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joined Sep 27, 2017

Voting link:

So (after voting) I looked through every other category to see if there was any other yuri comics I could support, and couldn't find a single one. Meanwhile there's like a bajillion BL comics, even outside of the explicit category of BL. I know this is just one site/publisher, but is this really representative of the JP manga market as a whole? : /

Edit: Oh, and this keeps being such a cute and comforting low-stakes read.. 1000 more episodes please thank you.

From what I know Yaoi is generally a lot bigger than Yuri

Wicked Spot discussion 13 Oct 13:38
joined Sep 27, 2017

I checked out the tags on the page for the raws and those are some interesting tags. (This is though Google TL)

Female protagonist

Battle? oh that's interesting haha

Wicked Spot discussion 13 Oct 13:19
joined Sep 27, 2017

XadarxBlack posted:

XadarxBlack posted:

no romance tag so no relationship??? :(

It's chapter 1.

No one knows which direction it's going to take, unless you're in the author's head.

aren’t the tags decided before that? like you can’t say a manga is shoujo and suddenly is not half way through! so that’s way i was ??? if there will be no romance since there is no romance tag, tho i do expect actual yuri any way :3 since i do trust the author

Some tags are set at post time, but they can evolve.

If you want to suggest the tag "romance" for the series, you can.

But, a manga like Black & White, by the same author, had the tag "Yuri", but not "Romance", for obvious reasons.

So, it's better to err on the side of "wait and see".

Yeah and the tags are based on the uploader's knowledge, plus user suggestions. Dynasty is a fan upload website and not offical. As far as I know it's as you said Nya-chan, we can only tag the work based on chapter 1. It's so far got a witch getting up to shenanigans, so "witch" and "comedy" work, Sal Jiang writes lesbian characters in I think all of her works so "Yuri" is also a safe bet. Now we just need to see what direction the story goes so we can add more tags.

Also a story can progress into romance half way through, that's not even uncommon or rare lol

Hmm I was iffy about the art style on the cover but its seems to be okay?

Definitely a moment of agree to disagree for me. In my opinion Sal Jiang's works can be a little too toxic with the writing, but I pretty much always love her art at the very least.

joined Sep 27, 2017

I thought the Nurse and Shizuka were flirting, and I was bracing myself for a whole new level of drama. Thought they were kissing on page 8, too.

To me that looks like a flash back of the nurse and coach in high school.
So on the list it goes.

It's a flashback to the previous chapter (295) in front of the restaurant. They're wearing the same clothes.

ohhhh thanks it is from the last chapter. the clothes match. i thought it was a flashback to their highschool days because of the skirt and backpack. good catch

Well I learned something new also, because I also thought it was a flashback lol

last edited at Oct 12, 2024 8:51PM

Wicked Spot discussion 12 Oct 16:37
joined Sep 27, 2017

New Sal Jiang and it's Witch Yuri? Very interesting

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well hey she still transferred the lipstick in some fashion, mission success?

joined Sep 27, 2017

Fair enough

joined Sep 27, 2017

I saw the top half of the picture and thought she was just blocking a potential kiss with the shark, didn't expect to scroll down and see she's getting fingered lmao

joined Sep 27, 2017

You missed a spot, better kiss her some more

joined Sep 27, 2017

Kate sees the vision

joined Sep 27, 2017

Bark, Bark

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'd take a series about them being mystery solving girlfriends

joined Sep 27, 2017

Hakuno breaking down BB's smugness

joined Sep 27, 2017


joined Sep 27, 2017

@DrJamesFox I mean depends on how reductionist you want to be. I personally find various aspects of the lore and reasoning behind some of the gender shifts to be interesting.

@juanelric Nasu wants summer Passionlip, Takeuchi doesn't. Wada is Lip's artist and she got to draw Lip in a swimsuit for JP's most recent summer event as an NPC. Which IMO looked cute and wasn't super sexual. Takeuchi from what I heard doesn't want Lip to be a summer servant because her breasts are so big. Which doesn't really make sense when Wada literally proved you can draw Lip in a cute way while wearing a swimsuit with her NPC design...but oh well. Maybe one day Takeuchi will give up and we'll get her. I like Passionlip a lot in FGO, and I think she's a cinnamon-bun

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Oh okay lmao

It makes sense now that I know you're thinking of Fred riding a dinosaur. Operator in this case would be a contracted employee, and a kangaroo one would basically be along the lines of a cat-girl but kangaroo features and traits instead haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Yeah I enjoy a lot of things about Fate, other things not so much, but that's more or less the gist. I know you and me have discussed / debated about Fate in the past, and pretty much came to the conclusion that it was better for us to agree to disagree. Leaning into part of what I said in my previous comment, people are going to have their own interpretations with various aspects of Fate, and that's fine.

joined Sep 27, 2017

How are they paying for everything? Kase lived in a dorm but both Yamada and Mikawa have apartments. Yamada has part time jobs Mikawa but is just "job hunting." But even if she did have a part time job as well is that really enough to live off of? And Kase presumably does nothing but train, and yet still has spending money for thing like convenience store runs.I would hope that Yamada isn't paying for everything while Kase just trains. Are their patents paying for stuff? Did they get loans? More than even this manga this is a topic I never see mentioned in any manga. Highschoolers just magically get apartments when they graduate and go to school without worrying about money, and maybe get a part time job if they want to. I'm curious what its like for Japanese students in real life and why it's never brought up in manga.

I'm not an expert but from what I've heard the cost of living in Japan can be pretty good, with rent and food.

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Apologies I don't think I get the joke lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

Fate's gender stuff is tends to be all over the place in general. For me I view Mordred as someone who is a woman but the concept of knighthood from her time focuses on men and masculinity, same with being the king. So you get a situation where Mordred doesn't want to be treated as a woman but rather as one of the guys at the round table because she's a knight. A similar situation to her parent, Artoria, disguising as a man and being historically recorded as a man, because for Artoria had to play the part of a man to be king. Which Morgan had Mordred disguise in full armor and play the part of knight to infiltrate the round table as the winning card up Morgan's sleeve. There's also a lot of complicated and not fully defined things with all of this. So I view Artoria and Mordred as women that delve into concepts of masculinity revolving around Knight and King. Additionally I think ship art like this is Yuri personally. Though I also think if people have a trans or related interpretation of Mordred that's valid as well. Mordred is a character where varied interpretation will happen for different people, and I think that's fine.

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Unfortunately we don't have any kangaroo operators yet, but I hope we get one eventually. It's also funny because the bunny characters are generally from Arknights Australia lol

joined Sep 27, 2017

^Ah I was thinking the "look what you've become" was based on the heavily turned on expression, and so I thought yeah no wonder she's turned on, she's being kissed while being fingered. What you're saying makes sense though haha

joined Sep 27, 2017

Come on already

joined Sep 27, 2017

Fun batch of chapters, thanks!

joined Sep 27, 2017

^lol I wouldn't be opposed to that