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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So, I think it's best we don't talk about "moral responsibility"...because truthfully, I would say that given Kashiwa's situation, and the expectations and obligations it involves, the "moral" thing to be doing is quite different from the direction of the resolution the story gave to us. That too is understandable, though. In both cases, the "moral" thing is not what's being looked toward to give them happiness as human beings. It very often isn't, I think. what should be the so-called "moral" thing for Kashiwa to do? You're not clear on this point at all.

The "moral" thing would be to not transition, to put the huge amounts of money and effort that endeavor would take into assuring her younger sisters' future.

Well, from a narrative point of view that's a horrible choice, since it's basically doing the same thing that drove Botan away, only several degrees worse. Not to mention, Kashiwa takes care of that to some degree by leaving college and finding employment instead.

From a moral point of view, I personally find that position abhorrent, since it places finances ahead of a vulnerable person's mental health, plus putting them under much greater strain likely to lead to depression and possibly suicide (both happen a lot in the real world). There's no way she could be an effective support for her sisters other than as a money-making machine under those circumstances, so there's no way I could support a morality like that.

It's been established in the story that Kashiwa's dysphoria is pretty strong, especially towards the end. And, I imagine, the consequences of the "moral" option you suggest would be equally strong.

If that's morality, I want no part of it and question whether it's actually moral at all.

So as I say, I think it's fine that Kashiwa is not pursuing the "moral" choice, but the one that may lead to happiness - for Kashiwa at least. One of the greatest truisms that struck me with this manga is when Kasumi said, in effect, "Nobody significant to your life is ever really going to be pleased by what you're choosing to do."

Indeed, that actually takes power away from the so-called "moral" choice since it doesn't really improve matters very much. And, as argued earlier, just the opposite for Kashiwa and those who care for her well-being.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

You might be right, but it all depends upon who and what the person is willing to shoulder , each persons level of handling stress is different.
As for my brother , and it being a phase , I couldn't really know for sure as i have never brought it up after we moved from our parents home. I did figure he was content on being male now due to having kids and being married, but for all I know he could still have that desire deep down . I will say that he does let on by the way he dresses daily lol (very flamboyant) but that could just be my own thinking , I know he isn't gay because he has always liked women, so I do wonder sometimes.

Ah, that's about what I thought. From what you're saying, it seems like the perception that your brother is "satisfied" in a male role seems to be largely assumption on your part (it would be unfair to press them on the issue, though). The dressing, as you note, is very likely part of some compromise they made with themselves. It's unfortunate, but many of us do walk these kind of difficult paths. Often because the legal and social framework (see above about ID for instance) around us is extremely unfair and inflexible.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Edit 2: While nosing around trying to confirm that (which I failed to do), I came across the tidbit that a person cannot have their sex legally changed in Japan unless they are both unmarried and with no minor children. (Wait to have some children first? Well, she could still get the surgery, she would just have to remain legally male.)

Well heck, even in North America there are places (or at least had the requirement until very recently) that won't allow surgery for a married person unless they divorce first. That used to be one of the requirements in my part of Canada, but that's changed in recent years.

Heck, most Provinces, and from what I gather States as well, won't allow the birth certificate marker, from which most other ID derives, unless surgery was completed, and some don't even allow it with surgery. There are a couple of Provinces within the past year or two who have started doing such changes without surgery, but it's slow in coming.

Note that such things can make accessing services and passing background checks for jobs and living arrangements difficult. So it's an important issue. Even things like cross-border travel can be difficult or even dangerous if your presentation does not match your ID. I can't imagine it's any easier in Japan.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So, I think it's best we don't talk about "moral responsibility"...because truthfully, I would say that given Kashiwa's situation, and the expectations and obligations it involves, the "moral" thing to be doing is quite different from the direction of the resolution the story gave to us. That too is understandable, though. In both cases, the "moral" thing is not what's being looked toward to give them happiness as human beings. It very often isn't, I think. what should be the so-called "moral" thing for Kashiwa to do? You're not clear on this point at all.

I don't know about the moral thing , but if Kasumi wanted to have children then why not have them before Kashiwa transitions. Would this not satisfy having a biological child with the one you love . By the time Kashiwa saves up the money to have the surgery , they could have two or three kids , and in that time frame Kashiwa could further evaluate whether or not to continue to transition .


You think she 1) doesn't know for sure she wants to transition and hasn't thought hard about it despite her conviction in the last chapter, and 2) could somehow still afford to support two or three (or even one) child while also acting as primary support for her two sisters now that Botan's gone? Aside from which, she seemed very conflicted about having sex with her current genital configuration in the flashback so you're suggesting the "moral" thing to do is put herself through distress in several ways to make Kasumi happy. Indeed, I question whether even Kasumi would accept that as viable.

My little brother was like that , he wanted to be a girl , but once he had two children he somehow became satisfied with how he is, although he could have just decided to suppress his desire to be female . I will never know . I am sad to see this finish like this :(

I can't help but think these are very different situations. It also smacks heavily of "it's just a phase" which can be pretty awful.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I think this is the trailer that's gotten closest to that authentic 80's feel.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So, I think it's best we don't talk about "moral responsibility"...because truthfully, I would say that given Kashiwa's situation, and the expectations and obligations it involves, the "moral" thing to be doing is quite different from the direction of the resolution the story gave to us. That too is understandable, though. In both cases, the "moral" thing is not what's being looked toward to give them happiness as human beings. It very often isn't, I think. what should be the so-called "moral" thing for Kashiwa to do? You're not clear on this point at all.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What chapter is this series at so far? I love it, but it's been ages since the last update. Are there at least raws?

Please feel free to ask the above questions here

joined Jun 28, 2012

Anyone know if this is gonna be updated?

It's very likely that these fine individuals would have a better handle on that question than we would.

Nezchan Moderator
Image Comments 18 Feb 23:58
joined Jun 28, 2012

We will never see sempai's face, will we?

Nezchan Moderator
Stretch discussion 18 Feb 23:19
joined Jun 28, 2012

Like the a shark just under the water's surface, the yuri is there... lurking. :3

Does this mean you're more likely to die from yuri than getting struck by lightning?

No, it means she's more scared of you than you are if her.

God, sexuality is confusing, and possibly lives in the ocean. I'm trying to get to the bottom of this mystery, but I just keep getting more questions than answers.

Of course being a water creature, yuri may also be poisonous. Especially the Australian version.

Nezchan Moderator
Pregnant discussion 18 Feb 22:57
joined Jun 28, 2012

This tag makes me pause...

Nezchan Moderator
Stretch discussion 18 Feb 22:47
joined Jun 28, 2012

Like the a shark just under the water's surface, the yuri is there... lurking. :3

Does this mean you're more likely to die from yuri than getting struck by lightning?

No, it means she's more scared of you than you are if her.

Nezchan Moderator
Their Story discussion 18 Feb 20:39
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's a bit of an idealistic story, nevertheless cute. Nothing bad with a bit of guilty pleasure. I shall wait adamantly for the next translation.

Why would you consider this a guilty pleasure? Is there something wrong with lighthearted stories?

Nezchan Moderator
Stretch discussion 18 Feb 15:05
joined Jun 28, 2012

How common is it for... uh... friends... to sleep in the same bed like that? :p

I can't speak for others, but I shared a bed with quite a lot of friends and sometimes people I hardly knew, without sex, just because that was the situation: someone needs a place to sleep although I wish I had known the expression "friends with benefits" then.

Heh, many moons ago I was a member of the SCA, and it was common for people travelling to events in other areas to get crash space from the locals, leading to the then-Queen of the East to proclaim, "We reserve the right to one-sixth of our bed to ourselves."

Nezchan Moderator
Lily Love discussion 18 Feb 11:06
joined Jun 28, 2012

Tom are female ..act like man, dress like one, and likes only woman..but they dont call themself as lesbian(for us is the same thing)..I think western call these type of girls dykes?

Butch seems a bit closer to what you're describing, although the strict butch-femme dynamic isn't as common as it was a few decades ago when it was the norm.

And then there's stone butch, which takes it even further to the point where she doesn't want to receive any sexual attention and only give it, on top of the more masculine presentation. There's a pretty famous novel, Stone Butch Blues from back in the early 90's on the concept.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I remember reading Suicide Island a few years ago, and it had a lot about hunting, preparing and preserving deer meat.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Is it common to just throw away the blood? It could have been used to make black pudding.

Presumably it's related to getting the deer's body temperature down quickly to avoid spoilage. Remove the big heat carriers like the organs and blood right away. My guess is that this is the traditional way it was done before things like refrigeration.

Nezchan Moderator
Lily Love discussion 17 Feb 20:34
joined Jun 28, 2012

They have Fisherman's Friend cough drops all the way over there? I always thought they were just a North American thing.

Lol yeeeep, they have, we south east asia countries have many cough drops imported from America =))

A brisk international trade in cough drops, indeed.

Well they're a good choice, I've always found them effective and not too sweet like say, Halls.

Nezchan Moderator
Lily Love discussion 17 Feb 19:00
joined Jun 28, 2012

They have Fisherman's Friend cough drops all the way over there? I always thought they were just a North American thing.

Nezchan Moderator
Stretch discussion 17 Feb 15:51
joined Jun 28, 2012

Image isn't too big, but three times is kind of pushing it I think.

joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm familiar with salmon grilled on cedar, but not whitefish.

Don't imagine vampires would have much issue with cedar, though. Although celestials eating animal flesh seems a bit iffy, if they don't go by the medieval European idea that fish weren't animals because they don't sleep (thus fish were okay on fast days, giving rise to the fish on Friday tradition).

joined Jun 28, 2012

i love how enthusiastic the vampires are.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It's already in chapter 10. When will we see in English? Because I really don't understand neither Japanese/Chinese nor Vietnamese.
Here is Vietnamese version :

Here and/or here are places you can ask that question more effectively.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012


Omg. This was adorable. I think Jin went all "Fuck it. I'll let them have something drama free for once...

I think you might find just the tiniest bit of fluff in there. Haha, I'm just kidding. Jin is all drama, all the time! How silly of me.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Am I the only one here who would NEVER read futanari, and when I did (accidentally) destroyed all proofs? I mean when I am enjoying seeing two girls having sex, the last thing I want to see is a dick.

Never is a bit strong, but it is kind of rare for me. Happy Cherry 2 and Celtrace's KonaKaga stuff is my main exceptions. I've found little futa beyond those that appeals to me.