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joined Jun 21, 2021

I love this series and I just found out that they're the same mangaka as The Aquatope on White Sand. So was the anime yuri-ish or just platonic pals saving the aquarium?

I thought the Aquatope on White Sand manga was an adaptation of the anime rather than vice versa though.

It is and i don't think they implied anything to the contrary, they just said that the artist who draws Anemone is the same who drew the Aquatope manga.

To their question, you don't need shipping goggles to see the bolded, italicized and underscored subtext in Aquatope but it all stays firmly in "so super affectionate, we're basically sisters" territory with no romantic developments whatsoever, much to my dismay.

Gal pals building their lives around each other forever and ever. That kind of subtext.

I got the impression that at first the anime was working toward a yuri romance relationship, then it swerved away to become just workplace drama, then swerved back to "hard subtext" at the end. All that perhaps suggesting the producers getting cold feet about an explicit yuri story.

I agree. They literally spent the entire first cour building up their relationship only to not really do anything with it in the second one. And there were enough opportunities to do so, they just didn't utilize them at all, was kinda disappointing and felt like they went "welp, this is done and over with, no need to ever bring it back up again".

joined Jun 21, 2021

I love this series and I just found out that they're the same mangaka as The Aquatope on White Sand. So was the anime yuri-ish or just platonic pals saving the aquarium?

I thought the Aquatope on White Sand manga was an adaptation of the anime rather than vice versa though.

It is and i don't think they implied anything to the contrary, they just said that the artist who draws Anemone is the same who drew the Aquatope manga.

To their question, you don't need shipping goggles to see the bolded, italicized and underscored subtext in Aquatope but it all stays firmly in "so super affectionate, we're basically sisters" territory with no romantic developments whatsoever, much to my dismay.

last edited at Feb 20, 2022 1:09PM

Genshin Impact! 20 Feb 11:43
joined Jun 21, 2021

I know what you mean, enemy shields can be really annoying. For the Hydro Lectors I always use Ayaka, she shreds through those pretty fast with her burst + N2C combo. I imagine a cryo infused Venti Burst would help there too (if the Lector is generous enough to stay in it that is xD)

joined Jun 21, 2021

Somebody did teach her. But not like that~ xD


I don't remember when that gets brought up but you'll meet them eventually

Genshin Impact! 20 Feb 10:04
joined Jun 21, 2021

I don't mind the Spiral Abyss at all, except for one thing: Chambers with "protect the thingy" requirements. Hate them with a passion

joined Jun 21, 2021

You know I was reading chapter 5 page 15 and I couldn't help but notice this:

she was pure....
but then you picked up the quirk somewhere... and suddenly became very assertive

So I understand that she fucked someone else to learn the technique??? Or am I reading too much between the lines?

Somebody did teach her. But not like that~ xD

joined Jun 21, 2021 very sad news everyone :((( and so sudden too, I don't get it... Is because they're both in big jobs now so there's nothing else to do?

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined D:

joined Jun 21, 2021

Wow, that was a disgusting grin on that last page, I love it xD

joined Jun 21, 2021

The official, english Vol. 1-3 are out and imo it does get better and interesting, so it's worth it to keep reading. Not gonna spoil anything but i personally am enjoying it so far

joined Jun 21, 2021

I’m hoping the brunettes I already ship are sisters.

The yuri equivalent of “egg in your beer.”

Now, correct me if I’m wrong but with that phrase you’re implying that I’m asking for something great when I already have something good?

Correct (I'm partial to old-fashioned expressions).

I'm glad y'all clarified that bc egg in beer sounds super weird to me and I wouldn't have keyed that as a positive thing at all xD

Liberta discussion 16 Feb 13:25
joined Jun 21, 2021

gasp two Tatsubon series going down bangin' at the same time? say it ain't so!

Well, according to the Pixiv description for this chapter:

TATSUBON manga, currently in a rush of lewd developments... Continuation will be posted normally (possibly R18?)

vibrates with excitement

Liberta discussion 16 Feb 12:22
joined Jun 21, 2021

gasp two Tatsubon series going down bangin' at the same time? say it ain't so!

Yours discussion 14 Feb 20:58
joined Jun 21, 2021

Giftnova posted:

Shimano Yae does some good stuff, i wonder if there's more of theirs out there that hasn't been translated yet?

At least 3 more yuri goods!

Oooo nice! I hope ppl feel like picking those up at some point!

Yours discussion 14 Feb 19:12
joined Jun 21, 2021

Shimano Yae does some good stuff, i wonder if there's more of theirs out there that hasn't been translated yet?

joined Jun 21, 2021

Also, I don't think poly route works since Sayo clearly didn't want to share her love (hence there was no arrow grow from Sayo to Rinna ever. she even got jealous when Mei and Rinna were cleaning the bath together). People started to expect poly ending only when there was a poly chapter. Even that chapter ended with a small and frail arrow from Rinna to Sayo, then never developed after.

Many people have this misconception that jealousy is not a thing in polyamorous relationships or that it shouldn't be there to be "real" polyamory and that's just completely off the mark.
Jealousy is a natural emotion and just experiencing it doesn't mean anything, what matters is how one deals with it. To that point, while Sayo did feel jealous, there were also points where she was clearly exhibiting compersion (basically the opposite of jealousy) so that's really nothing that would count against a polyam goal.

joined Jun 21, 2021

A V-shaped relationship is still poly. The idea that poly needs to be a completely equal triad isn't how poly works in real life and there's no reason it needs to be that way in media.

And until the ending, there was plenty of potential for the character arcs to end up in a poly direction. No one's forcing characters into a relationship. We're just expressing our hope for a particular ending.


last edited at Feb 13, 2022 8:15PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

For those interested, the official English releases have some extras not included in the chapters here.
Volume 1 has a written short story about the birth of chocolate (in Rey's perspective)
Volume 2 has an omake with Rey and Claire in the Rain and a written short story about Claire and Relaire getting closer in Claire's perspective)

joined Jun 21, 2021

Definitely disappointed in this ending. Felt like there was much more planned to build up their relationship that got cut short, even if the end goal was Sayo from the start (which I personally don't think it was), even then it felt weirdly rushed and unfinished.
Pretty art and lots of promise but in the end a letdown, sad.

Anime season 13 Feb 13:20
joined Jun 21, 2021


Oh dear, oh dear. Oh precious.

nobody can look at this and tell me it's not absolutely fucking gay, no way

last edited at Feb 13, 2022 2:41PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

It's probably this one?

also, we have a dedicated channel for these kinda requests, here:

joined Jun 21, 2021

Ummm, what the what now? :0

joined Jun 21, 2021

I'm gonna go against the grain and say that I still like this series. This arc is kinda meh and I'd prefer more himari-yori time but it's fine I guess.

I concur. Hima may be reckless, Yori may be passive and Shiho may be unlikable but they're not the worst in any of their respective categories of character flaws.

The current arc does drag on a bit but I'm still having fun with it

joined Jun 21, 2021

It's basically Yuu and Touko, except Touko is the the protag this time, huh?

More or less the same plot overall so far "Girl thinks she aromantic but nah she's just hella gay and hasn't realised it yet." Sounds about right. Just on both fronts now too.

Been craving more Bloom Into You so maybe this'll scratch that Yuri itch at least somewhat.

Well the jury is still out on Yukari at least. Speaking of Bloom Into You though, despite it being the same basic premise, I didn't mind it there at all. Bc instead of going "ye i'm ace, whoops guess not" it felt a lot more like some really good demi representation with how Yuu's feelings developed, was real nice accurate to what demi feels like.

Here it's so abrupt that the mention of asexuality itself felt like a throwaway line, which bothered me. I hope they'll keep involving the concept and not just abandon it immediately.

joined Jun 21, 2021

It's basically Yuu and Touko, except Touko is the the protag this time, huh?

joined Jun 21, 2021

One thing I didn't really like about the new translation is the use of Japanese honorifics in a Korean comic. Like, totally out of place...

I agree, it's a little grating. Not so much as to make me not enjoy reading mind, but it does give me pause