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joined Jun 25, 2019

so they keep shutting down her ideas and she has stopped enjoying the job.

Btw that's just a speculation, she never said anything among those lines and even partially blame herself to get too crazy ideas. Just say that because the way it's formuled seem to said that management are the bad guys and blocked Coco in her tracks every time she proposed something.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Someone call DR.House!

It’s Lupis.


Image Comments 08 Jun 02:16
joined Jun 25, 2019

And they were roommates.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Now to see if Momo would care or not.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Crossing my fingers and hoping for the polyamory gods to hear me out just this once.

I think you should stick to those who had a somewhat poly premise, it's a safer bet.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Then the author shouldn't have teased it so early. If they actually met, it would've been over too soon. Teasing it only to jerk it away at the last second is just as bad. Better to pretend it never happened and go on with the story as usual.

How many times there were a false hope of a confession before the real one happen ? Like just see Can't defy the Lonely girl where you thought she would confess, just to ask to be friends. If the meeting happened, either it was axed or the author planned to be short. Like a fake out call is a textbook trope this early in a manga.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Imagine being mad to have a longer yuri. Like, you realise the manga would end shortly after they meet and do it right ?Making them meet that early who have make the manga really short. I can't believe peoples rather have less yuri.

Anime season 31 May 14:51
joined Jun 25, 2019

Announcement for Jahy cast and course, it will be a 2 course season, so probably shorters episodes given the manga have not that much material for 20/24 full length episode.
Also the cast seem quite nice :

Jahy: Naomi Oozora (Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!)
Tenchou (Store Manager): Ai Kayano (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!)
Oya (Landlady): Youko Hikasa (New Game!)
Druj: Kana Hanazawa (Gabriel DropOut)
Salwa: Mikako Komatsu (Edens Zero)
Kyouko Jinguu: Sumire Uesaka (Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san)
Kokoro: Yui Ogura (Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV))

joined Jun 25, 2019

I'm happy that both girls are being supported, and will keep rooting for the poly route.

I have to say, the comments here are strangely amusing. When Mei spends time with Rinna "Oh, she's going for Rinna, so much for the poly route." When Mei spends time with Sayo "Oh, she's going for Sayo, so much for the poly route."

Seriously folks, she's developing her relationship with both girls. Just because a short arc focuses on one rather than the other, that doesn't mean the other is being abandoned.

i hope the author won't pull of the i like this girl more route because its been setting up with the poly route ending i just want all of them to be happy and i hope rinna will open up to sayo more, like they already kissed lol so i hope it ends up with a poly route take the L single shippers

Maybe I'm just not seeing it but where is this poly ending being setup at?

Because they both love the same girl and kiss accidentaly each other. That's my guess.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The fact that it’s happening one right after the other after introducing another set of three girls in a poly relationship

This argument doesn't make sense. Like, the poly teachers aren't the only relationship the girls stumble on but for some reasons peoples here keep thinking just because they've seen a poly relationship then they gonna do the same. And ffs, did you see any arrows between the two friends after the poly chapter ? No, they weren't bring back, neither the relation between the two friends were pushed. I suggered to know not have high hopes either for a poly end, it is not guaranted at all.

Image Comments 28 May 21:02
joined Jun 25, 2019

Not enough of this ship.

Image Comments 28 May 20:30
joined Jun 25, 2019

Who know that Yukiko can draw something else than Kasumi/Sakurako when it come to Futaribeya ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

I certainly see no reason to include that moment between the two if this is not going to be developed further, at least not the way it was done including an actual arrow.

I mean she get multiples arrows when the girls in the class praise her. I don't think to dig too much in it. I just think the events between the 3 match the situation they're in, so it was a poly arc so they got this arrow but you've seen the arrow gone poof right at the end of the chapter.

joined Jun 25, 2019

God, I really hope a poly happens between Sayo, Rinna and Mei. I mean come on, we had a chapter where Mei meets her teachers, then proceeds to ask them about being in a relationship with more than 1 person, then on top of that Rinna seems to be falling for Sayo while still having feelings for Mei.

Hasn't the whole Rinna x Sayo thing been dropped? Like the author teased it but since then has gone more of the love triangle/harem approach?

Shh, they don't know.

joined Jun 25, 2019

KakumeiNoHi posted:

I don't know, I'm gonna finally drop out of this one now.

It's just getting too exhausting for me to read....they just annoy me...a lot, the possessivenes, the 'selfishness' all of it just has a toxic level to it that I don't care for.
For what it's worth the MCs seem to be fine with their situations, but me 'as an outsider looking at their story' have stopped caring about any of their well-beings or possible lack there of :/

It's nearly over.

WTF are you dropping this one or two chapters away from the end?

One chapter it is

joined Jun 25, 2019

Well, it's not new that Neji have trouble with ending. The only decent one i remember is Vacation Maou no Pet.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Calling a poly ending lazy/cheap is pretty inconsiderate of how like that kind of relationship rarely gets depicted respectfully.

Not to mention the difficulty of writing decent poly. Lazy? Easy? ‹snortle› Shyeah, right. I'd say a good poly story is ten times more difficult to write than the usual mc-meets-mc standard romantic fare.

That's a better reason then. And for the record, i never call it lazy, i call it cheap. Lazy is just someone who take the wrong interpretation of my comment and think i said it's lazy. Little problem is when i call it cheap or easy, i meant that's it the solution with the less drama outcome.I never said it was easy to write.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ren was expecting it. She isnt as dumb as she lets on.

Unlike Momo

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean, it's not new that Nekozaki had trouble when it come to love, i mean did you remember what she said to herself when she though "what if Mikoto love me ?" here. Nekozaki seem to have bad experience with love so that's why she react like that.Seem to be like Useless Princesses in a less angst manner.

I wholeheartedly agree. The mangaka set it up pretty competently already that Nekozaki has some baggages that she needs to work through in regards to personal relationships, so this is not something out of left field. I can totally believe that Nekozaki actually wanted to sit on the confession for a long while while still remaining friends (which I neither condone nor condemn) but in her "stress mode" and infinite stupidity (since this still is a comedy manga after all) she blurted it out in the worst possible way.

TLDR: It's in character and makes sense in universe so I'm okay with it

At least someone who seem to understand. I think i should write n caps so people might notice it. I don't say what Nekozaki said wasn't stupid, of course it is and she seembto regret it by the end but if you remember what happen in the original (so quite possibly here), it should make a bit more sense that Nekozaki don't quite understand the concept of love and frankly, there was a hint last chapter. Like come on, if you read just a little into it, it make sense. I'm just baffled so much peoples don't seem to understand Nekozaki.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I mean, it's not new that Nekozaki had trouble when it come to love, i mean did you remember what she said to herself when she though "what if Mikoto love me ?" here. Nekozaki seem to have bad experience with love so that's why she react like that.Seem to be like Useless Princesses in a less angst manner.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Calling a poly ending lazy/cheap is pretty inconsiderate of how like that kind of relationship rarely gets depicted respectfully, (harem are just horny and don't really broach the subject). People only like love triangles because they've been used to reinforce monogamy, when they really point out that it doesn't have to be that way and brings misery otherwise. Someone doesn't have to lose and win.

Someone just skip a part of what i say, i said "poly ending in a love trainglae set-up" is lazy, if the poly ending or ploy itself is made without this set-up then i don't have a problem. The last sentence is mostly my problem for that. This ending for this set-up is like the author say "i don't feel like someone being sad so everyone win".
I mean Sayaka in Yagate had a good ending despite losing.

joined Jun 25, 2019

God, I really hope a poly happens between Sayo, Rinna and Mei. I mean come on, we had a chapter where Mei meets her teachers, then proceeds to ask them about being in a relationship with more than 1 person

Isn't that just normal asking when you see that kind of relationship though ? That doesn't she want the same relation, that just mean she is curious how the relation work.

then on top of that Rinna seems to be falling for Sayo while still having feelings for Mei.

Where ? As far as i'm concerned none of the friends seem to be interested in the others at all. Don't let the accident kiss fool you, Rinna's arrow is exclusively for Mei and nobody else. Her arrow for Sayo get popped in the same chapter she got it.

I said more than enough that to me Poly ending for solving a love triangle is like the cheapest way to do it, not to mention how unoriginal it will be if they just follow blindly the example of the teachers. Like what ? Next time she encounter a girl with a harem and it will be an harem ending ? I think it's better than they found their own love rather than just copy one of the love they witnessed.

joined Jun 25, 2019

And suddendly, a dick.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Himari is like, definitely polyamorous right?

Girl didn't even know the notion of love before so i highly doubt it. I just think she want her friends to go along together. You know, she just want them to reconcile not to go out with her.

last edited at May 24, 2021 5:28AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Although, I don't think it's appropriate to call these "side stories" anymore, there hasn't been a release for the "main" series in ages and it fully feels like these are now continuing the story proper. Maybe call it Season 2 or something instead?

It's because there was no update since long ago that's it's been stopped. For the matter, it's just the translation who are on hiatus right now, not the manga. So yes, it's called Side Story because thay are side stories.