Ok, imagine you're that woman Kara, you're going to your work as any other day like the standard person you are, you see a girl on the street who looks hurt, you'll probably go see if she's ok right? but then the girl starts saying that she's a rArE mUtAtIoN oF vAmPiRe, and then you believe her...
...GIRL??? nO
Call an ambulance, she's probably crazy or just a really edgy teenager, no one would ever think she was telling the truth, but the character goes like "iS tHaT tRuE?" she says "yes" and then "Oh, ok fine"? I understand, she just woke up, probably a lil groggy, but believe, i wouldn't ask if that's true, i'd ask if she's ok.
The thing is: Is she actually telling the truth? Yes, she is. But before she proves it, she's just crazy for everyones' eyes.
It bothered me because it was just unrealistic. And if the character really is not the type that would freak out about that, it could at least show it for everyone to understand on page 1.
And then, and then the girl just- just fucking sMILES and she says "Oh I lOvE hEr" oh give me a break, if i wanted to see unrealistic things like that i'd watch Disney's golden era movies.
I understand that ppl likes stories like this, believe me, i'm one of those ppl, but... when it's at least a little realistic.
I'll come back in the future to check out and see if that character is actually just weird overall.
(I actually LOVE Neji's other stories, "Like a Snowfall in Spring" was just so beautiful and "Vacation Maou to Pet" was funny and had nice characters, but this one... idk)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yuri manga is not the best place to look for realism.