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Oh, about Korean culture, I heard that small and V shape faces are really popular there, really? :D
Newp, to bold texts you use ** texts to be bold **. No spaces between the asterisks and the texts.
Oh thanks for the tip! ^ ^
And uh yeah it is haha. A lot of women get work done on their faces to obtain a more slim look or they shave down their jawline for the v look. The belief is that a small face is prettier and more feminine.
last edited at Mar 31, 2016 1:06PM
Yes I remember this moment ^^ very funny. While I have you on the topic. Once it was translated, it seems like Sumin says "I love you" twice to Sungji in chapter 43, but I thought it looked like two different phrases in Korean. What's the difference? And if there's multiple ways does Sungji always use the same one for Sumin?
The first time she said it regularly and the second was the formal tone. 'Sarang-hae' vs 'Sarang-hae yo'. Usually if you add a 'yo' to the end of a sentence it becomes formal xD There's no difference in the meaning though, formal or not :) (I know Japanese has daisuki vs ai shiteru, with both meaning I love you but ai shiteru having a stronger meaning of love. There's nothing like that for korean though, saranghae is the only way of saying I love you. )
Sungji used the formal way of saying it because she talks to sumin formally . Sumin used both, because as I mentioned she tends to drop the formal speak sometimes.. which I like hehe.
Overall, I suppose just saying 'saranghae' without the 'yo' sounds more intimate though since it seems like they are closer that way.. but yeah it doesn't really matter.
Sorry if it's confusing, I'm terrible at explaining things T_T
And @sia no problem! (sorry I don't know how to bold lool)
I'm glad to answer any questions you guys have :) although my explanations are terrible lol.
last edited at Mar 31, 2016 5:28AM
And there is -ah for lovers, right?
Ah is normally added after a name to someone close to you like a friend (lover too) or someone younger that you don't speak formally to. For example if I were Sungjis friend I'd say 'Sungji-ah' and if I were her co worker for example, I'd say 'Sungji -ssi'.
Are "Sungji-ah" and "Sungji" same? They both can be used to call people who are younger or same ages as us or our friends. Is there bit different between them?
When you are directly calling out her name to her you would say Sungji-ah ~
When you are speaking about her to someone else for instance, you would just say Sungji.
However , saying 'ssi' works for both scenarios . Whether you are calling out their name or talking to someone about them.
Hope this makes sense!
And there is -ah for lovers, right?
Ah is normally added after a name to someone close to you like a friend (lover too) or someone younger that you don't speak formally to. For example if I were Sungjis friend I'd say 'Sungji-ah' and if I were her co worker for example, I'd say 'Sungji -ssi'.
last edited at Mar 31, 2016 4:44AM
Thanks for this. I really like learning about cultural notes. Really helps get a fuller picture. Please let us know as Sumin's language changes (well, if it does) :). This seems like it would be sooooo difficult for Sungji to change lol. I'll be giddy if she utters anything other than Teamjangnim at any point in the rest of the story.
No problem ^ ^ and I will!
As for Sungji, yeah.. it would seem a little odd haha.. there actually was ooooneee time where she called Sumin 'jagiya' which is something similar to 'darling'. My eyes went O.O cause I was surprised (as was sumin hhahahh) but she just had to go and say that calling her team leader is probably better .. boo :(
last edited at Mar 31, 2016 4:43AM
It's just blonde, black, pink, blue, redhead. The only time we've broken from hair colors is for the non-yuri characters, and bathtub girl (who is also blonde, and whose only claim to fame in this manhwa is being in a bathtub with Sumin).
Omg LOL 'bathtub girl' ..ahahahaha
Got it. :)
Oh, in the last panel of this chapter, who said those words? I don't think it's Nami.
Its written in an informal tone so it was Nami because Nami always talks informally and Seju always speaks to her formally.
While bringing up the informal and formal thing.. it's been bothering me that Sumin still talks to Sungji in the formal tone. Well she's been using half half in recent chapters but I wish they would start talking informally to eachother :( I mean it doesn't really matter to English readers I guess because that stuff is dropped in translation since there's no such thing for English.. but yeah. Sumin spoke to the red head informally so she should to sungji too! Especially now that they're dating and have grown closer.
For those who don't know, the Korean culture has two ways of speaking. In most cases you always speak formally to anyone older than you, or to people you are not so close to/just met. If two people end up dating they usually eventually end up dropping the formal speak which normally indicates their level of closeness. It's not really a huge deal but I find it nice when Sumin drops the formal speak ^ ^ might be hard for Sungji to drop it suddenly though since she's 10 years younger and not to mention sumin is still her manager at work lol. Oh well
last edited at Mar 31, 2016 4:29AM
Nami: "Me? I'm the Midgets friend."
"So then what are you?"
"A past lover who have broken up for 10 years now?"
"A miserable sex partner who is posing as a friend on the surface?" (Ouch.. )
"Or.. well..."
"Just a boss?"Harsh lol.
Yeah that's fucking brutal lol
Nami is ruthless.
Hhahaha ikr when I read that I was like "holy shit.. Nami just triple combo KO'd her so bad."
I think that Nami is just trying to get their relationship settled once and for all. She's done with just watching on the sideline and wants to do something about it. As Dofudofu said she's very perceptive and basically has everything figured out lol. I think a lot of people don't like her because they think Gaji wants to pair her with Seju.. but after this chapter I don't think her role is to be Sejus future love interest.
And after reading this chapter it's pretty clear that Nami cares a lot for Sumin as a friend.. but it's hard to see what she thinks of Seju.. hmm.
last edited at Mar 30, 2016 2:59PM
Had time to quickly write up a translation for you guys :) Sorry some parts wont be translated exactly because no time to think of a better way to write it. (I guess that's what the official translations are for :D) There are also like two parts where I was like "???" but I think I got the gist of it lol. Anyway, enjoy!
Nami: "Well this is a surprising development."
Seju: "Isn't it better to be in a place that loses the eyes of paps?"
Nami: "Hmm~"
"If it's like that how about we go to your place?"
Seju: "Or how about we go home seperately instead."
Nami: "Well~ Whereever we go I can't complain"
Some random evil looking glasses guy: "What's this. Next to Nami... that doesn't look like Bang woo lee" (that brown haired girl everyone thinks shes dating .. I think.)
Friend: "Hurry up Nami~!"
Nami: "You're so impatient. This is why you're not growing taller."
Friend: "Wanna fight."
Nami thought bubble: "oh damn..." (she didnt actually say that but she used an expression that implies that.. I think.)
Friend: "? " "What are you looking at?"
Nami: "... nothing."
Nami: "You're not drinking?"
"Alcohol doesn't taste good when you drink it alone~"
Seju: "You shouldn't treat a person with snacks. (? )
Nami: "Ah hah..."
"Don't tell me you're still abstaining?" (from alcohol)
"Why are you getting mad at alcohol for something you did wrong?" "Alcohol isn't a sin."
Seju: "Now your true colors are showing."
Nami: "What do you mean true colors. I'm just worried."
"You're not meeting people."
"You don't even drink."
'You don't even play."
"What fun do you live for?"
"Hanging around the Midget and bothering her?"
Seju: '....'
Nami: "Supervisor Choi that woman. You know her right?" (red head)
"That woman who midget dated for quite a while."
Nami: "Regarding her cheating, they were even working in the same office together but she did such a good job keeping it a secret that midget didn't even know about it."
"She must have done a much more thorough job keeping it away from her Fiance as well. But then..."
"How did the Fiance find out?"
Seju: "Who knows."
"If her lies were perfect then you wouldn't be wondering about this right now."
Nami: "Really?"
"I was thinking that it was you who ratted her out."
Seju: "Even if you say I did there's nothing that changes."
"The truth doesn't change."
Nami: "You hurt her."
"You had a choice on how to reveal the truth."
"But you chose the worst, most shocking, terrible way to do it."
"Ah. Of course this is if you were the one who did it."
Seju: "Nami-ssi."
"Whether I drink or not." Whether I linger around Sumin. Whether I am a terrible person or not."
"What does this have to do with you."
Nami: "Me? I'm the Midgets friend."
"So then what are you?"
"A past lover who has broken up for 10 years now?"
"A miserable sex partner who is posing as a friend on the surface?" (Ouch.. )
"Or.. well..."
"Just a boss?"
Seju: "What do you know."
Nami: "Even you didn't know. What you are to Sumin."
"The midget is now head over heels for Joo Sungji."
"Even if you wait a few years like this she's not going to acknowledge you."
"It's not like it's even just a few days. It's frustrating watching over this from the sideline."
Seju: "So." "What is it that you want to say to me?"
Nami: "Sleep with me once."
Seju: "I'm not the one you care about."
Nami: "You're right. But even so aren't you curious?"
"How Sung Sumin will react/ come out."
"Because I don't think it will be a bad change of predicament."
Soo dudnudnn.. will Nami x Seju happen next chapter?! Or will Seju reject her proposal?
When I read the chapter the first time I thought it was Seju who said it wouldn't be a bad idea at the end.. but it was actually Nami based on the way she spoke (sorry guys xD) so yeah Seju didn't agree yet.. but I think she was into the idea? I can't tell if that was a smile at the end, or if it was just her lips moving from Nami's grip. Either way.. what do you guys think? ^ ^
last edited at Mar 30, 2016 5:09PM
Hey guys, will write up a translation around 4 pm est sorry for the wait.. have been very busy lately :(
But a basic summary for now :
Seju (obviously) accepts Namis drink proposal and they go to a hotel cause Seju wanted to stay out of the way of papz. Here we find out that Seju as not drunk alcohol since that cheating incident and refuses to drink it. They talk about sumin a lot and nami asks Seju if she even knows what she means to sumin now that she's fallen head over heels for sungji. In the end nami proposes they sleep together once to get a reaction out of sumin and Seju seems interested lol . Well have to see if nami x Seju actually happens next chapter :)
Edit: forgot to mention they also talk about the red head and how her fiance found out about the cheating -cough Seju cough-
last edited at Mar 30, 2016 1:11PM
It isss* possible that Nami and Sumin slept together. Remember that chapter where Sungji had a cake fight with Sumin and she changed into clothes that were too big for her? Sumin said that Nami comes over time to time and left the clothes there. It felt kinda weird imagining Sumin and Nami sleeping together but it's a possibility. I don't see why Nami would stay over at Sumins house and even leave her clothes there just for a 'friendly' visit.
But then again.. they always bickered about not wanting to do that kind of 'exercise' with eachother haha.. so probs not.
last edited at Mar 30, 2016 3:48AM
Thanks a lot Newp for the translation *throwcookiesforNewp
Yay cookies <3
Yesss grope is the word! Couldn't remember it while I was writing xD
Oh yeah.. I forgot to mention. After Sumin Gives sungji permission to touch her , Sungji massages Sumins butt under the covers hahah XDD. There's a sound effect for 'massage massage' written and also the blanket folds suggest Sungjis arm over sumins butt XD she is also still massaging when they are talking about Nami :P the small but funny details ~ thought it would be nice to point out lool
last edited at Mar 23, 2016 8:51PM
Haha you can be a top and whipped at the same time.
Hmm true true...
Dundundn Newp has been summoned by dofudofu san xD
Sorry for the late gist translation guys.. had some company stay over last night and had no time in the morning to write one up lol. This weeks chapter also seemed longer than usual (not that I'm complaining haha). Better late than never though right ? ^ ^"" hope you enjoy~
Sungji: " Team leader'
Sumin: "Hm?"
Sumin: "Under here are all cabinets. Inside there's shampoo and body wash, towels are here, change of clothes are here"
" I'm right here." (eeee <3)
Sungji: "Team leader."
Sumin: "Hm?"
Sungji: "Lift up your arms. Lift em" (she says 'man-seh' which is a korean saying for raise your arms)
Sumin: "???"
"You're in trouble." (she says the word 'honnah' which means trouble. A cut off way of saying 'Honnandah' which is 'you'll get in trouble')
Sungji: "Nng" "Ah!"
"Ha ah... " "Ha..."
Sumin: "Don't just touch me there as you please. Ask me for permission before you do."
Sungji: "Ah..."
"Can I touch you now?"
Sumin: "Okay go ahead."
Sungji: " Team leader, which side do you take after more?"
Sumin: "What?"
Sungji: "Your parents."
Sumin: "Oh. Uh... dad?"
Sungji: "I see... he must have been cool."
Sumin: "what do you mean cool."
"He was short and small so I heard he got teased a lot as a kid."
"So thats why he would tell me that I need to grow up healthy and strong and made me exercise a lot..."
Sungji: "Ah... so that must be why you are so good at excerising." (heh.. we all know what she meant by that ;) ;) )
Sumin: "No, well." "I'm not THAT good at it..." (ahahah that blush)
Sungji: "I heard while you were in school you were always the leader/representative for relays and such?"
Sumin: "What? Who said that?"
Sungji: "Miss Nami did"
Sumin: "Since when did you two start talking alot with eachother?"
Sungji: "Miss Nami comes to the office quite often to visit."
Sumin: "..." "You talk about anything else?"
Sungji: "Mainly asking when the President (Seju) will be in." "Asking for my phone number." "Or asking me to quit the office and start a contract with her..."
Sumin: "Sungji-ssi. From now on just ignore what she says."
Sungji: "But still... sometimes she talks about about you."
Sumin: "If you have anything you're curious about, you can just come ask me about it."
Sungji: "Can I ask you anything?"
Sumin: "....."
Sungji: "It's okay. I think it'll be more fun talking to Miss Nami about it."
Sumin: "Sungji-ssi aren't you doting on/liking miss Nami a little too much?"
Sungji: "Team leader."
Sumin: "What." (hahahaa Sumin showing a bit of jealousy~ Just love this part ~ )
Sungji: "I'm so happy right now."
"Team leader. Should we get matching underwear?"
Sumin: "What are you talking about so suddenly..."
Sungji: "I thought about things that we could match together with, but it doesn't seem like there is much."
Sumin: "I'll think about it."
Nami: "Midget, there must be something good that happened to you recently?"
"Your face is more relaxed" (kinda like saying your face is glowing/you look less angry)
Sumin: "This?"
Nami: "See. It looks less rotten than before."
Sumin: "..."
"You know, that medicine."
Nami: "The one that will help you grow taller?"
Sumin: "No, not that."
Sumin: "Do you have anything that will help my body? Something like a health, or energy recharger/body strengthener."
Nami: "Why, it's too hard to keep up with the energy of a youngster?"
Sumin: "... Sungji-ssi isn't THAT energetic." (The word used was 'healthy', but they're talking more energy wise so yeah) .
Nami: "If you want to live longer first quit drinking that poison-like coffee of yours.
Choi-gun: "Sungji-ssi whats wrong?"
Sungji: "My ear suddenly tickles..." (an expression used when someone is talking about you)
Random bubble: "Customer."
Nami: "Hey President Baek. Again what a coincidence .
"I guess you were just completely left hanging today?"
Seju: "I showed up and was waiting, is that so unfortunate?"
Nami: "What do you mean unfortunate. I must congradulate you."
"It's a historic moment where our President Baek was left hanging by someone for the first time for a marriage interview."
"So you must have been completely black listed by now right?"
"The arranger (the person who arranged the meeting between the candidates) also must have gotten a lot of hate."
Seju: "Just what on earth is it that you get from doing all of this?"
Nami: "The Dinner time of President Baek who was left abandoned during her marriage interview."
"Come on let's just get a drink."
"With me." (it sounds awkward split up like this but basically she means let's get a drink together lol)
Anyway, oh man. Looks like Team Pink isn't looking so good right now.. lol not that I have any problem with that :P
Starting to love the interaction between Sungji and Sumin even more
I wonder whats going to happen with Nami and Seju though.. and how Seju will react towards Nami's advances.
last edited at Mar 23, 2016 4:45PM
Are they going to put the release times back to normal? Cause it would always be released at 8am (Est) but last week it was updated at 9 because of daylight savings. That hour wait killed me last week haha.
Anyway, I hope we get to see some happy sungji x sumin action tomorrow .. Seju parts (and sad facial expressions) are just too depressing and not good for my heart T_T
Also, sorry in advance to those who look forward to my gist translations every week.. I don't think I will have time to write one up tomorrow :( will have to see.
last edited at Mar 23, 2016 2:37AM
Maybe Seju didn't actually sleep with that bartender guy.. and only set it up like that to make Sumin see that scene and hate her??? Dundundunnn.. cause maybe she wanted to somehow punish herself for the death of Sumins parents?
last edited at Mar 19, 2016 6:50PM
Okay so I reread some of the previous chapters. I'm not sure buuut I think, I think Sungji seems to be hiding something. I think she might be a bit more cunning than she seems, trying to lure Sumin to give her attention. I noticed Sumin was thinking "her tears have already dried", which possibly means Sungji was acting a bit to get attention after some point. She might be a bit calculative now that I think about it... but also impulsive at the same time and kind of switches between those. I'm not sure, I'm curious now!!
Actually, they translated that part wrong. The part where Sungji is kneeling and crying and Sumins thought bubble says 그세 더 말랐네 - that translates to 'Shes gotten skinnier during that time/since then'. It's understandable that it was mis-translated because the saying 말랐네 means 'skinny' but can also mean 'has dried'. And it also says '더' which means 'more' but they could have misread it as '다' (since it looks so similar) which means 'all ' so thus the mistranslation of 'all dried already' so yeah. Basically Sumin noticed that Sungji lost a lot of weight during that time, probably because she was worried about what happened and didn't eat enough/ take good care of her body.. so yeah, I do not believe she is calculative based on that part. But who knows.. I guess we must be patient and wait for more details on Sungjis personality haha.
last edited at Mar 16, 2016 11:42PM
Why was Seju inside the car on front of Sumin's place?
Maybe she wanted to tell Sumin what she saw at the party she went to.. and tell her what an evil bitch the red head is lool
Hi guys, back here with another translation post for this weeks chapter! Woke up a little late today haha sorry @Dofudofu for the wait :P
Ughh this made me feel stuff I didn't wanna feel for Seju yanno (again).. cause I'm not routing for her and all but dang.. why is life so hard for Seju.. the poor girl ;(
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy! Btw any sentences that don't have quotes are the ones that are in the white boxes - aka Sejus narration.
Sumin: "Its already this late, do you think you'll be okay?"
Red head: 'If it's okay with you I'll sleep over'
Sumin: "What are we going to do about work tomorrow..."
Redhead: "Sumin-ssi?"
Sumin: "Ah. Mhm. Don't go home."
Whether it was by chance or not .
Sumin always got into a relationships that were definitely bound to end one day.
Background randoms: 'President Kim'
'Thank you.'
'Thank you."
Redhead: "I'm just going to make a quick trip to the restroom"
"Yes. Sumin Ssi"
Chance or not.
She will definitely come back.
Seju:' Sumin ah'
Sumin: "Baek Seju."
"Baek Seju..."
That was all I ever wanted.
Seju: "Ha-ah"
I love you.
Seju: 'Mm'
I love you.
Seju: "haa ahh'
I love you.
The path where I can feel this way.
Seju: "Did you wake up?"
"You slept for 3 days straight"
Sumin : "...."
'I wanna go wash up."
Seju: "If you're going home I'll drop you off"
Sumin: "........"
Seju: "Or you can keep staying here'
Sumin: "I wont stay long."
Seju: "What about the company?"
Sumin: "I quit. We made such a ruckus in the office. How could I lift my head while working" (basically how could she face people)
Seju: "It's not your fault."
Sumin: "You're right." "I did nothing wrong but why is it like this"
Seju: "Are you hurting a lot?"
Sumin: "I dont know. I just dont know."
"My mind is blank."
"Compared to you this is..." (she prob meant to say 'this is nothing compared to the hurt I got from you' ;( so sad)
Seju: "......"
I wish it would be even harder on you.
Seju: "I'm sorry."
So that every time you can come find me and hate me.
Seju: "Sleep well."
last edited at Mar 16, 2016 10:19AM
Sungji: "I told my brother that I was going to sleep over at a friend's house and come back tomorrow"
Sumin: "Don't tell me I'm that friend?"
Sungji: "Am I not allowed?"
Sumin: "No Im okay with it but."
Sungji: " Team leader"
Sumin: "Hm?"
-smile smile -
Sumin: "Come in for now"After re-reading this, that "but" from Sumin and the "Come in for now," might mean she's expecting a visit from Seju. Seju may have needed a shoulder to lean on after dealing with her family crap, as we've seen before.
Oh no I hope you guys don't take my translation too much word for word, it was done very quickly and may not be worded correctly ㅠ ㅠ.apologies in advance.
Also, she said it in a manner where it's more like 'well I'M fine with it .' But makes more sense to add the 'but' in there because the way she said it is usually something from a cut off sentence. I hope you understand what I mean.. if not, sorry for the bad explanation haha....
From what I see Seju is probably soon going to find out that Sehyun is actually her father, and possibly meet her mother..
Sehyun looks too young to be her father. Seju is 34, so he must be around 55 at least (minimum 50, although that's gross, considering he must fathered her at 16 with a presumably adult lady). He doesn't look that old at all, he looks around Seju's age. But not impossible either. I just don't like to see that.
Also, pretty sure Seju's mother is deadI think Seju won't interfere much in next chapter. Whether she stays and talks with Sumin or not, i think it's more possible that she takes it to herself rather than doing anything
No, it's highly probable that Sehyun is her actual father. If you recall a couple chapters back they show a short end with Sehyun (you know it's him cause the mole) who slept with a pink haired woman with green eyes. She probably gave birth to Seju and dumped her into the fathers family and had no choice but to adopt her into the family through other means.. which would be to have Sehyuns father act as her real father. Also her 'father' seems wayy too old to be her real father. She's only 34 and the guy looks like he's in his 70's-80's or something. Sehyun looks like he could be 54 or so which would make more sense if he 'accidentally' had her. Definitly does not look around sejus age judging from the amount of apparent wrinkles on his face. Also remember when Sehyun hurt Sumin in the warehouse? He got all offensive and said he named Seju and all.
I'm 98% sure he's her real father but we'll see :)
I chose Team Pink in the start of the series, because honestly I think a story about fixing a broken relationship to be more interesting than one about getting with someone new and moving on. Mostly of the stories never get to the point in which a couple has to face the choice of fixing the relationship.
Hmm I think that is what the author is trying to do though. Show happy past -> broken relationship -> mending of relationship. They definitely are not going to end the story without fixing Seju and Sumins relationship. As for getting together with someone new and moving on, I think it was necessary for Sumin to find Sungji. Sungji played a big part in Sumin being able to break away from her locked up heart.. and thanks to her, perhaps Sumin will have the heart to face Seju with their problems instead of always running away from it like she always used to.