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Image Comments 17 May 22:19
joined Apr 30, 2020

Kal is the real harem protag of Arknights

Image Comments 17 May 22:17
joined Apr 30, 2020

Flirting with your boss

Image Comments 17 May 22:14
joined Apr 30, 2020

Even God dreams...

Image Comments 17 May 22:13
joined Apr 30, 2020

Stereotypical closeted Catholic lesbian releasing a lot of pent up frustration

Image Comments 17 May 22:08
joined Apr 30, 2020

Crossick is just so wholesome. I'm sure Tomoe will be there to comfort Kana while she studies.

Image Comments 17 May 22:06
joined Apr 30, 2020

Thank you Arknights for making me ship a slug and a frog

joined Apr 30, 2020

Hahaha I mentioned her a few posts ago! She's even done collabs with Pikamee and EN Vtubers. Her voice sounds a little different but I think it's just the new mic. Its the fairy(?) girl, Pomu! I'm being vague out of respect because she really wanted to retire her old character but you can check a previous page for the name drop ;)
I really missed her streams, so it's like going back to normal. I wonder if she'll sing ikenai borderline soon.

From maid to shitposting fairy...

I actually enjoyed Pomu the most but I think I may enjoy Finana too once I get to watch her. I may also come to like Elira since she too is a gacha gamer tho she doesn't play Arknights she does have a favorite: Olivia Silence aka owl mom. I'm also getting chatter that Elira is also a reincarnation of a recently graduated indie... one also from that group that played Among Us with Pikamee.

Arknights! 16 May 12:23
joined Apr 30, 2020

Saria is definitely worth the M9 but since you prioritized skill 2 first, I'd like to share my 2 cents on Saria M3 skill 3: Don't if you have Suzuran and/or Pramanix. Or even if you don't have them but you have the BBQ trio of Surtr, Eyja, and Ifrit. Just to be clear, I do think M3 skill 3 significantly helps in burst DPS but I also think that the role can replaced by either another debuff operator or another DPS. I, myself, am only going for M3 skills 1 and 2 (with so far only skill 2 at M3 but I'm working on skill 1 now). Apparently, the best idea is to M3 skill 1 and then skill 3. For skill 2, either leave it as is or M3 it when you have nothing else to level. The idea is that skills 1 and 3 are more high end content while skill 2 is general use which makes it not as important. However, for us who M3'd skill 2 already, I think skill 3 should be left as is until maybe we have nothing else to level. Personally prefer a brain-dead style (Thorns + Blaze + Saria).

Gold teams:
E1 Bubble + E2 Vulcan + E2 Mayer
E1 Purestream + E2 Eunectes + E2 Weedy
E2 Waai Fuu + E1 Gravel + Haze

EXP teams:
E2 Rosmontis + E2 FEater + E1 Conviction (E2 Whisperain in Office)
E1 Vermeil + E2 Ceobe + E2 Scene
Any 3 of the +30% EXP cards people

Trading post teams:
E1 Jaye + E2 Silverash + E2 Cliffheart
E2 Snowsant + Catapult + Midnight
E2 Texas + E2 Lappland + E2 Exusiai

Gonna have to keep this in mind and might have to rearrange my base teams. I already have E2 snek and E2 sea dragon so I'm ready for river dolphin.

I also still need Waai Fuu but she's been alluding me for a year now. Hoping she comes to shop soon.

Hope so too. She was fun to use in the rogue like.

I hope you all get her aka the waifu and join me in furry supremacy XD. Worth it imo even after silencing enemies is no longer a thing.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Man was this a ride, thank you Author & Translators for providing us with this masterpiece. This is probably going to slip under my radar for a while but I definitely would be visiting this series next time.

Okay I know I sound cringy and I am a few years late to the party but still I'm glad I got to experience this series.

Also I'm new here so Hi to everyone that is a visitor of this site!

Hello! And don't worry. It's great that newcomers are finding out about finished series like this one. I, myself, had put off reading this because it was getting tense and I was getting anxious about the characters given the long wait between chapters. I only binged it last year when I found out it finished already and that there was already a sequel.

joined Apr 30, 2020

I had also thought that Akane got over her crush and realized she loves running more. And wow Ponko wasn't that useless this chapter. She actually helped this time.

Arknights! 15 May 00:58
joined Apr 30, 2020

Depends on your other medics and other arts guards. Notably, Mousse doesn't need to be E2 to perform well. But I think an E2 Silence will help more since the boosted stats will increase her healing. But again, if you have other medics, then Mousse and if you have other arts guards then Silence.

joined Apr 30, 2020

I'd like to make a request for tag removal here since it's for a relatively old image and I had made a request before. On this image, may I ask for the Age gap tag to be removed? I think I had initially requested for the tag but upon discussion here, it might be better for the tag to be removed. Other Ceylon x Schwarz images don't have Age gap so it seems inconsistent that only one image has the tag.

Image Comments 15 May 00:42
joined Apr 30, 2020

Schwarz's blush and stare lol. She's having a gay panic inside.

Image Comments 15 May 00:39
joined Apr 30, 2020

It's really been that long huh. The OG Uma Musume pairing. Didn't get as much focus in the 2nd season but their small moments are good especially when Suzuka comes back and Spe-chan just tackles her lol.

Image Comments 15 May 00:36
joined Apr 30, 2020

Reminder that their ship name JunAi means Pure Love.

Image Comments 15 May 00:35
joined Apr 30, 2020

Bless HG for giving us Abyss Hunters poly trio

Image Comments 15 May 00:34
joined Apr 30, 2020

Yay more furry yuri! And a birthday threesome!

Image Comments 15 May 00:33
joined Apr 30, 2020

Ahh yes, they are performing advanced lesbian foreplay, it's called knifing

I wish I could upvote this XD

Meiling has got the moves.

Image Comments 15 May 00:31
joined Apr 30, 2020

^Olivia personally requests it.

Saria is trying at least. And Ifrit is a good daughter that only wants her parents together again.

Image Comments 15 May 00:30
joined Apr 30, 2020

Bless Mamaloni for such godly art.

Image Comments 15 May 00:29
joined Apr 30, 2020

I can't believe this only got here now lol. This is like a museum acquiring a copy of the Mona Lisa XD. A classic indeed.

Arknights! 14 May 10:01
joined Apr 30, 2020

Datamine of JP reveals that Purestream and WWF collab will be next week. Here's hoping for KFC collab as well at some point.

On another note, just cleared H8-4. THICC snek > Black Snake. Really proud of my Eunectes for tanking the boss and getting two uses of her skill (one for each health bar). If it wasn't for her weird way of charging skills, she'd be OP. Skill 3 is so good. On the other hand, the fireball gimmick is another thing altogether. Really had to rely on the arts dodge from Nightingale. Seems it's best to M3 her skill 3 for best results. In my case, one civilian had to tank a fireball. Surprised it wasn't a oneshot. On oneshots, Ptilopsis has to be at least E2 lvl 60 to tank one fireball. It wasn't a big deal in the end but I'm starting to notice the significance of having fully leveled ops.

Art stuff of my favorite ships tho untranslated: Thank you Void for keeping the dragon incest ship afloat, W and Amiya getting close

joined Apr 30, 2020

flashbacks to Night Sparrow Love

Image Comments 11 May 07:14
joined Apr 30, 2020

^Taiyaki incest or Mochi incest?

Image Comments 11 May 04:05
joined Apr 30, 2020

I wanted this to happen during their stay in the hotel.