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joined Aug 26, 2018

Silly worrying Yuu, doesn't she know it's normal for roommates to share a bed these days...

...and a bathtub. And each other's lips. And their entire lives~

joined Aug 26, 2018

He likes Risako, and I don’t quite remember but he didn’t seem into the idea of having a baby with Kaoru. Besides, babies are usually the nail in the coffin for a guy who feels stuck in a relationship. If you have one, you are truly stuck. That’s why Risako is pushing for that angle. Typical mistress tactic.

You don't remember, because he never said that.
Did you really think he went into this marriage thinking he would not eventually have children? He already committed, he knew what he was getting into. Whether he does it out of pity or not, it's ridiculous to think that the baby would be the reason to break it off.

Usually mistresses have no direct influence on the wife, so... no. Not a typical mistress trick.

There are even scenes that make it hard to deny that Reiichi does love Kaoru at least to some degree. Whether it's more of a familial love or romantic is even less clear.

He loves her but he is not in love at all.

er she is falling out of love or whatever doesn't really matter).

Let's not forget that Kaoru and Reiichi were already together before Uta moved in with them and she didn't seem to have issues back then.

I am not quite sure what's going on in this part of the reply. Kinda looks like a stroke...

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 8:06AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

really disappointed by the lack of development of sayaka, we didn't even saw her girlfriend, it's like she's no more than a side character now.

She was never more than a side character.

A side-character who already got to be the main character of her own spin-off. If one wishes to focus on her, then reading those LNs is the best option. She shouldn't take the spotlight in a story that isn't about her.

Image Comments 02 Oct 05:42
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Well, Nezchan deleted what I replied to, so now it really looks like I am clinically insane. It's good to ship what you like. I'll delete my reply too.

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 5:43AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Still my favorite Touhou doujin of hers. It's just so duplicitous and heartwrenching.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'll be waiting for more yuri works from her, I really hope she does more. I'm really thankful.
I can say lot more but well, It would be too big to read, I just really wanted to thank.

She said she won't make more yuri manga after yagakimi :,(

This is Nakatani "My Touhou doujins are totally not yuri though" Nio we are talking about.
Don't take it too seriously.

joined Aug 26, 2018

And now for a spinoff titled "Bloom into You Plus".

"Bloom Into You Too."

joined Aug 26, 2018

Oh so it's finally on this site too. Not really much to add to my previous comment.

Wouldn't it be fun to imagine that the student council play they watched (the one with the boat and the stream) was also helping one of the actors to change like it did for Touko? Like the tradition they created keeps helping people get over their drama? lol

Miyako and Sensei kinda didn't get a final scene together, we only saw them separately. But the way Miyako casually talked about her in front of the gang makes me think since they all graduated, the adult couple actually came out to them all (before only Sayaka knew after all). Sensei only had an issue with telling them because they were her students if I remember correctly.

Again, as I mentioned before, I am not at all surprised Sayaka got a girlfriend in college. Not showing her design at all is a bit mean, but I guess Nakatani was just teasing for the novel.

joined Aug 26, 2018

BTW after reading this ch, it's clear to me no matter if Reiichi is cheating or not, or if he was out with Risako or not while Kaoru was shopping, what's CERTAIN is that Risako is pushing Kaoru to break up with Reiichi, by making her ask for a baby, which will, of course, make Reiichi backtrack from the relationship since he doesn't actually love her.

Thing is... that's your headcanon. Can't use that as evidence for further theorizing.
Kaoru already talked about wanting a baby way before all of this shit went down. Reiichi was already aware of that.
You have literally no proof Reiichi would say no to having a kid.
There are even scenes that make it hard to deny that Reiichi does love Kaoru at least to some degree. Whether it's more of a familial love or romantic is even less clear.

Also I agree with some now, that Kaoru does seem to have some massive subconscious crush on Uta. Her feelings and internal dialogue are not those of someone who is just missing her "little sister".

But then again, you have to consider Kaoru is emotionally unstable and direly needs anchors to hold on to. Uta being someone who is always there for her was a big emotional pillar. Just acting like that has to be romantic interest is a leap. I'm not saying that she does not have secret feelings, because I also saw a couple of hints (especially her initial reaction to the confession). but that's just one possibility and might not even be relevant.

But Kaoru seems to become less self-aware about her feelings toward Uta as the story goes on,

Kaoru was never self-aware of such feelings. The first chapters actually prove that more . Her complete obliviousness towards how strange and misleading her actions with Uta were is only more proof that she never saw Uta that way. After Uta confessed she had a strong kneejerk reaction, because she does genuinly love Reiichi (I really don't understand how anyone can question that she at least did initially. Whether she is falling out of love or whatever doesn't really matter).
Let's not forget that Kaoru and Reiichi were already together before Uta moved in with them and she didn't seem to have issues back then.

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 2:14AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

And now the translation has officially passed the ending of the anime. We are in new territory now everyone!
If only those chapters would be on Dynasty or something. The last chapter was so gay it almost broke my subtext-o-meter.

Anime season 01 Oct 17:19
joined Aug 26, 2018

We are just romantic

And trash subs are just creative with their grammar.
You really oughta be more concerned by what else they are altering for their own preferences.

last edited at Oct 1, 2019 5:19PM

Anime season 01 Oct 17:02
joined Aug 26, 2018

So the French translation is wrong on purpose? Has headcanon gone too far?

last edited at Oct 1, 2019 5:03PM

Image Comments 01 Oct 14:03
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Eh... well I suppose they are often paired up as rivals, due to them both being in the Near Side routes and fighting a lot. But Arc doesn't really have any rivals (she is way too OP). She basically just plays around every time Ciel is involved.
Yeah seeing ANY Tsukihime art in 2019 is a miracle and a half. Tsukihime Remake never. cries

last edited at Oct 1, 2019 2:04PM

Image Comments 01 Oct 13:49
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Hah, I finished Tsukihime like a year later.
I don't see Arc and Ciel ever working out. They are the perfect frienemies and while Arc would definitely mess around to tease her, Ciel would never ever go along with it.
Shiki and Ciel also didnt do much for me, but Shiki & Arc is quintessential Type-Moon. They are the poster couple next to Ryougi/Mikiya and Shirou/Saber (as much as I hate the fact that it's not Rin). As far as a poly ending goes, only Shirou/Saber/Rin ever convinced me. Maybe Hakunon/Nero/Tamamo too.

Anime season 01 Oct 12:43
joined Aug 26, 2018

Some pictures you might like

Wish that had happened somewhere. But it probably takes a meteor to make Momo fall.

last edited at Oct 1, 2019 12:44PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

^ Despite knowing no Filipino, I still took a shot at reading it, just to see if I can pronounce everything

There is no "Filipino" language, BV. That appears to be Cebuano aka Bisaya.

They also speak English. That might help.

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:21
joined Aug 26, 2018

Is hate-shipping a thing? Does it please you people to see Arcueid get a curry poisoning?
I think it's hilarious, but Arc is the only one having fun with this I bet haha

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:17
joined Aug 26, 2018

"What does a fish need such huge bazongas for?"

last edited at Oct 1, 2019 6:52AM

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:15
joined Aug 26, 2018


Image Comments 01 Oct 04:10
joined Aug 26, 2018

What makes you think Kaban is topping? The ears and reaction bubble clearly show that she is embarassed and nervous, while Serval doesn't even know what's going on. But her tail...

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:07
joined Aug 26, 2018

^^Now that is a rare mistake to make, which makes me happy.
Touhou's fine too tho.

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:05
joined Aug 26, 2018

Yeah timeskip design was a big miss, but hey, it's still Mercedes.

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:03
joined Aug 26, 2018

Anyone can be neko when the partner tachis hard enough.

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:02
joined Aug 26, 2018

This pairing really is odd, considering they had minimum interaction in the story, but cute nontheless.

Image Comments 01 Oct 04:01
joined Aug 26, 2018

One hair swipe turns her from student council president into handsome criminal.