I've wondered that for a while. It's at a point where it could go for a long while more or end after this volume. Lots of possibilities. She's set things up to give herself a bunch of creative freedom now and there are clear directions it could go. It's at a reset point. I wouldn't be surprised if it continues beyond their graduations, based on the discussions they had a few chapters ago.
And i personally maintain that it would be for the better if it end soon. We somehow end up on a decently high note on that long drama-full arc and i don't need another arc with more dramas.
I think this chapter is a very good closure for Aki/Shiho and we just need a good closure on Hima/Yori and i think it could be a good way to end. Everyone got their happy end. let's be honest, you can only go so far in this kind of manga with fluff because of how drama-fueled the plot is.
OK it's popular but sometime it's good to not go too far.