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Fuel discussion 11 Jun 18:18
joined Mar 16, 2018

It would be a dream come true if a woman said this to me

(Also if they could look like that too, it would be even better)

Liberty discussion 11 Jun 17:57
joined Mar 16, 2018

This image is a perfect encapsulation of this series as a whole

Image Comments 11 Jun 08:48
joined Mar 16, 2018

Asuka can't be denied
Anyone who would attempt to take her from her prey will be ground into dust and strangled in the soil

Image Comments 11 Jun 01:06
joined Mar 16, 2018

It's based on the anime

Still doesn't have the best girl but that's fine I guess

joined Mar 16, 2018

I really like the general feel of this it's all very cute and twee
I've never been a huge fan of airheads but I like how proactive she is

joined Mar 16, 2018

Remember me, Hime!? When I gave that you that drink, I talked JUST..LIKE..THIIIISSSS!!!

Image Comments 10 Jun 23:10
joined Mar 16, 2018

This is something else!

joined Mar 16, 2018

Why would you name your band ss girls? That could have some very alarming implications

Yuri Moyou discussion 10 Jun 07:18
joined Mar 16, 2018

Come on, give in

joined Mar 16, 2018

I wonder who is going to have a psychotic break faster, Hino, or us?

joined Mar 16, 2018

Lil' bro is doing all the male yuri supporters proud

Keep up the good work in helping out your insanely awkward big sis

joined Mar 16, 2018

What I don't like about these age gap ones is that the adult always has to act like an infantile fucking moron
I'm 28 and no way and hell would I let a 15 year old girl fall for me
She's a child dawg
(Of course I know why the younger one is usually the pursuer than it would be even more fucking creepy)
Like that one age gap yuri with the big noises

joined Mar 16, 2018

Age is just a number.

Is a song written for Aaliyah by R.Kelley who wanted to marry her when she was also 15

So yeahhhhhhh

joined Mar 16, 2018

I'm getting strong vibes that lizard girl is a lot like that one crazy bitch in Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep

I knew not a lizard was the only way to go

joined Mar 16, 2018

Ranzo posted:

This last name first name stuff is always reeeally annoying

It seems to be far more common in Japan than western nations to refer to people by their last name. Here it's typically reserved for teachers or coworkers above you in the foodchain or, if you work in customer service, for customers you need to refer to by name. In Japan though it seems to be quite common to refer to anyone you're not particularly close with by last name.

Yeah, I get it but it is so damn overplayed at this point that it just comes off as being real cheap. I figured this author would use a bit better way of convening drama than something so token as that.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Mimi is still annoying as ever I see

joined Mar 16, 2018

This last name first name stuff is always reeeally annoying

Izumi seems pretty chill though

joined Mar 16, 2018

Thought I was settling in for a nice fluffy time with actual adults for once and then

Drama went and burst through that door

joined Mar 16, 2018

Sayaka is just respecting a worthy opponent after all, Yuu basically trounced her from day one. Her last minute confession was but a desperate hail mary whilst the opposing team is already up by 14 points with ten seconds to go.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Has there been a manga where a rich girl eats a McDonald's hamburger for the first time and says, "Wow! This is awful"?

Better yet, why not eat at different fast foods. Go to KFC or Chik fil A or even Taco Bell. It's like only Mcdonalds, family restaurants, and cafes are the only existing places to eat in manga

You are forgetting Mr. Donut, Milk Morinaga's favorite restaurant apparently

joined Mar 16, 2018

I want to see more Sui!
Can we get a whole Sui spin off or something? That would be groovy

joined Mar 16, 2018

seven days huh?

joined Mar 16, 2018

Easily one of my favorite chapters
I like that they have the chance to just be together, without all the underlining tension, without the submerged feelings, without any denial of self.
They've allowed themselves to let all those feelings blow away on a gentle breeze.

joined Mar 16, 2018

What a tremendous chapter
Yamada finally initiated a kiss on the lips for the first time
Kase better take care of her heart it must be fit to burst

joined Mar 16, 2018

My reaction to this latest chapter