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joined Jun 25, 2019

i have got chapter 7-22 (end) and i can translate them but looks like everyone hates this manga so ehhhh.

I don't see that much peoples hating it tho.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I find Reiko’s character pretty awful (she seems pretty narcissistic, petty, and a bit of a pervert)

Typically kind of character i hate because it feel like she would always have the edge over the other and always "win" no matter what happen.
Also hate a bit how quickly she seem to fall for Reiko, Reiko just needed to mention she is good at sex and she fall for her.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Should i consider it drop or not ? We're now 5 chapters behind and no sign of Yuri Ichigo anywhere.

Surely it would be more correct to consider it dropped if we had life signs from Yuri Ichigo and still no releases. As long as the group is still quiet, it's harder to tell whether they're just otherwise occupied and returning eventually, or dead for good. Remains to be seen, I guess, certainly not the only group without a release in the same time or longer. Hopefully summer break will bring a change now, otherwise it really may be time to consider the group gone.

Problem is, the group never really give informations about them so it's kinda hard to know what happen.

last edited at Jun 21, 2021 4:21PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Should i consider it drop or not ? We're now 5 chapters behind and no sign of Yuri Ichigo anywhere.

Image Comments 20 Jun 18:36
joined Jun 25, 2019

^ Someone said it earlier, it said more or less "I'm still streaming"

joined Jun 25, 2019

"Would let me try reasoning her one more time ?"
Like hell it work earlier. I don't know what kind of plan she want to try to convince her but it better be solid.

Image Comments 18 Jun 21:04
joined Jun 25, 2019

To celebrate the new release story about them.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Didn't Riot already made a valentine's emoji of them or something? Sound pretty canon for me already...

I mean yes but it still good to have a canon story about them and not just an emote.

Semelparous discussion 15 Jun 13:02
joined Jun 25, 2019

I know it would happen at some point but not that early. Feel rushed, unless it's a bluff.

Image Comments 15 Jun 10:32
joined Jun 25, 2019

At last, a picture with the rings. I'm surprised there is not that much NoeFlare with their rings

joined Jun 25, 2019

"i'm raping and molesting the girl but you're the bad one here because you don't confess." Did her brain melt or what ? If Momo wasn't so underconfident, she would have already told her to fuck off. Momo is clearly not fleshing out enough, she is a background character in a setting where she is a MC.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I always wondered what was going on in chapter 2. Why is their relationship a crime? Is it due to the age gap specifically, or are there special rules regarding same-sex relationships there? A casual search couldn't turn up any explanation for this

Minami is a minor, at least in regards of the Japan's laws.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Nanoha pls... I had my hopes too high up. Wasn't expecting the "boyfriend" strat from here but ugh still want to be secretive about it I guess...

Well, she can't just reveal that she is dating Chidori by herself. She might have figured that it is best to be on the same page with her girlfriend on the openness of their relationship.

Exactly. As soon as I saw that Chidori was asleep, it was clear that Nanoha wasn’t going to unilaterally spill the beans.

Without revealing it's Chidori, she could have say it's a girlfriend. Not like the one she talking to would be shocked if she said she had a girlfriend, hell she could have relate more. Especially for the question of the mood.

Sure, the writer could have set up a reveal any number of ways, but the point is that by having Chidori be asleep, they couldn’t do it together, and that’s the only way Nanoha would do it in this situation.

Besides, “I have a girlfriend, but it’s definitely not this girl with whom I’m always stuck together like a set of Siamese twins” probably isn’t going to fly.

I mean, it's already a miracle that their friends haven't caught up yet to that and come on, we're 92 chapters in, we can have more than 1 or 2 side characters knowning about it. Here, i can already forsee Abe asking Chidori if she know about Nanoha's BF and drama ensue.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Nanoha pls... I had my hopes too high up. Wasn't expecting the "boyfriend" strat from here but ugh still want to be secretive about it I guess...

Well, she can't just reveal that she is dating Chidori by herself. She might have figured that it is best to be on the same page with her girlfriend on the openness of their relationship.

Exactly. As soon as I saw that Chidori was asleep, it was clear that Nanoha wasn’t going to unilaterally spill the beans.

Without revealing it's Chidori, she could have say it's a girlfriend. Not like the one she talking to would be shocked if she said she had a girlfriend, hell she could have relate more. Especially for the question of the mood.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Forced cheating is the definition of NTR/netorare. What are you talking about ?

You can't cheat on someone you arent dating,

You can't deny it's a NTR like situation. You're just playing on words here.

last edited at Jun 13, 2021 9:56AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Nanase is being forced into a sexual situation against her will in front of the girl she loves, and Momo starts to react to Nanase being black mailed and stolen away at the end. It's 100% NTR, and one of the laziest NTR setups in the book.

If you're being forced you aren't cheating, so it isn't netorare.

And wtf with this chapter

Forced cheating is the definition of NTR/netorare. What are you talking about ?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Don't even try to redeem this kind of character author. It will not work at all.

Image Comments 12 Jun 15:33
joined Jun 25, 2019

Just a family doing shopping at a shop manage by animals.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The ending of this manga is going to kill me

The MC as well it seem

joined Jun 25, 2019

Maybe you didn't get the way I mean "Yuri".

Yeah that tends to happen when you use nonstandard definitions without explaining them.

How is yuri nonstandard? Yuri literally means sexual stuff between two females and they even have the term shujo-Ai to distinct between stories with only the romance.
Simply having gay characters doesn't make something yuri, you know.

sigh Yuri is a general term in Japan to describe any type of relation between 2 girls being sexual or simply a crush, as long as it's the main focus of the story. Shojo-ai is a term used by Western publishers to make a difference between the two things i mentionned because they don't wanted to have a single term for everything. As for what Shojo-ai mean in japanese well, it's just a synonym of Lolicon

joined Jun 25, 2019

Why didn't Yukiko just tell Fuuko that Konomi is a sucubus?

I wonder

joined Jun 25, 2019

She barely even lie about she was doing. She just lie about the other one being a succubus, which in itself isn't that big of a lie.