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joined Jan 6, 2017

Tsubaki and Nono are now canon! Ah, but now Omi's left on her lonesome, who will be her partner?

Possibly Koume. Or more likely money

last edited at Jul 17, 2021 7:59AM

Image Comments 17 Jul 07:20
joined Jan 6, 2017

You fool Ina, now she's can ground pound her stepmum! (and her mum approves)

Image Comments 16 Jul 21:02
joined Jan 6, 2017

Just a girl and her grandpas

joined Jan 6, 2017

Speaking of IRyS, anyone else get an uncanny feeling from her avatar? Something about the way she moves just creeps me out a little bit.

Image Comments 12 Jul 20:51
joined Jan 6, 2017
Image Comments 12 Jul 20:49
joined Jan 6, 2017

TMT Towa maji Tachi?!?!?!

Image Comments 10 Jul 08:36
joined Jan 6, 2017

Think they meant when after DDLC+

joined Jan 6, 2017

IMO the most distracting thing about this premise is that she traveled to the past and decides to work part-time at a coffee shop for money. Girl, you even have a working smartphone (somehow), Google some sports results or something, and kick back.

How could she google sports results? The phone is connected to the internet (somehow), not the future. That's why her phone said it's July 25th 2011 when she googled "today's date" in chapter 1

joined Jan 6, 2017

Some of the best historical examples of minimal armour were Celts, as certain individuals would show their bravery by going to battle with little to no clothing whatsoever - just a sword or spear and a shield.

Fun fact, Celts were the people who (probably) invented mail (somewhere around the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE). The Romans were introduced to it during the Gallic wars which lead to the invention of lorica hamata which was used up to the 4th century CE
But yeah, most Celts had light or no armour when going to battle. Mail was not that common among them, possibly because of cost, and not much other armour has been found either.

joined Jan 6, 2017

I'm done conversing with DY4Y, who has shown their true colors of being pointlessly pedantic, but "Me And A Legendary Witch" is still wrong.

I guess "pointlessly pedantic" is true enough, but I do honestly think that understanding that grammar is subjective matters. Or more specifically, understanding that Standard English is no more correct than any other given dialect

last edited at Jul 1, 2021 7:58AM

joined Jan 6, 2017

There are definitely people who say it, but they're wrong. It's not a dialect thing. No one would ever say "Me formed the ultimate tag team." "Me and [ ]" should never be used for the title of a professional work, whether coming from the actual author or from a group of fan translators.

This is the place to argue it because it's the chosen title of this manga.

Well, I'll try to keep this brief since this comment has nothing to do with the manga itself. If you want to reply please do it on Dynasty Café

So, what you're arguing for is prescriptivism, establishing rules regarding the "correct" use of a language, but that's not how language actually works. Prescriptive language tends to take one dialect and uses it as a basis for how the language ought to be, because of this it's usually older than modern dialects and tends to ignore developments that happen in the spoken language. Hence why prescriptivist grammar is always playing catch up with native speakers.

What I'm arguing for is descriptivism. That is, observing and describing how language works in the real world.
While "me" is an object pronoun and "I" is the subject pronoun, "me and [ ]" is used as a subject pronoun by a bunch of native speakers which means that this "mistake" has caught on and thus become a valid form of speech. And because descriptivism point out how language actually works, it leads to the fact that there is no such thing as "proper English" as all forms of English are just as proper

There is, however, a dialect called "standard English" (actually there's a bunch but whatever). This is the prescribed form of the language that is usually used in writing and commonly in professional speech as well. This is what you meant when you say "proper" and I merely pointed out that so called "proper English" is just another dialect and just as correct as Cockney, Yorkshire, AAVE, Babu, Kenyan, or any other form that any given native speaker might speak.

joined Jan 6, 2017

"Me and a legendary witch" isn't proper English.

There's no such thing as proper English

This statement is an oxymoron. If it's true, it can't possibly mean anything concrete, because without proper English, there's no proper way to interpret it. But then if that were the case, I wouldn't be able to reason that to begin with because I never interpreted it in the first place.

I interpreted it, so it's wrong, and thus my statement stands. "Me and a legendary witch" isn't proper English.

I'm willing to bet you're just trying to be funny by pointing out that English has a lot of inconsistencies, and you're correct on that, but that doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't use it in the established way.

There are a bunch of dialects that use "me and [ ]" interchangeably with "[ ] and I" and thus "me and [ ]" is correct. There is no "proper" English, only a bunch of different dialects and all of them are equally correct.
Anyway, this isn't the place to argue prescriptive vs descriptive grammar so I'll just drop it

joined Jan 6, 2017

"Me and a legendary witch" isn't proper English.

There's no such thing as proper English

joined Jan 6, 2017

I guess WakanaxYuina ship is sinking? That's too bad :/

I can still see it sailing

some ideas:
1. Wakana finds and confesses to Sara, Sara rejects her (already dating, straight, or whatever), and Yuina ends up comforting Wakana which leads to Wakana falling for her
2. Wakana finds Sara and realises that she's no longer into her and she was just seeking a resolution. Then she ends up shifting her gaze just a bit
3. Yuina is actually Sara somehow. The least likely, but still a fun idea I think

There's also a much darker, sadder option 4., I guess, but I'm just gonna leave it at this implication rather than mention what it is, because it's probably my least favourite idea of how WakanaxYuina might still sail in the future.

or you could tell us.

joined Jan 6, 2017

I guess WakanaxYuina ship is sinking? That's too bad :/

I can still see it sailing

some ideas:
1. Wakana finds and confesses to Sara, Sara rejects her (already dating, straight, or whatever), and Yuina ends up comforting Wakana which leads to Wakana falling for her
2. Wakana finds Sara and realises that she's no longer into her and she was just seeking a resolution. Then she ends up shifting her gaze just a bit
3. Yuina is actually Sara somehow. The least likely, but still a fun idea I think

joined Jan 6, 2017

Chapter 11 did very little other than to set-up a cliff-hanger. There was not enough story for more than thirty pages.

Well, it's just following the novel exactly, this is just what happened in it.

Since the mode of story-telling is different, a one-to-one chapter adaptation would be unlikely to be the best telling in the adaptation, even on the assumption that the original had used each chapter wisely.

In the web novel the two fights (Seine vs Yuu and Rod vs Misha) were separate "chapters" which means that the manga is actually faster paced thanks to it being visual instead.
(well, technically they're not chapters but it's the only term I can think of. All the fights are actually just separate parts of chapter 2)

joined Jan 6, 2017

The curse of read novel: every time they refer to Yuu, -2 damage

I can’t wait to see the maid cafe as well as Yuu’s arc

Yeeeeees, I forgot about that part but it was so good

joined Jan 6, 2017

The curse of read novel: every time they refer to Yuu, -2 damage

Image Comments 22 Jun 05:20
joined Jan 6, 2017

Rei's expression looks really off.

Image Comments 21 Jun 06:50
joined Jan 6, 2017

^Just at a glance Sunshine episode 10 seemed gayer to me but since I don't have the full context I can't say for sure (i.e. I don't know how much these two were set up as a ship nor do I know how this was followed up on. Sunshine had some set up for the ship but 0 follow up which diminishes the gay factor significantly)
Either way it's certainly gayer than SIP.

last edited at Jun 21, 2021 6:50AM

Image Comments 21 Jun 06:02
joined Jan 6, 2017

@Perlen297 Really? I dropped it after episode 5, when does the gay happen? Sunshine S1 is way gayer than anything I saw in it

joined Jan 6, 2017

Yuu just looking at them on page 14 was cute as hell. Wish more poly stuff had scenes like that (not just lewd either)

Hope this gets a sequel

joined Jan 6, 2017

theres two directions this could end up going in,,, im hoping her #2 comment means well get the poly one

Iwami Kiyoko did also do Luminous=Blue so poly is at the very least a possibility

joined Jan 6, 2017

Why is this mistagged with pay for gay? That's completely wrong. All the girls here are gay as fuck, without any exchange of money.

"Pay for gay" as in "pay so you get to do gay things"