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joined Dec 18, 2013

That can't be all, right?

Mira discussion 21 Dec 12:10
joined Dec 18, 2013

Hearsay on 4chan or discord mostly.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I hate when we have sudden timeskips.

Mira discussion 20 Dec 13:19
joined Dec 18, 2013

Seeing this thread bumped made me remember I recently heard a rumor that Mira was married.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Oh so finally the plot started to move, nice. How many chapters are left?

joined Dec 18, 2013

HaruminXMatsuri too stronk

joined Dec 18, 2013

Can't we skip all the election non sense and go straight to the part where Torayama and Tatsumi are passionately making out on their sofa?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Rinka and Ranka are out for PBS worlwide

joined Dec 18, 2013

Bless Matsuri for getting Yuzu some educational materials.

joined Dec 18, 2013

HaruminxMatsuri is a wonderful ship and I'm glad is getting some well deserved spotlight.

While Mei being a troll is my favorite take on Mei.

joined Dec 18, 2013

It lacks an explanation of the criteria used to rank the characters but fun video nonetheless

Citrus discussion 21 Nov 10:57
joined Dec 18, 2013

So we are wrong because someone on 4chan has a different theory with no basis in what we have seen? Alright.

If for no basis you mean the themes of the entire series, yeah.

Citrus discussion 19 Nov 13:11
joined Dec 18, 2013

You guys are getting it wrong. This is towards developing the rich girls' personal arcs rather than Yuzu and Mei's relationship (that is pretty developed by now anyways). As it was pointed out in /a/ out all the places

The deal with the fiances is likely going to turn out irrelevant. A big theme in the series, and big part of the MCs character, is going against imposed nonsensical rules and doing what you want.
Every single important girl in the story admires Yuzu for that, and secretly (some openly) want to be like her.
So, I think the deal with the fiances is likely a hurdle to be overcome by the girls, so that they can become masters of their own lives.

Citrus discussion 18 Nov 01:09
joined Dec 18, 2013

Yuzu is way too nice for her own good.

Citrus discussion 16 Nov 14:24
joined Dec 18, 2013

The extras are freaking adorable.

And raws for chapter 34 are out already. Is much less dramatic than people was thinking.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I was the only one that thought this chapter felt like an ending?

joined Dec 18, 2013

Bhikkhuni is 15% off on Steam until November 1st

joined Dec 18, 2013

You can find the rest of the game's sprite sheets here

Citrus discussion 24 Oct 18:17
joined Dec 18, 2013

Meh I do love the art ... but what I want to know is what is this and what is going on??!!

That is from one of the stories on the anthology where Mei and Yuzu switch bodies.

Citrus discussion 24 Oct 12:22
joined Dec 18, 2013

Man,both Ume and Shou are such fucking screw ups that make Yuzu and Mei's own issues seem normal. No wonder Mei is a total social retard and Yuzu has an almost pathological need to help people.

Citrus discussion 23 Oct 14:25
joined Dec 18, 2013

Ok, here's a look at the anime's staff

I wonder if Saburota is there?

And an amazing anon did a quick scan of the anthology book and shared it on the Citrus thread on /u/. The whole thing is pure gold but this was my favorite part

Citrus discussion 22 Oct 23:54
joined Dec 18, 2013

For all the complains and criticisms about Saburota being a lousy writer, the fact she gets so many people in a fuzz about the situations she puts the characters through is proof enough that she writes compelling characters.


Important note, at no point was it confirmed that Mei has a fiance. That is purely Matsuri's supposition. Himeko does not make a statement one way or the other; it is likely she doesn't know whether it's true or not, and Shirapon is also guessing. It seems unlikely, given what we know of Mei's family situation, that that would be the case. So this may just be yet another dramatic misunderstanding.

Shame about the art. Needless to say, this was a really important chapter. Everything came spilling out, to everyone. It's all out in the open now. It's fitting that one of the proper pages was page 16 though...that look. Matsuri is coming for you, Mei. Public and passionate Yuzu-love declarations may be your only chance this time.

This is right on the money. People really needs to chill.

And here's a small tease of the anime that came with the digital version of YH

Citrus discussion 22 Oct 01:12
joined Dec 18, 2013

Yes, they are. Mei, again, has lost all agency of her own and now needs Yuzu to be a bigger part in her life in order to change it. The test of her character growth is that she was caught continually lying? Looks like she already failed the test, if only they had already dealt with this exact situation a long time ago...

So you have read the next chapters already? Because so far there's nothing at all that supports your reading. Mei was ready to confess this chapters before Matsuri (like the readers) jumped the gun and started to scream bloody murder over speculations from characters that aren't the ones up to date with whatever happens on the Aihara family household.

It's literally a direct parallel since it's the same exact situation. Mei is once again engaged to another arranged fiance without Yuzu's knowledge and requires Yuzu to step in to save her AGAIN.

Yuzu knew form the get go that Mei was engaged to the teacher so your comparison falls apart from the start.

You have got to be joking. Foreshadowing and easter eggs? Come on, please, where was the foreshadowing that Mei somehow got engaged again without anyone knowing? The fact that the mother doesn't say anything just shows that Saburouta is just pulling this out of her ass.

And that is precisely why I'm waiting to see where is Saburota going with all of this. Is not the firs time that people here creates huge narratives without basis. Just last month we had people 100% that Mei was dying

There have been four love triangles: Amemiya, Himeko, Sara, and Matsrui. Now here comes a fifth in the form of another arranged marriage. At this point Citrus can qualify as a harem manga with how many people are trying to get into Mei's panties.

Yuzu and Mei weren't into a relationship, let alone know each other when Amemiya was a factor on the plot and Yuzu step in not because she was in love but because she thought it was the right thing to do.

Himeko and Matsuri are the only ones who have actively try to force their feelings over the crushes. And Sara's confession wasn't a real love triangle since she was fast to step up as soon she was made aware of the situation and her role actually pushed Yuzu and Mei into a relationship.

Citrus discussion 21 Oct 18:21
joined Dec 18, 2013

Except they're not, the circumstances are the exact same. It's literally "SURPRISE! Mei has another arranged fiance! Isn't that so dramatic?"

No they aren't. The teacher was there to show the way Mei had lost any agency of her own and to allow Yuzu to make a dramatic entrance on Mei's life. Now this is a test for Mei's grow as character and one that will kickstart further development on the supporting cast.

Unless this is just a red herring and they are referring to the first arranged marriage that was called off then the parallels are there. At the very least it's lazy writing, ironically goes hand in hand with the lazy art.

What parallels are there? The teacher was an actual factor where he was a villain of sorts while here the fiances are complete non-entities since the focus is on the girls' actions and not them.

Come on, I've defended this series too from critics, but I have to admit that "clever" is not how I would describe Saburota's writing. You can only have so many different love triangles before they get repetitive.

She peppered the entire story with meaningful background events, foreshadowing and easter eggs. And there haven't been real love triangles other than Matsuri and Himeko

Citrus discussion 21 Oct 16:59
joined Dec 18, 2013

The circumstances between the first chapters and now is very different to say they are the same. Is like people claiming this summer trip was an exact mirror to the school trip where Yuzu met the twins, the context of both plots is completely different and people is seeing parallels that aren't there.

Furthermore, as previous chapters have shown Saburota is actually a pretty clever writer and one that doesn't stretches outside conflicts on her plots. Remember how the whole thing with Matsuri's blackmail was solved on a couple of panels?