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Kase-san discussion 18 Jan 20:43
joined Apr 15, 2011

I saw the raws for chapters 9-10, and I'm so excited. More sexy Kase.

Pleeeeeeeeease say the raws were on Yuri Projects safe board?!?!?!?!! If not, where did you see them (or are they your raw scans)?

joined Apr 15, 2011

At this exact moment in time has them starting at $24.70 for volume 1 and $2.89 for volume 2 plus $4 each shipping, about $36. Of course that's only if you live in the USA. Elsewhere shipping would be higher, but you can still get these purchase prices.

Thanks Yuri Girl. off to go check for and hopefully order it.

last edited at Jan 17, 2014 8:36PM

LesbianSOLO discussion 14 Jan 22:59
joined Apr 15, 2011

And she apologizes for this being lesbian instead of yuri.

There's difference between Lesbian and Yuri? Never heard of that o.o

Presumably for her the difference is whether it's moe or realistic in tone.

Moe or realistic? huh, never thought of it that way...

joined Apr 15, 2011

the prez reminds me of a dirty old man. but just a bit more tame than perverted

LesbianSOLO discussion 14 Jan 01:16
joined Apr 15, 2011

this was fantastic! more! more! more! more!

funny how rambling, non-organized reality-type stories are sometimes more fulfilling than organized stories, IMHO.

joined Apr 15, 2011

heh, I cain't wait for Esumi to get whut's comin' to her. Pickin' on tha poor captin' an such. Pfft!

Seasons discussion 08 Jan 01:04
joined Apr 15, 2011

You got the wrong girl, friend. I'm in the All Size Boobs Are Awesome camp, no breasts shall be turned away (although the C-D range is a wonderful place to be). So...Delicious Average Chest? Delicious Normal Chest? Delicious All Chests?

my bad and my apologies.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Mmm, I think at this point she doesn't consider them her girlfriends, since the sex was cast as more "the cost of doing business" rather than anything love-based. Or
At least the two of them assume that's the case. It's clear though that both of them want a relationship with her rather than soley sex.

** nods in agreement **

kinda thought it odd that both sisters are into her. hmmm..... two siblings, one toy... hmmm...... oh what ever could happen?

joined Apr 15, 2011

That little girl looks so freaking young it makes me uncomfortable... I don't care how big her boobs are, she still looks prepubescent.

yeah, it's pretty dang close to lolismut (if I've used the phrase correctly).
in this collection of stories, all the main characters look boarder line prepubescent.

kinda wish Rokuroichi would write an "adult life" dojinshi or series. I'm betting that that type of story would be hella hot!

Seasons discussion 07 Jan 01:38
joined Apr 15, 2011

Aaaand we're back to talking about boobs again. =)

as I understand you're in the DFC camp, there is just something about DLCs that somehow always starts a conversation. That and of course whenever the topic comes up, Amano Shuninta's "Dream at Dawn" comes to mind (

joined Apr 15, 2011

dammit, I wish seven seas would hurry up and release a vol. 3 omnibus here in the US. :-\
"I think" there are enuf chapters out that a vol. 3 could be successfully released. anyone
know if this is true or not?

joined Apr 15, 2011

I wonder what's up with that Hiwa chick. I don't see her as evil for splitting people up -sometimes it's good to cut ties with certain people, but if she uses her powers indiscriminately, there could be problems. This turn of events makes me wonder if the two goddesses will end up fighting.

here's a thought. Hiwa and Kotori are actually one in the same. They are the two sides of love: the one side that attracts and binds (kotori, the little bird of happiness) and the other side the repels and dissolves (hiwa, sad story or secret story?). of course, I don't know what kanji is used for their names, so I'm speculating here. but seriously, I would not be surprised if they are of the same being. of course, my next question would be why do they exist as separate entities?

as a side note (and to over inflate my already big headed ego), I'm surprised Hiwa was not called Hiai. all this mash I've been spouting would fit much better if that were the case. oh well, guess I'll have to wait until the next chapter to see what happens next. :-)

Seasons discussion 03 Jan 11:20
joined Apr 15, 2011

I'm always amazed at what inspires a mangaka. Takemiya Jim's afterwords really shed some light on that. really really cool IMHO.

joined Apr 15, 2011

dfc = DeFault Cup (size)? or D's, F's, and C-cup sizes? or Damn Flat Chested?

DFC= Delicious Flat Chest

but... but... but... boobies are like wonderful neck pillows and flat chests are well... flat.

ok, ignore that childish rant. i'm just being silly and thank you for explaining.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I personally took that Mizuho does love Ena (I doubt that "I still love..." was referring to someone else considering she was talking about Ena right before and after) and that she might even think that Ena's cheating on her, putting her in that gay boyfriend's "disadvantageous" position.

I have to agree with Kitty_Kay on this one point. Going back from pages 8-12 (chpt. 4) we are given hints of information alluding to why Mizuho left home, why she has an aversion towards being labelled homosexual and why she is stand-offish with Ena. And again, I think we will need to wait until chapter 5 to see if more relavent information is given.

I am waiting to say whether or not the I still love was for Ena because if it was it wouldn't need to be so ambiguous so there's still that slim chance she's talking about her ex boyfriend.

actually, I'm torn here. I think she could be talking about her boyfriend. why? because from pages 5-12 (chpt. 4) that leads up to Ena's return, we are presented with a flashback (prior to her leaving home?) where she is confronted by her boyfriend's lover. where the pages alternate between flashback and present day, Ena is mentioned, but more as an afterthought then the main topic. more so, the dialogue bubble say this, "i still love..." and "I'm begging you..." before Ena enters. if those thoughts and memories from the past were meant for Ena, why not have a frame where Mizuho is thinking of explicitly of Ena? Better yet, if that dialogue was meant for Ena, why use 'still' when refering to someone you're suppose to be in love with in the present tense? that implies that either at some point Mizuho's love was wavering for Ena, but somehow the spark is 'still' there OR that she (Mizuho) fell out of love, but realized that she 'still' felt a connection to Ena. To me, that makes no sense! Especially if they are suppose to be in love (in the present tense of the word), how can she 'still' be in love as if love was lost like a lucky phone strap? so again I agree, this is too ambiguous given the information we are presented with. guess we'll have to wait-n-see.

Why did Mizuho even accepted Ena as her girlfriend?

this has bothered me for a bit now. I'm about to do some hand waving in my explanation, so please bear with me...

One thought is thatMizuho did so only out of loneliness and/or fear of the male species. As has been mentioned, the oh so cliche 'woman scorned turns lesbian' thing appears to be playing out. however, I'm puzzled as to why? if Mizuho honestly believes the whole "there's no way homosexuality can turn out well," then why date either sex? so my hunch is that Ena showed Mizuho just the slightest shred of kindness (chpt. 3). this was enough to make the possibility of dating a woman palpable.

Finally, does Mizuho really love Ena (which I believe is Ena's main concern)? in her own way she probably does. is she gushing and madly in love with Ena? I'm not sure. if she is, then her own internal homophobia is keeping her from being able to show Ena the type of love she needs to see.

Now never mind everything I've just written. let's take an alternate look at everything... As was mentioned earlier, what if Mizuho left home because she was lesbian? does that mean the ex-boyfriend was a prop? I've been toying around with this idea for a bit now and constantly refer back to this phrase: "there's no way homosexuality can turn out well" as supporting evidence.

if she is/was, then:
- the ex-BF was for show to the outside world. I've also wondered if Mizuho was using the boy to force herself to accept being straight. Why? refer to the phrase above. and again, as has been mentioned, culture and wanting to be accepted can make people do things that are inherently not in their best interest.
- this would explain why she has no (sexual) intimacy issues with Ena. I contend that in 2 years of dating, I cannot image that they have not had sex. also, if she were 'straight' then I think she'd have a much harder time showing PDA in front of her sister than in public. although I am kinda contradicting myself here.
- while Mizuho realizes (opinion here) that she's pushing Ena away, she does so out of fear and says so on pg. 5. chpt. 4.
- she's concerned that Ena missed work and whether she would return. I think both this bullet and the one above are directly related to her feelings about homosexuality (again, refer to the phrase above)
- she is worried about people "finding out" and goes out of her way to not be labelled "that way." again, internal homophobia related issue.
- finally, why reciprocate someone's feelings? is she were a woman scorn, then stay asexual. if she's running from men then I believe the whole female intimacy thing would be a very real issue. why continue to look for housing with another woman if you really aren't into it? for that matter, why stay in the relationship? I believe it's mostly due to her own internal homophobia. but again, we still have too little infomation to come to a concrete conclusion.

All, I truly apologize for this excessively long post. I guess I had a little too much free time on my hands. i will try to keep future replies much shorter.

last edited at Jan 3, 2014 1:28PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

I wonder what female actress could pull off Kase. I haven't really watched any live-action, so I'm not familiar with any actresses. I'm open to recommendations.

good question. don't know since I don't really watch live-action, except running across a copy of Cutey Honey live action. man that was weird movie! heh, the chick that played Cutey Honey might have made an even cuter Yamada-san way back when. don't know about now tho.

last edited at Jan 2, 2014 1:37PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

The surprising part about "everyone knows what they want to do for their future except me" totally fits my description of my life.
Man..this is depressing (frown)..

awwww, don't frown. I've been searching and asking myself "what I want to be when I grow up" for a long time. sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination!

Eeerrrmmm..... that last sentence sounded like one of those damn 'Inspiration' prints you often see in companies and small offices. hmmm, my calling in life... cheesy quoter of inspirational messages?

joined Apr 15, 2011

Really lovely art in this one. Such wonderful expressions.

I could not agree more.

joined Apr 15, 2011

Lol I still do from time-to-time though it depends on my mood and the situation.

Say Random, why don't you break us all off a sample of your mackin' skills?

Some of us [read as "I"] need a refresher course in mack-ology 101.

Citrus discussion 02 Jan 11:00
joined Apr 15, 2011

thanks Random :-)

joined Apr 15, 2011

Haha, I was just about to say (in the Princess's Mirror thread) that I thought the discussion had been ended a bit too amicably. Delusional, self-satisfied assholes should be called out as such, not allowed to carry on with the misconception that their blown up bullshit actually contributed anything (actually, consider this post my doing so here, since I somewhat feel like I missed my chance to in the actual thread). Bans are one way to do that, but if the issue is that there aren't enough moderators to immediately respond to such disturbances, then I think the deficiency this time was that the regular posters dealing with that guy were too polite in tone. When a supposed 'discussion' gets dragged into nothing more than a net of sophisms by a moron so personally invested in their own words they miss how much of a jackass they are, there's no need to hold back. Censorship, banning, 'cleaning' the thread; all would actually constitute favours to new readers who stumble into the discussion thread afterwards.

so long as the bitterness and vile exchanges died down, did it really matter if the discussion ended too amicably? i'm just glad the discussion has moved on. HEHE... delusional, [egotistical] self-satisfied asses... while I'll keep that opinion to myself, it looks like everyone pretty much gave up and conceded their points of view (thus the debate ended). as to censorship, it is such a heavy-handed approach :-(

In general, are there typically moderators lurking about or must there be enough complaints that someone gets involved?

Finally, I guess my hunch wasn't too far off. a day or two was needed for cooler (wiser) heads to prevail. question remains, did this happen because people did not want to continue a fruitless argument; thus conceded their points of view or was it that the antagonist in question made such an overwhelming case that it (csx's argument) could not be refuted? either way, this little kerfuffle is at an end. for now.

[damn I need to take remedial english. my posts are always too wordy]. :-[

last edited at Jan 2, 2014 10:54AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

ah ah, however i can understand Lilium, i expected a more poetic/romantic story from Rokuroichi, but this is only the first part, i'm sure the story get better,
the drawing is great, like always

I fear I have type-casted Rokuroichi into a mistress/master of sexsetional smut because I had no expectations of/for romance and/or poetic storytelling. given that each volume has its own style, I have sorted them each into different buckets based on smutiness levels of hard, medium, and soft.

for that I am ashamed :-(

joined Apr 15, 2011

you're probably right :-)

EDIT: actually, I think Kase-san could be live action. it'd be the perfect after-school special :-D

last edited at Jan 2, 2014 3:30AM

joined Apr 15, 2011

@esn - i'm surprised and it still irks me to some degree that no production company/independant/free-lancer will pick a book and turn it into an anime. the last 3 years have had some great stuff produced. I wish they'd see the little niche market out there instead of tossing table scraps through fan service and lousy sub-text :-(

joined Apr 15, 2011

hehe... stupid thought, but I just crack up when Suzuki says, "Right-o! Let's get macking."

Does anyone still say mack? or macking? heeeheeeeeee.... said in my deepest Isaac Hayes voice, 'hey gurl, I know my macking's lame, but you. me. we were meant to be together.' now that'd be a hoot!