^^ You do get attached after all, huh ? ;)
You weren't exactly talkative in your last reply. Was kinda unsure how to respond to stuff like “hmmmm”, “Boooo ok”, “Meow“ and “Pffggf“ ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃
;) I need a little more to work with ~~・-v(▼、▼メ)
It's not getting attached, I sorta like consistency, oh those hmmm boo pfff are my angry sounds, I was pissed off AF, so yeah nothing too good to work with there huh?
Impossible for me. I'm just too inept ;)
You know? You kinda set urself for failure when u think like that !! I am not saying if u close your eyes and wish reaaally hard, things will happen BUT if you believe in you, many crazy ass things will happen. It's what I wanna think anyway and that makes it true for me, you may as well ignore it and call me a crazy person.
No, it'll be till tomorrow, gym was packed yesterday
They really like to torture you, it seems...
Nah, it's ok, except for newbies just standing there, and I'm like OMG MOVE I NEED THIS DUMBELL RGYRGRYGRY. Just quietly, I curse under my breath, then I'm all happy cos endorphines ;)
(๑ò︵ò๑) That was totally not me today... Absolutely, I did not eat any cake for breakfast, I swear!
(,,Ծ‸Ծ,, )
... I can't tell if you did eat or did not eat such cake, I mean it's fine, but I got a food scale for crying out loud, to weigh all I eat and some people will just go and have cake and look okish. I gotta try hard, but it's ok cos... I dunno, to be honest I'm curious, about how is it to be super hot.
Tonari no Robot!!! was the manga I wanted to recommend to you!! agh finally remembered the name!!