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Arknights! 05 May 05:46
joined Apr 30, 2020

Sorry for the double post but I just found the video for the annual Arknights pairings popularity poll in CN. It was only made February this year so it's not up to date. I wonder if Skadi x Specter would have ranked higher tho they are already at top 10. Also glad my ship is at least top 18. Higher than Alina x Talulah lol. But as expected, Ch'en other pairings are higher with HoshiCh'en still at number 4. I think they removed any pairing with the Doctor this time since Doc x harem and Doc x SilverAsh are no longer here.

Arknights! 05 May 04:30
joined Apr 30, 2020

Also, that super secret ending? Not sure what the point of that was either. Do some incredible hard challenges and all you unlock is 12F popping out of the ground to read off of a fortune cookie.

Yea, out of 3 secret endings I saw so far only 1 was any good.

12F is supposed to be Lowlight's self-insert. That moment was supposed to be like a breaking the 4th wall talking to the player moment.

From what I see, Talulah's main ship people draw fanart of her with now is Alina and the other ship I see is with Yelena or Frostnova as we commonly know her as. Also yeah I mean, Ch'en's main ships are with Hoshi and Swire so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Sad Mochi Au Lait noises Of the few times I get into yuri incest and it's not even the popular one. Hoping for more interactions in future story chapters and/or when Talulah becomes playable.

@myrrhmidon Is Mudrock selectable in the next pick your own 6*?

Not yet in CN. Probably the next one since both Aak and Weedy eventually do show up in the paid 6 star ticket. Just to be clear, the CN 2nd anniv paid 6 star includes all permanent 6 stars up to Blemishine.

In terms of sheer general utility I'd say Schwing Schwing ManSilverdaddy or Suzu.

I wanted to recommend SilverAsh too but he can show up in the shop and he's in recruitment. Also, Nevri already got Suzu, but yes both are the good meta recommendations.

Personally kinda tempted to buy the pack and grab either iizi moodo ketBlaze or Suzu.

Blaze might show up in the cert shop soon-ish at around late June or July. That's around 1 year since her release in EN.

. ...oh and I accidentally a Mudrock just now.

Lol congrats. Reminds me of a youtuber who got both Ros and Mudrock in 21 rolls.

Actually haven't done the story yet cause I want to be done with leveling and masteries first. I just finished M6 Jackie (cause I like doggo) and M3 skill 2 Mudrock. Currently planning to E2 Rosmontis then farm for mastery 3 mats for Guard Amiya. Might not start with the story until next week. Speaking of, Hell Stages got announced to be out this Friday. Goodluck with those.

joined Apr 30, 2020

The memorable lines alone make this top tier but I do hope to see more of these two again. Very cute.

joined Apr 30, 2020

A chapter is released every two months so just gotta wait it out.

Image Comments 03 May 22:19
joined Apr 30, 2020

I very much appreciate this artist's dedication to AngeLize

Image Comments 03 May 22:18
joined Apr 30, 2020

The Followers poly trifecta

Image Comments 03 May 22:17
joined Apr 30, 2020

A psychopath and a gorilla.

P.S. Their song duets are really good.

Image Comments 03 May 22:15
joined Apr 30, 2020

With all the flirty things Bugs has done, being a girl is the culmination of it all.

Image Comments 03 May 22:10
joined Apr 30, 2020

That's the world of Arknights for ya. The very premise of the game means that pairings are certainly bound to be short-lived. Arguably the angst makes it better XD. I do hope Talulah can be redeemed and find happiness again... points to profile picture

Image Comments 03 May 22:06
joined Apr 30, 2020

Ah a classic pairing from a classic show.

Image Comments 03 May 22:03
joined Apr 30, 2020

Cute McTeio. I really like that Teio is shorter.

Arknights! 03 May 12:38
joined Apr 30, 2020

Do you still plan to buy the 6 star ticket tho?

Yea. It's guarantee 6 star after all + I still don't have SilverAsh, Nightingale, Mostima, Magallan, Schwarz and Rosa. I was the most interested in Nightingale, Mostima, Schwarz and Suzuran. I actually could buy either Nightingale or Magallan from cert shop, but bought tickets instead (all 38 of them). While I'm not that interested in Magallan as I didn't get into using summoners yet (and would need investing in her), Nightingale is niche, but when her niche applies she's really good. Still at this point I wasn't in rush to buying new 6 stars, since I have good team and many operators I still didn't properly lvl up yet, so I felt fine with spending my certs on tickets instead.

I dunno if you've set your mind already, but of the ones you don't have, I'd recommend Rosa. Mostly cause she's the one there who won't be appearing the shop for quite a while. But she's not in the list that you're interested in so maybe Mostima then. Schwarz should be appearing in the shop soon-ish after Hellagur (who I think should be after Siege). Not to mention Schwarz is already in recruitment as attested by @random.

Btw @random congrats on that and congrats on the Rosmontis. I wish I could get Top Op within days and not months...

Still hoping for a Mudrock dupe from the free daily rolls. Her 36 DP costs is really something.

Any idea if the next pick your own will have the Maki clone (Surtr) in it?

The one in CN's 2nd anniv (which should be next year for our 2nd anniv) had Surtr for the paid 6 star ticket.

Art: interesting to see Frostleaf and May together, Followers poly, Exusiai can't resist Texas in a suit, Talulah and Reunion with a dose of feels, and if one wants more sadness: Talulah admiring Alina's hair and Talulah giving Alina a kiss on the hand

Image Comments 02 May 06:09
joined Apr 30, 2020

Okay. Well since all but one Ceylon x Schwarz pic has the Age gap tag, I suggested that the tag be removed from that one.

Silent Snow discussion 02 May 02:02
joined Apr 30, 2020

repeatedly taps page WHERE'S THE PART WHERE THEY MEET AGAIN. She didn't even tell her name...

Image Comments 02 May 00:16
joined Apr 30, 2020

From her Trust 100 file

Once she asked me why I wouldn't let her wear shoes in the room. As I explained the safety side of it, I also thought of borrowing a pair of shoes from Amiya for her to wear when she leaves the cabin. Amiya came over herself. She even brought with her a new pair of shoes, and were they not a perfect fit. The two kids were fast friends. Amiya was very skilled at comforting her.

Image Comments 01 May 04:03
joined Apr 30, 2020

I may have been the one to suggest that tag. Honestly, not sure. True that it's not visually obvious, but 9 years seems like an Age gap to me. I would prefer we come to a consensus tho.

Image Comments 01 May 03:57
joined Apr 30, 2020

Two moms too busy making out to notice their fire demon child has a knife.

Arknights! 01 May 02:21
joined Apr 30, 2020

Rolled 107 rolls in total. 1 daily roll, 1 free 10 roll, 80 10 rolls and 16 tickets. Got Mudrock with free 10 roll after free daily roll, which is nice, but I really don't care for her. Then got a lot of 5 stars, mostly Whisperain (8 copies), Ptilopsis, Reed, Sora, Sesa I didn't have yet in one of the last 10 pulls and then later from 1 ticket. Got spooked by another Skadi with Ifrit in the middle as well as another Mudrock and got Suzuran from tickets (which I'm really happy about, because I was considering picking her with guarantee ticket). Also 17 Jackies. All in all, very happy with my rolls, as I didn't need to spend all my resources in order to get Rosmontis and I did hope to have something left to try getting Dusk (I don't really want her that much, but she looks neat, in general and gameplay wise, and well, she's limited). More copies would of course be nice, but I also don't think they're that necessary. Still got 13 daily pulls, so I'll see.

Congrats on the Suzuran. Do you still plan to buy the 6 star ticket tho?

I'm thinking about picking up the pick your own 6* ticket once I get paid on Tuesday any advice on who might be best for my team? My Current 6* operators are: E2 W, E2 Exusiai, E2 Ifrit, E2 Skadi, Almost E2 Blaze (just need more catalyst chips), E1 Nightingale, E1 Siege, E1 Rosmontis, unleveled SilverAsh, and unleveled Hoshiguma. My Highest 5* operators are E2 Level 80 Lappland, E2 Texas, E2 Amiya, E2 Liskarm, E1 Silence, E1 Red, E1 Nearl, and E1 Ceylon. Notable 4*s are E2 Jessica, E2 Cuora, and E2 Perfumer.

I personally would suggest Suzuran 'cause it seems you could use a slow supporter and debuffer to combo with your DPS units. Suzu is also good for both general usage and high difficulty stages (CC for example tho I know you don't participate there). Just some other considerations. Saria is actually the best choice since she's more useful, but she's already part of the yellow cert shop rotation so she'll likely show up there sooner than Suzu (who I expect to show up around October/November). I would also nominate Schwarz as the gay choice seeing that you have Ceylon. I'm sure the bird will appreciate having her kitty assassin maid.

Art stuff: horse auntie being dominated by her nieces, Summer Texland, NSFW Skadi selfcest or Skadi getting corrupted, NSFW Blazethroat, FEater x Frostleaf, Ch'en x Dragon FemDoc (it gives me vibes of my favorite ship), and not necessarily shipping but it's cute: Mudrock headpatting Rosmontis

Congrats to everyone. Glad you all had better luck than I did XD

Image Comments 01 May 01:58
joined Apr 30, 2020


Cursed but also blessed cause Pas so uh... blursed.

Image Comments 01 May 01:57
joined Apr 30, 2020

Thank you Pas for another blessing of cuteness.

Image Comments 01 May 01:56
joined Apr 30, 2020

Cute cat and cute birb

Btw, are we still not clear on whether we tag this Age gap or not? I don't think there was a conclusion last time.

Image Comments 01 May 01:55
joined Apr 30, 2020

Apparently, Rosmontis has a line about meeting Amiya when they were kids essential making this Childhood friends

Image Comments 01 May 01:54
joined Apr 30, 2020

Now this here is a Gold Ship if I've ever seen one

I see what you did there XD

Arknights! 30 Apr 15:23
joined Apr 30, 2020

Hey? I'm only on the first stage of the new chapter and I... already ship someone with an NPC LOL. That deer girl cute as fuck though wtf... And Talulah is really hot, like bruh. I already ship them...

EDIT: My ship was blown to pieces naught but two chapters later... It's okay though, I can always ship them in AUs where Talulah stayed at that village to repay their kindness for a lifetime as she said she could.

Yeah, Talulah x Alina is a thing. Been thinking of requesting an upload of images of them in time for the arrival of chapter 8, but I was wondering if Yostar changed the name in their localization.

Arknights! 30 Apr 14:10
joined Apr 30, 2020

Hey? My luck is literally insane? Got Rosmontis in 8 pulls, Whisperain in the next 10 pull, and then 2 more rainbow bags back to back with 2 more Rosmontis. After that it took another 60 pulls to get 2 Mudrocks in one 10 pull. I'm literally just sitting here like "HUH?" Also got Silverash on my 9th pull on the other banner. Lmao I just won't question it anymore I guess. My pulls.

Now I still have 52k orundum left over LMFAO. Guess my Dusk and Sage fund is going strong.

Wow Congrats! I kinda want a Mudrock dupe just to lower her DP cost lol. I'll just hope for one with the daily free pulls. But really wow, that's some luck.