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joined Mar 25, 2015

Ah, its the start of something beautiful.

Yeah, a prison sentence because they murdered Sayaka.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Now in keeping with the idiot couple tag, I want the "how do we explain we're gay" story arc to happen, but from Mom's PoV where she realizes "oh my god do they think I don't KNOW?"

joined Mar 25, 2015

5 students left out
Forced into pairs

Well, there's always the teacher

It still feels like a failure on the faculty's part to fail to have an even number; honestly the class size was probably fine but then they demanded to get the protagonist into the class and ended up with an odd number...

joined Mar 25, 2015

I think it wasn't a deliberate ploy and her reaction in the last panel is more of a "wait, I was JOKING. I didn't expect you to actually act on this"

joined Mar 25, 2015

So the commonly cited example of "you replace all the cells in your body roughly every 7 years" is only sorta accurate; there's a few exceptions to that that make it a poor example of the Ship of Theseus. Some of your nerve cells (like, in your brain) don't actually get replaced very often, if at all. Women don't produce more ova over the course of their life, so until menopause, those are a static set of cells that aren't replaced over time.

You could argue that the component molecules in those cells are being replaced as natural processes occur, but it is not infeasible that a few of the component molecules in your body (like, say, the DNA in your nerve cells), could survive from the moment of birth/conception/whatever until the point where you die.

joined Mar 25, 2015

And now, Puchibeya.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Certainly, Speranza was intended to make the journey outside eventually, but she's still very young. I don't think Mama was hiding the air filter so much as she didn't want Speranza to use it doing something stupid without information beforehand, since she's their one shot at fixing this mess.

joined Mar 25, 2015

man these idiot couples T-T
Poor Hinori being the thirdwheel between them. I hope author will give you a gf unless ??

Call me crazy, but I think it would be even funnier if she was the only straight one surrounded by lesbians who are failing to arrange themselves into a functional configuration of couples.

joined Mar 25, 2015

First time I don't agree with her creator, they need to go on a date already, and maybe also have a pity threesome, this is getting too sad.

I mean, the major obstacle to that is surprisingly Nadeshiko. She both proposed and then immediately shot down the idea.

...granted, I wonder if her tune would change if she was registered and had something in her mind to reassure her Akane isn't going anywhere...

joined Mar 25, 2015

I can't help but notice they stopped whispering at some point. Considering how deathly quiet that computer lab is, I'm reasonably people heard the tail end of that conversation.

joined Mar 25, 2015

That was wonderful. Great at humor, great at drama. From everything I saw, I think it was the best and only work that depicted developing feelings between a teenager and an adult in a non grooming way. I was hoping twenty five twenty two would do that too, but it didn't. Thank you to everyone involved in the translation/edition of this. So was 'Sunflower' a real nickname or they just used so we could identify the characters??

Yes, miss sunflower was the nickname of Shiori AND the last owner of the store- everybody called her it for the entire series. The last 2 women to own the store both became known that because the book store is called 'the sunflower bookery'. It makes sense all the customers who don't know their first names would come to call them 'miss sunflower' and then that nickname would spread to their friends.

I got the impression that before the two women who owned the store, that the late Miss Sunflower's grandfather might have been the OG "Mr. Sunflower" before them, as the sole proprietor of the Sunflower Bookery in the period after his wife presumably passed away, and Miss Sunflower taking over for him. Or perhaps his wife was the "Miss Sunflower" based on the fact that she seems to be the original owner of that duster.

last edited at Oct 31, 2022 4:50PM

joined Mar 25, 2015

I can't believe Nadeshiko both floated and sank the idea of polyamory in the space of like 30 seconds.

Maybe if she gets to know Jun better she'll get over her jealous streak?

joined Mar 25, 2015

I imagine that their relationship with their friends is defined by the friends being like "Seriously, stop pretending we don't know you're an item, it's kind of an insult to our intelligence."

joined Mar 25, 2015

Appreciate the effort, Wing-mom, but I think you've overestimated your daughter on the first(?) date.

joined Mar 25, 2015

I seriously need NSFW extras. I'm rolling in my bed imagining Misumi would be the top and Ai be the bottom, reverse is good too. Or some wholesome mixed with tongue-rolling kisses is good too.

Well, now that the extras are here, it looks like you were 100% correct.

joined Mar 25, 2015

tfw you're on your 40th try of fighting that one fucking boss™️, somehow still enjoying yourself

I think it's super cool and new to have the natural genius character deliberately be attracted to something she's not good at in order to experience failure and difficulty. She's seeking out the experience of getting to iterate and improve instead of just...getting it right on the first go.

joined Mar 25, 2015

I think the yandere is beginning to kick in

Yeah, have we considered the Bad End ending?

joined Mar 25, 2015

Odd that Yamada continues to appear flustered whenever there's a chance for intimacy. A bath? These two have had sex multiple times already

She also was NOT expecting there to only be a single bed, and clearly hadn't thought this far ahead. She clearly wasn't objecting to the idea of sex, but this was definitely the first point she'd realized it was probably like a few minutes.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Honestly on the grand scale of bittersweet, I wouldn't say this is all that bad; Heath always knew that she was going to outlive Lilly, and it seems like she managed to find something to keep herself going until she finally reached the end of her natural lifespan. It's certainly sad for Iris, but life goes on.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Oh jeez, a soul-crushing job. She shoulda taken it and toughen up just like everyone else.

I think you need to rethink your phrasing there cause that's the exact kind of line people throw at people who suffer from genuine mental health issues along with such stupidity as "It's all in your head" and "Just get over it".

There's the added issue that in Japan, you are NOT expected to change your career except under very extreme circumstances. There's a huge cultural stigma to changing your job; the vast majority of people get hired by a company and then work there until they retire/become a housewife/die. If Neeko takes that job and it's as awful as that interview was...that's it. Neeko's life is now being yelled at by older men until those older men retire.

joined Mar 25, 2015

This was nice but I don't get how the title makes sense, it made me think of a completely different plotline :P

Well, obviously it was referring to Onii-san's remarkable efficiency!

joined Mar 25, 2015

Yeah the little things like having a real estate agent who will properly consider your needs is such a big relief, and telling all your friends who have trouble with other real estate agents about the one good dude you found is such a mood.

The thing is, that real estate agent is presumably benefiting from being open minded about things...because the author is actively getting him clients now. He's engendered good will from a community that talks to each other, and shockingly, homosexual people need houses!

joined Mar 25, 2015

3 is not even a swim suit. get that shit out of here

You're right; we should all vote for it to make the Demon King suffer.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Intimate things like watching each other on the toilet

Yeah, that's normal.

joined Mar 25, 2015

Her deepest secret would be that she got married to Lil witch as a means to an end

I feel like it'll be a combination of that and her finally admitting to herself that she does in fact now love her deeply.

And then the dragon says "yeah, I've heard that a million times now. Everyone tries that for some reason."