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joined Aug 2, 2023

^ Be gay, do crime! You can do it!

joined Aug 2, 2023

It's a terrible day for rain...

joined Aug 2, 2023

Tbh they could have just called it "A Gyaru who is annoying to Otakus" and I would have read it, no Mahou Shoujo needed. But this is even better and already too short.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Having children exhibit adult interests at a very young age is usually a ... troubling sign. I hope we don't go down that alley.

And since this is apparently now my schtick:

Am I the only person who thinks that Azuki san is earning big from Yakou san?
100,000 yen is like 600+USD.
That's a lot of money , to make a figurine of Yakou san.
Unless she's asking Azuki san to create a size as big as her...

Kitbashing is an insanely expensive hobby that makes me glad I collect knives and trading cards instead. Look at stuff on Etsy, Ebay, etc. to get a feel; most of those start at 200 bucks with hardly a cost ceiling. Azuki is right with this being a professional's price, but not more, especially if she wants "extra detail".

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ Indeed, it's a case of people incorrectly shortening a term (caffè latte) in order to confuse future linguists. Rightside of the pond, we also have good ol' Chai Latte.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Since "latte" means milk, this feels somewhat redundant.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Elizabeth's acting like she didn't do the same a moment ago.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Not a manga, but I'm grasping at straws here. I'm 95% certain it was on WEBTOON Canvas, and released pre-2021.

Romance between the leader of some futuristic research station that was holding some phoenix girl captive inside of what I think is VR. Decent art and probably discontinued. Only other thing I remember is two background girls kissing the the corridor when they hear the MC come, scrambling to put on their gasmasks/helmets in order to salute her.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Also, asexual people can still enjoy or think about sexual or sensual things guys, even kink. It's a spectrum and the author idk has come out officially as anything. But i do appreciate their past ace rep and hope this new series takes off. I've been looking forward to it, thank you translators and uploaders!!!

Exactly. It's perfectly possible that ace people fantasize if not obsess about a "fetish" without necessarily having to be into the whole "undulating flesh exuding viscous secretions" body horror sex thingy.

The dumbest thing that doesn't matter that I noticed on reread - you could say it's hindsight, but really - isn't it a better plan to just take your stupid figurine away during working hours at some opportune moment, instead of sneaking in when it's not your shift looking like the most suspicious person ever, and having to escape when someone approaches? :P No one would give a second thought about a stupid doll that's missing from a lost and found box (hell, Yakou would be probably happy that she doesn't have to resist licking it lol), they would probably assume that the owner already collected it when it was someone else's shift.

Have you ever seen a trans or GNC person buy their first set of affirming clothes? If anything this is a rather realistic depiction of the irrational paranoia you can develop when afraid to be "found out".

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ Yup. When mine do that I always know it's time to roll up the carpets so I don't have to clean them later.

joined Aug 2, 2023

This is surprising from Usui Shio lol, everything else I've read from them has been pretty asexual so I kinda assumed they had no interest in writing about that at all. What a jump.

Azuki's first sexual experience that wasbranded "disgusting", and evidently traumatized her. Yakou doesn't look at her or other girls that way. That's pretty ace if you ask me.

(Also: eww, unhygienic. Don't slobber up the Lost+Found unwashed, girl.)

joined Aug 2, 2023

...but the sound is going to be terrible without any speaker boxes...

I agree, she's good with mix-and-matching her outfits. Sadly, the intersection of things I love and things I need for day-to-day function as an adult is slim.

joined Aug 2, 2023

^^ According to calculations, Akyuu is going to die somewhen around this month, apparently.

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ Yes and no. As many things it bears the risk of one, but the yeast used in winemaking and those that infect humans are different kinds, so there is no elevated risk.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I'm curious what Junko's up to

Dating 20-year-old kids

I'm less bothered by the age gap than that she brags by showing their private messenger conversations. Like, besides risking a lethal dose of second-hand emberassment to her friends, it's also intrusive and a massive breach of trust.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Since even males can lactate, it has little to do with "MILFness".

Guess you're right, looks like you can use most rennets as coagulant (albeit with inferior results). Not sure whether it's worth breeding microbes (hundreds of lab hours) or folding the enzyme yourself (massive distributed computing project, BoobCheese@Home).

joined Aug 2, 2023

^^ However it's not just about fat content. Each species' milk requires it's own rennet, and since humans are not ruminant, I'm not sure there is any way to get some for study even if you were to ignore the, uh, implications of harvesting it. Yet you could probably make whey cheese.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Gee folks, thanks to you I spend too much time wondering whether human milk could be fermented into cheese... Pushing that thought aside, it's great to see that Ro_G is back at the yuri; last I remember they had to caugh up with some really ... weird commissions.

last edited at Aug 11, 2024 4:42PM

joined Aug 2, 2023

Somebody please write a witty comment for me because my brain is to busy sqealing at vampire yuri.

joined Aug 2, 2023

This is good. Very good in fact. Some might call it perfect.

joined Aug 2, 2023

But who appraises the appraisers (and are they dating)?

Yet sadly I have to side with 1st Class here. Handholding (even outright hugging and kissing) mustn't mean romantic attraction, depending on the cultural context.

The true yuri is hallucinating an entire dramatic love story after spotting two women giggling together on the bus.


joined Aug 2, 2023

Hey, a non-angsty MariAlice story!

I can't exactly tell her... That I'm feeling unsafe being with her...

Nevermind then.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Emo not pulling every girl? Unimaginable!
Also, GRS- ist still just below achieving a supermajority in Not yuri at 46%. Keep trying!

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ Bold of you to assume there is just the one we see here.

Frostbite discussion 01 Aug 14:33
joined Aug 2, 2023

This bitch really has the nerves to tell the mc to get marry also and pretending to care about her kid now after wasting 6 years. Like bitch you deserve to get slap harder and multiple times in front of everyone, lmao.
Also Mc piss me off. She should've at least gotten some of her money back and left her broke. Instead of being "understanding" Her having mother issue really fucked her up good.

I agree. Not a story I particularly enjoyed, but one definitely worth telling, if you get what I mean.

Also, "It only takes one day to die by my hand. It'll take sixty years to die in this place." is cold af.

It's what now? How the hell is a single-income lower-middle-class household supposed to save up that kind of dough in 6 years?! (Or, really, any dough at all) I guess things are different in China from North America?
(that said, the details of what the amount, um, amounts to are appreciated)

Not really. The chinese economy is experiencing a downturn into stagnation right now, with youth unemployment skyrocketing, a housing bubble that just burst (I vividly remember a photo of a whole city of half-build high-rise skeletons, abandoned mid-construction at the world press photo exhibit), a completely botched pandemic response, trade wars with all important nations besides Russia (which is basically a colony of theirs by now anyway) and an overall disfavourable demography. So things aren't going exactly splendid over there.

Perhaps I miscalculated; this was about the amount I of money I got in total over three years of my stipend in university (plus free rent for a dorm room) and I remember it as something you can get by on if frugal. Setting such amounts aside over the course of double the time with an actual job didn't seem far-fetched.

last edited at Aug 1, 2024 2:42PM