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joined Jan 20, 2014

This is the real question

last edited at Apr 3, 2017 10:47PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

so, sorry to leave the series at the point its at but real life is getting in the way, so i'm going to have to stop typesetting this. you can read the rest un-typeset here and if someone else wants to step up and do it feel free. i might pick it up again in the future if no one else does, but my free time is non-existent cause of exams for now. sorry for suddenly stopping the updates.

Thanks you for your hard work and good luck with the exams :D

Kase-san discussion 03 Apr 22:34
joined Jan 20, 2014

It's 23 chapters of a relationship that's over a year long, don't think it requires any more romance than what we got to build up to their first time. Most manga would have them going at it less than a month after agreeing to date with a lot less build up.

They have been dating for a year and are finally alone in a room that has zero chance of being interrupted by family, it's only natural what would happen.

But we are talking about Yamada, a person extremely shy who, even if like that kind of things, she's so embarrasing for making it, and then, Kase call her Yui and PUF, done, your virginity is mine bitch, muahahahaha. If Kase would could know that with calling by her name she could fuck, I think she'll do it in the last oportunities she had.
This chapter just broke how Yamada is, because even if a normal person did what you say, we are talking about a character in particular.

Kase-san discussion 02 Apr 21:02
joined Jan 20, 2014

Are you serious?! Is it done?! And they had sex just like that?!? Wtf T^T i wanted it to last longer with atleast a little more romance..

I'm glad I'm not alone in the world ;^;

Kase-san discussion 01 Apr 01:19
joined Jan 20, 2014

So Am I the only who hate really much this chapter? yes? Ok, I don't disturb then. Have a good day/night. I'm going to go out my hate on twitter.

joined Jan 20, 2014

This is like this manga but with yuri, I like so much delinquent yuri <3 (and delinquent things in general)

joined Jan 20, 2014

I knew it I saw this somewhere.

Well, this is unexpected... And confusing x'D

last edited at Mar 31, 2017 5:20PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

That was surprisingly cute <3 but I think this need the no moe art tag, maybe?

is this not moe enough for you

For me moe is with a modern manga stile but if looks more like 80's manga isn't moe, but this doujinshi haven't any of bouth stiles so I'm confused x'D I suposse read so much Milk Morinaga and Canno can make hurt

joined Jan 20, 2014

That was surprisingly cute <3 but I think this need the no moe art tag, maybe?

last edited at Mar 27, 2017 7:21PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

If this author has written any more futa, I would definitely be interested. I think I read, though, that this doujin and his HonoMaki doujin are the only two futa works they've done.

I don't know the other two, but if you read the tags of this HonoNico, you could see is tagged at "futanari" so, at least, he/she has one more :P

joined Jan 20, 2014

I searched this aithor and have, at least, 9 more doujinshis, of wich are R18 three (one more HonoNico, one more HonoMaki and one HonoKoto. I don't know if they are futa or not >.<)

Image Comments 17 Mar 16:06
joined Jan 20, 2014

@Faust JAJAJAJAJAJAJA I LAUGHT SO HARD FOR THIS x'DDDD but if you don't wear underwear you can have acces to that zones more easy (?)

Image Comments 17 Mar 15:11
joined Jan 20, 2014

I like so much this pair, sly <3 I don't give a fuc* about this is the less thing canon, they are just so cute together ;; (but I have to say that I enjoy like every pairing in Aqours, even if they broke this ship or the KanaMari, they are just so cute together ;;)

joined Jan 20, 2014

I read this in chunchryllol or how demons you say it and it's sooo funny x'D I din't know it have been licensed. Time to add at wishlist!

joined Jan 20, 2014

I honestly didn't expect this fandom like futa... now I have hopes that someone (who speaks korean probably...) translate that KotoUmi futa...

i know this is like 3 years late but anyone got the raw for the above mentioned kotoumi dj? this... this is for science purposes...

I wanna know it too :( but Dynasty don't e-mail you when someone quote you so I think we never know the name u_u

joined Jan 20, 2014

Sly, why the mothers EVER do "the talk" in the cars -_- you can't scape from here!

joined Jan 20, 2014

It's kind of fun when the fact that Eri has a penis isn't even introduced. She just does. Like, what, you think Eri wouldn't have a penis? What's with that? You're so weird.

lmao definitely. Like, you didn't know Eri has a penis? I thought it was obvious...

What? Have you been living under a rock or something? Everyone should know by now.

I'm surprised you guys didn't learn it on the first day of school. I know I did.

I guess they were absent during those days.

But still, doesn't everyone's parent hold 'the talk' with their child about Eri having a penis?

But all want scape for that talk :( when my mother told me:
"+ daughter, there it's something about Eli that... Well... You should know, and more you, that are a NozoEli shipper. Well, Eli...
- Is this the ring?
+ Poli, we are in the car.
- I coming! *Jump with the car in motion*"

Some sacrifices, like your health, are necessary if you wanna avoid "the talk".

last edited at Mar 16, 2017 10:36PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

So is everyone at that school gay or not

It's in a remote part of Gensokyo, set around the same time as Saki, they all transferred from Namori Middle School, and all the teachers were educated at Astrea Hill or Lilian Academy. But I have no idea why you'd think it was a particularly gay school.

This made me laught x'D for Toyosatomimi, this is great

Syrupy Love discussion 15 Mar 20:14
joined Jan 20, 2014

There were three conflicts. Their strained relationship, Jun, and abusive household. The last chapter takes care of two of those. I guess Tsubasa just has to deal with the abusive household until she is old enough to move out.

I came here to complain about this end but... This explainig something so well, this manga was... Something? I think it have the argument and art to be pretty good but it's just too short... I wanna at least one more chapter where explaining how she deal with the abusive father and then the both adult, living together (or at least 2 more pages where you can put this)

last edited at Mar 15, 2017 8:15PM

Yuri Danshi discussion 13 Mar 22:23
joined Jan 20, 2014

It's dead. Yuri Hime pretty much canceled it after people started complaining that there was not yuri, just het.
The author even made a post on twitter complaining that it would have a yuri end, but he was still getting there. Even though he had 6 volumes for that. Can't even blame the readers for complaining.

I think that if it was like you said, it's normal. Maybe was more fail of the publisher that the author per se but 25 chapters is time enought to turn the story into yuri even with a men for MC.
PD: it's funny see that the serie ended at may 2014 and see this review made two months before in My anime list x'D this review

last edited at Mar 13, 2017 10:29PM

joined Jan 20, 2014

I'm not into futa but I really like this! And a little less the other HonoTrans chapter the author did. It's refreshings see futa like this and not just het between two womans -_- if you just wanna say that a woman can't feel the same if she doens't do it with a dick, draw a guy, not futa. I can't stand that topic, like if two womans can't feel great without a pennis

obsessed discussion 06 Mar 18:24
joined Jan 20, 2014

This is trash, I mean the characters are all messed up. It was a turn on, though, the sex scenes were hot and well played.

I agree totally with you, even when that thing with the ice-cream emmmm I won't never put ice-cream here, that will end pretty BADLY

obsessed discussion 06 Mar 18:23
joined Jan 20, 2014

I won't say the doujin is bad cause it hurt my feelings like other people here but I'll say I really dislike the logic used here especially because it's not the first time. It's NOT okay for someone to cheat because they can't control themselves. If it's actually SO bad that you're willing to cheat on a SO is it really that much harder to straight up ask them "Hey, I really need it like right now"?

You can't say this with that icon. Poor Kase :'c when Kase get to the end with Yamada all cry for her victory
Joking apart, I'm with you in that way of think. If you are going out with someone and can't say this stuff, it's a little weird, isn't it? It's just an absurd excuse

Image Comments 21 Feb 22:50
joined Jan 20, 2014

Done. The boredom is hard to control. The useless gay club

last edited at Feb 21, 2017 10:50PM

Image Comments 21 Feb 22:09
joined Jan 20, 2014

I think like YuzuYuri, being single is good! But that doesn't remove that I'm into the useless lesbians x'D you can be bouth!