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joined Oct 24, 2023

I find myself overly-concerned with the question of the mechanics of what happened to Aya in high school (much more concerned than the story seem to be, at least at this point).

Aya is a middle schooler. She is 14.

But as others have suggested, the fact that the society as a whole just blandly accepts that a girl disappeared for seven years then reappeared apparently unaged and with no memory of the intervening time is a bit hard to fathom. (If this were a Yoshitomi Akihito story I could imagine scenes of Aya—scantily clad and barefoot, no doubt—laid out on a lab table with scientists in white coats bustling around her.)

Because no one would really believe her time traveling, except the one already knew her seven years ago. There's a lot of people actually don't look like their age especially in Asia.

joined Oct 24, 2023

Did Aya inherit anything from her dead relative? Even if she had, the state probably took it since she was presumed dead.
Were there no other relatives?
Is she economically dependent on Koto?
Who's her legal guardian?

1、2:don't know.

3:Yes, Koto seems to buy everything she needs.

4:Aya is 21 in law now so the legal guardian is out of the question.

joined Oct 24, 2023

This chapter (5) is so insane.
Koto obviously assumed aya had died seven years ago. She's so sure aya wouldn't come back.
And koto did want to move on, want to bury those old memories. She just couldn't stop missing the girl who once took up all of her mind.
To me, the love they shared is not even.
Aya did reciprocate Koto's feelings, but
apparently not that much.
That's why l think aya still holds the cards in this relationship while it looks like the table has turned around now.

last edited at Dec 20, 2023 9:45PM

joined Oct 24, 2023

Damn, the last chapter... Anyone here have read the latest released chapter? Or anyone knows where it is possible to discussed raw chapter? I'd be curious to know if there are some good Japanese Yuri forums.

Yes, l have read the last chapter but please don't spoiler here. And as far as I know, there's no Japanese Yuri forums discussing this manga now (but they did have mentioned it several times). You can go to X to find some reviews about this chapter.

Yeah, I wouldn't spoil anything without blacking it out in the first place.

I don't care much about reviews, I'm more interested into discussing it, but thanks, it'll take a look at Twitter (still can't say X ...).

I mean I wouldn’t mind some spoilers.

I do mind if spoilers are posted here, whether they're blacked out or not.

And I'm the translator.

Thanks for the translation, but there's some pictures missing of this updated should be 36 pictures but there only 32.

joined Oct 24, 2023

Damn, the last chapter... Anyone here have read the latest released chapter? Or anyone knows where it is possible to discussed raw chapter? I'd be curious to know if there are some good Japanese Yuri forums.

Yes, l have read the last chapter but please don't spoiler here. And as far as I know, there's no Japanese Yuri forums discussing this manga now (but they did have mentioned it several times). You can go to X to find some reviews about this chapter.

Yeah, I wouldn't spoil anything without blacking it out in the first place.

I don't care much about reviews, I'm more interested into discussing it, but thanks, it'll take a look at Twitter (still can't say X ...).

I mean I wouldn’t mind some spoilers.

I do mind if spoilers are posted here, whether they're blacked out or not.

And I'm the translator.

Well good that your the translator and not king then.

Yes, it's not like he is a king or what. But please give some respects to the translator who really puts a great effort on this subject. After all, I love his translation of the work.

joined Oct 24, 2023

Damn, the last chapter... Anyone here have read the latest released chapter? Or anyone knows where it is possible to discussed raw chapter? I'd be curious to know if there are some good Japanese Yuri forums.

Yes, l have read the last chapter but please don't spoiler here. And as far as I know, there's no Japanese Yuri forums discussing this manga now (but they did have mentioned it several times). You can go to X to find some reviews about this chapter.

joined Oct 24, 2023

All that is an assumption. We don't know anything about Koto yet. Is she traumatized or simply moved on. It's not clear yet.

*Chapters demonstrating Koto being devastated after Aya’s disappearance and Erika suggesting she hasn’t been the same.
*You (in the same breath): “Why is everyone saying Koto has trauma!? Sure she got fucked up by what happened…”

Also this ain’t a competition on who’s the protagonist lol.

Who says it's competition. My point is that the one we know the most about is Aya. We mostly see things from her point of view and she's the only one who has some of her past revealed to some extent. Unlike Koto and Erika, who are a total mystery and we know very little about, we know much more about Aya. That's what the story is primarily about. Which is interesting, because some people thought Aya would just be a plot device to get Koto and Erika together, but so far it has been nothing like that. If anything, Koto and Erika are the plot devices to explore Aya's feelings.

And just so you know but I've read up to chapter 7 too.

You keep on saying that “nothing has been revealed” about Koto and Erika despite a ton of things being indirectly revealed. If you’ve read up to chapter 7 but can’t pick up on any of it then maybe you’re not very good at reading in-between the lines. As for their respective pasts, sometimes they come from happy families and it’s not relevant (as has been suggested for Erika). Just because there was a glimpse of Aya’s mom leaving her doesn’t mean a ton about Aya’s own past has been revealed. And sure we “know” the most about Aya because the story is told from her perspective and she doesn’t have a 7 year blank page to fill in, but that’s obvious. Not sure why that’s relevant to discussions of other characters and a need from you to clarify who the “protagonist” is.

About koto.
I don't think abandonment trauma can explain all of her change. It's obvious a bigger trauma involved.
She knew aya would never leave her like that. She must assumed aya had been murdered seven years ago, knowing there's no possibility she could see her again. That's the reason she was so devastated back then. It's too cruel for anyone who has to suffer such a thing despite their age.

But still, her fucking a middle school girl's mind makes me really want to slap her.