
I personally would suggest Suzuran 'cause it seems you could use a slow supporter and debuffer to combo with your DPS units. Suzu is also good for both general usage and high difficulty stages (CC for example tho I know you don't participate there). Just some other considerations. Saria is actually the best choice since she's more useful, but she's already part of the yellow cert shop rotation so she'll likely show up there sooner than Suzu (who I expect to show up around October/November). I would also nominate Schwarz as the gay choice seeing that you have Ceylon. I'm sure the bird will appreciate having her kitty assassin maid.
Art stuff: horse auntie being dominated by her nieces, Summer Texland, NSFW
Skadi selfcest or Skadi getting corrupted, NSFW
Blazethroat, FEater x Frostleaf, Ch'en x Dragon FemDoc (it gives me vibes of my favorite ship), and not necessarily shipping but it's cute: Mudrock headpatting Rosmontis
Congrats to everyone. Glad you all had better luck than I did XD